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Weed Wars: New show on Discovery


Bent Member
btw, what's the rules about smoking while working at Harborside or any dispensary? did they talk about that? i don't remember seeing that...

The truth is that most of the budtenders and clonetenders don't give the impression that they even make a living wage. Most are living with parent, partner, roommate. I believe the front people (above) each get a free gram per day worked. Because they're always saying"oh ya, that what I'm getting for mine today" or " no, i didnt try that had to choose between that and X and I chose X for my gram last night." And you think that they would sample everything but its not the case. I also deal with this one dude who to my dismay is no longer working there. But he would frequently be so stoned that I had him $100 and he'd hand me back $100 and what ever faction of the original hundreds change. I usually could see it coming and alway would tell him he over changed me. the Clone dudes are the real high MF'er , and I know they get High on their breaks so I believe they all can get high on there breaks - Thought they cant do it outside, there is a room in the same hallway that you see Andrew talking in and the private offices are in that hallway along with the Clone nursery room where the Bulk of the clones are kept. the clones out front for sale are about 1/8 of the total they have on hand at any one time, and thats how the front clone sales area is ALWAYS stocked.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
i am sure they don't make enough to survive on their own.... :(


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
fyi, for those who missed episode 1 it's on it about 1.5 hours, then comes episode 2 and then they repeat....


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Watching right now. Was cool seeing the little kid who had seizures actually went days without having any seizures for the first time in multiple years.



well made again

glad they ditched the whining black dude, hed be fired at my trim scene in a second...lol

the kid using glc. tincture was very nice to see. Im so happy he had some help with that and that it worked for him and his dad.

Too bad about the mites, i bet he got them from working at harborside with all those clones lol

the preview for the third episode looked really intriguing as it had a blip about something going wrong on the buying side...weed drama haha

cool well what were your guys thoughts?


and here it was I thought I wanted it to become legal in Texas, no fuc&ing way. TOO much bs, or is because Harborside has 80,000 ppl a day and rubs the dea's nose in it?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
so now we all know that od'ing your spider mites on C02 does not work...

i liked how they focused a little more on the epileptic patients...

we all clearly see the govt wants their money and then some...

FUCK THE IRS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
They have shown two different microscopes on the show so far, one was connected to a pc where the girl was viewing spider mites the guy had on his strawberry cough and another hand held scope in the first episode that the buyer was viewing the sage & sour kush. I'm curious if anyone knows what scope that was. It wasn't connected to a pc and had a really wide and long glass front on it. Almost like a scope was attached to a small drinking glass.

Edited: Attached screen shot of scope/loupe from episode two. You can see it visible in his left hand.

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Well-known member
Really? Dude it's a reality show and people will see this as normal/typical MO. Absolutely not just entertainment. Maybe to people in Cali or CO who live this kind of life but to most this is how we will picture the Cali med scene because it is such a drastic contrast to our realities. I hope they find away to make this all seem entertaining/attractive/acceptable to the non smokers watching who are helping to perpetuate prohibition and preventing medical access in non-med states.

Its entertainment in that its most likely all fake. Fake manufactured drama.

Imagine being a pot show producer. You have to make watching people get stoned interesting. Frankly, the novelty of watching middle-aged men rips bongs wears off fast.

So you have to make up fake drama. Discovery tv has zero interest in a 'greater good' for weed.

Witness the shitty as fuck moonshiners show.

Bunch of drunk rednecks in the woods. Ooh, will they get caught? Omg!!

They have to apply fake lighting and blur effects to the scenes to make them interesting. B/c who wants to listen to a retarded redneck moonshiner?

i may have had a point. oh yeah, fuck this show.


Active member
This can't be good. I just watched an episode and just about pissed my pants.

I've never seen a more concentrated collection of idiots, misfits and clowns in one place. And they were the owners.


These guys are a joke and do the rest of us no good at all.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Its entertainment in that its most likely all fake. Fake manufactured drama.

There's nothing real about "Reality TV". They film a bunch of stuff while goading the participants into extreme actions (creating the drama) and then create storylines that suit the canned video in post production and editing.


Active member
oi, you see when Luigi and the Dress dude where digging in their Storage for Docs. The Luigi dude said " heres a keeper box", and it was labeled Vendors Paid.

That would make me itch a little lol


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
yeah 4 days no seizures.....sound's better than a seizure a day.......saw that too btw^^^^fark that!


Active member
same freedomfightr! im glad he has access to mmj, 4 days with no seizures is a blessing!


Well-known member
There's nothing real about "Reality TV". They film a bunch of stuff while goading the participants into extreme actions (creating the drama) and then create storylines that suit the canned video in post production and editing.

Yup. Rewatching the first episode, steve's lsd'd out bro was raiding the back room for meds/edibles.

So if you're a non-profit, and your employees 'help themselves' to the product, doesn't that mean their stealing? Taking a slice of the 'profits' so that they can 'medicate' for free.

Someone paid money for the edibles, then steve's bro eats them without paying. Seems fishy. Edibles aren't cheap!

Also, dudes eyes were SO RED when he was on the phone to steve telling him they were fucked. I question giving him responsibility for anything.

edit: I'm still watching the show, however it seems like anyone who agreed to be videotaped and broadcast on this show is an idiot. For example the sage n' sour growing guy. What possible benefit does he get in appearing on TV? Security?!??!


I really was not so impressed with the first episode, but the second episode was a hell of a lot better....people can hate all they want, but without people like Steve and others in the show willing to put themselves out there to say "hey look at me, what we are doing isn't as bad as the gov't says it is, we are helping people who are sick and injured, and we can contribute to society just like any other business in america" then we wouldn't be where we are today, what we need are more risk takers like this to normalize what we do....we should not be shunned upon by society just because of our belief and practice of consuming a natural non harmful feel good plant...

if more episodes continue like this 2nd one did i will be very happy....also liked how that guy wasnt able to sell his buds with mites or whatever it was on them...show's that cali model of mmj market can have health & safety standards...I don't think we get this with the black market do we? harborside is 100 times better for us than the black market. hell im sure the dude prolly sold it to some random victims who dont know any better(black market)...i dont know I'm sorry for the rambling yall, I just think overall this is good exposure for mmj


Just watched the second episode, I watch some horrible tv shows and this one is the worst. So boring. On the first episode I think they made sure to say the price of the pack on camera to get more high quality vendors in, and then low ball. Kinda like a backwards bait and switch.
Its kinda funny, you can hella tell who is and isn't doing shit in the bay by reading through this thread


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
This can't be good. I just watched an episode and just about pissed my pants.

I've never seen a more concentrated collection of idiots, misfits and clowns in one place. And they were the owners.


These guys are a joke and do the rest of us no good at all.

if that is how you feel about these guys, imagine how the rest of them are.... or were...

i do think its funny that so many of you guys are here shit talking these guys as if you have done, or are doing better then them.......... i know your shit talking type, and i dont like you....

this show will go down in history.... thats for damn sure...

whether it will have a positive or negative effect on the marijuana community as a whole will only be revealed over time.....

i can see obama sitting back watching this show and laughing...

it amazes me that that are actually people out there who share the same planet as us, breath the same air as us, and look at the same sun as us, yet wake up each morning and decide how they can FUCK UP the lives of another human being or beings.... ie; police, IRS, judges, prosecutors, attorneys.... man the list can go on....

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