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Weed Wars: New show on Discovery


Active member
@ OrganicOzarks.......

in my OPINION, if your local govt starts seeing all this cali bud flooding into your state, i

would think that would be a positive. the state officials will see all the lost tax revenue

from the med scene and sooner than later, with the proper support will begin to see its

benefits. especially if ur state is as fucked as mine financially.

my state is in the beginning stages of introducing a med law. i see tons of Cali outdoor

heads; blue dream, sour D, SSH, etc. everyone prefers my in-state, indoor dank. proper

cure and quality/elites always have a market.

would not change if my state goes med, my girl and i would just get legal.

just because the fucking powers that be see the Cali bud explosion on the east coast as

a horrible problem; and therefore in your opinion hurting your chance of getting a med bill

passed; does not mean it is wrong. thats like saying u growing in ur state, ILLEGALLY by

the way, is only going to hurt your states ability to pass a med law, its illegal, right?

just my 2c. no animosity, just my thoughts.



You have exposed the root of your haterism disorder.... this is really why your mad. If you lost your peice of the pie maybe its a sign you need to learn how to bake better

Dr. Ganja suggests a healthy dose of high grade sensi, norcal variety, for your problem...

dude i dont call people out on this site much but your attitude is weird to me imo

I really do not get into these kinds of details to much on forums, but I can say without a doubt that there has been no pie lost. I help to educate the poor locals because money is limited. In turn a lot of them wait for local product from a local grower which quality is why better than the "tumble weed" that makes it here from Cali.

I have helped to drop the local indoor price by $100 a zip in 1 year. Cali outdoor was going for $400 a zip, and now it is going for $175. All because of me educating the locals. Quality indoor goes for $300 a zip. I am all about the patient, or smoker, getting the best they can for the least amount of money.

I am now trying to drop it by another $50 over the next year.

How is anyone hating on me? I do not see the greedy outdoor Cali growers doing this to help out their community.

I walk the walk. Plain and simple. It's been nice chatting. :)


Well-known member
hilarious to say the least... i guess the tv station wants to air footage of the "rip off" that's going on (in my opinion). i don't believe they will show the whole dispensery thing from a positive perspective -> my opinion is, it's just another form of "reefer madness" movie ;)



Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
dylan ratigan just interviewed the two dudes from harbor side... i recorded it on my DVR, but i don't know how to get it on my computer.

i am sure youtube will have it soon...

and also, discovery has their WEED WARS page up if you wanna check it out...


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
these are cool jars...

anyone know where to get some online?


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