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Weed Wars: New show on Discovery

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
I feel for Jayden and his Dad. Hard to watch that kid seizing. I hope that the motives for having that kid on were genuine, and not a way to exploit him for Harborside's gain. If genuine, Andrew has gone up a notch in my book.

The business is in need of some serious legal and professional expertise.

The amount of money that flows through that place, there is no reason why they should not have the capital to buy some quality consulting. They do not have to "hire" anybody.

The best thing Luigi can do for Harborside, is leave.
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lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
i dunno man..........its a TV show, if anything its gettin a message out to alot of people that dont have a clue on MJ, i just wish the guys that run the place would chill on the on screen token. just doesnt look real professional, token up, chowin down on edibles and jumpin in the car.

and wheres the sex???no movie or TV show is gonna last without some sexual content:D

In my opinion....the 2nd show...was very good.....got the message out there.....and I hope they continue on the progress of the 4 yr old and his dad....that was very hard to watch....

As far as the harborside group goes.....they are on a mission....and I stand and clap for them.....

I wil continue to watch.


i only saw a little... that spider mite infestation was... advanced.

sure let that go too long! was that his first exposure to mites?

anyway. nice to hear the kid got help with the seizures...


A lot of your guys are being way too rough on this show. Yeah, the guys are weirdoes, and yeah there are probably others who would represent the canna business better... but we finally have a show that's from our perspective and our side only. If anything is going to sway the opinions of average americans who don't smoke and couldn't care much one way or another, it's seeing that kid stop having seizures last night...

I wonder if any moonshine forums are getting lit up right now with posts complaining about those redneck guys in overalls... It's reality tv, what do you honestly expect?

Smoke Buddy

I liked the second episode much more than the first. It is a reality show but I think they dont have to stretch too far to inject drama as there is plenty of "real" drama in their lives at the moment, from the IRS to the DOJ to the city. I was glad to see the tincture help the kid... that alone was the single most controversial yet moving part of the show. If non smoking, uninformed, reefer madness induced haters see that, a certain percentage will indeed begin to change their minds. How can they not? Cannabis really is medicine.. its actually true and the more this show focuses on the percentage of patients that are indeed in dire conditions, the better it will be for the movement.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Yea I really think they need to chill with the smoking on air. I totally support this, but like clearbarded said, most people who see that who are not smokers probably will not take them seriously for that reason. I hate saying that, but it is a reality.



Active member
if that is how you feel about these guys, imagine how the rest of them are.... or were...

i do think its funny that so many of you guys are here shit talking these guys as if you have done, or are doing better then them.......... i know your shit talking type, and i dont like you....

That you would defend this collection of misfits, that need to be high to work, walk, talk, sit or just get through the day under the guise it is a medical condition speaks more about you then me.

Life is not a medical condition.

I don't care if they get high. Just don't tell me life is a medical condition.

These guys are as phony as they come. That they duped you into thinking they are fighting the good fight is pathetic.

There are many uses for medical mj. Giving a speech is not one of them. It's about the money to these clowns, contrary to what you want to believe.

I'd have more respect for all of these clowns if they would just come out and say that they like to be high all of the time....


ICMag Donor
It was GREAT to see how mmj helped that little boy!! The dad saying "the last 4 days have been the best in 4 YEARS!! How can you not want that for ANYONE that needs help!! There is a member that comes in to get the hard candy we sell,his daughter has severe Cerebral Palsy, he dilutes a little in some water and his daughter stops beating her head against the wall and is able to relax enough to sleep restfully. He pretty much breaks down every time he comes in thanking us for being here to help his daughter!! I enjoyed the show, I wish some of the mj haters out there are watching it and seeing how it changes so many lives for the better.


Active member
all it needs now is snookie LOL.its ok show. i am glad they showed some real patients like that kid. i believe the show is doing more good than bad. but i dont like the harborside crew much at all and i know their true motives


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Anyone who thinks these ppl are nuts should perhaps watch Saint Misbehavin.


Jon is one of our best growers...

... oh shit! that's a lotta spidermites jon!

lol just playin. i enjoyed the second show more than the first.

Hope Jon has found time to get into the garden to check on things LOL.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
i only saw a little... that spider mite infestation was... advanced.

sure let that go too long! was that his first exposure to mites?

anyway. nice to hear the kid got help with the seizures...

on the first show he was called the worlds greatest grower, now he has a huge spidermite infestation.

going into Terren's garden and allowing Terren's in his probably caused his bug issues...

A lot of your guys are being way too rough on this show. Yeah, the guys are weirdoes, and yeah there are probably others who would represent the canna business better... but we finally have a show that's from our perspective and our side only. If anything is going to sway the opinions of average americans who don't smoke and couldn't care much one way or another, it's seeing that kid stop having seizures last night...

I wonder if any moonshine forums are getting lit up right now with posts complaining about those redneck guys in overalls... It's reality tv, what do you honestly expect?

they have a moonshiner forum? :D

I liked the second episode much more than the first. It is a reality show but I think they dont have to stretch too far to inject drama as there is plenty of "real" drama in their lives at the moment, from the IRS to the DOJ to the city. I was glad to see the tincture help the kid... that alone was the single most controversial yet moving part of the show. If non smoking, uninformed, reefer madness induced haters see that, a certain percentage will indeed begin to change their minds. How can they not? Cannabis really is medicine.. its actually true and the more this show focuses on the percentage of patients that are indeed in dire conditions, the better it will be for the movement.

i would love for discovery to focus some more on patients. that's what the movement needs...

It was GREAT to see how mmj helped that little boy!! The dad saying "the last 4 days have been the best in 4 YEARS!! How can you not want that for ANYONE that needs help!! There is a member that comes in to get the hard candy we sell,his daughter has severe Cerebral Palsy, he dilutes a little in some water and his daughter stops beating her head against the wall and is able to relax enough to sleep restfully. He pretty much breaks down every time he comes in thanking us for being here to help his daughter!! I enjoyed the show, I wish some of the mj haters out there are watching it and seeing how it changes so many lives for the better.

bless you Mrs. Babba for helping those that truly need the meds... :respect:


Bent Member
Couple things that bother me about the 2nd episode.

1st. Clean Green, Clean Green is a program mostly in the Bay area that supposedly require strict and frequent inspections and other requirements along with a very expensive fee(ten of thousands). They market it on specific product with a special sticker. Now in the episode they said the Jon was clean green certified. WTF? the nail in the coffin as far as me believing any thing with them or their program isn't a scam.

2. for anyone going into HS for cuts the dude you see showing Jon the ropes, the dude with the glasses- justin. This dude is the only real dude with real talk about what they're selling. all other will BS till their teeth fall out and display absolute confidence. Justin will tell you the truth, justin knows his shite and will tell you when he doesnt. He has save me many a time when i saw a cut labeled something I was after. hes looked me in the eyes and said Dont. and always will say well I know Jeremy got that from a real OG ( meaning the cuts legit from a legit source).

3. The team dinner same bullshit different group of people. Those attending the dinner where the 1%ers of HS all back office or MGMT position. It's a non Profit, come on - they're ALL exposed to the same risk and many for less then a fair wage. when the FED take clubs down the front people catch cases also. And they(HS) seem to give the hippie impression - we're all in this together. Then why the fuck can't everyone employed at HS get to have a nice dinner and hear from the jackasses lips what the hell is going on in their cluster F*ck. They make Millions and not suppose to have profit. if anyone needs proof that it all Business as Usual, and standard corporate culture (greed).

Last but not least - don't fall in love with the Dad yet- there are rumblings hes not a nice dude in his own community.
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This episode was better than the first. Again there are only 16 States, and Washington DC with Medical. this show is great for all of the other States.

This show along with others will desensitize the public to medical Cannabis.
It will make the walls crumble much faster when the average Joe in Tennessee thinks that Medical Cannabis is safe, and should be legal. This is show will get that ball rolling.

I would be interested in seeing a poll on folks in Med state's Vs us non-med Stater's comparing what people thought of the show. I would guess that a lot of the haters are in Med States. Could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.

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