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Wearing Masks

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Well-known member
Should a per capita rate that is higher for a smaller population be a source of comfort in the U.S. with our numbers?

How about the almost year long downplaying of the virus after trump acknowledged how easy it was spread? Imagine if he had been truthful and not tried to fake it to prop up the stock market until the election.

400,000 dead is a big number wherever you live.

Chicago and New York are talking about opening up their restaurants for the sake of the economy. I believe they are doing the right thing and I will be the first to eat some great Chicago pizza while watching the game. How is that for an answer?

vanilla dutch

Active member
If you have diabetes u need insulin. In a pandemic people need vaccines, masks, social distancing and common sense. See the analogy.

Lost in a SOG

Dangerous levels of scientifistic reductionism going on about this virus imo.

One thing is true immunologically, people always need good health to survive anything. Stress on homeostasis causes most infections not the pathogenicity of the germ, hence why flu season is in winter when our systems are stressed from the changing seasons.

If global governmental approaches run down people's standard of living to the point they become more unhealthy through stress then its just petrol on the fire.

Have vaccines ever stopped a pandemic? No vaccine for a pandemic in the past has even been developed and rolled out before the bell curve had already started falling through herd immunity so we dont know it will do much apart from keep people believing for now that the politicians are achieving something by bankrupting us even more on the philosophical gamble that is the agripharmamilitary complex.

Also there are new variants and will be more and more so who knows if the current poorly trialled vaccine offerings will infer very much protection at all, despite the huge jump in pharmaceutical company share prices as the "middle classes" start to see they were always serfs.

Despite what the vaccines do we will still be wearing masks by law, distanced, intermittently locked down and not working for years to come till the economies collapse and a huge global financial correction takes place.

Its a shit sandwich and the filthy rich of this world, who are all having a big party behind the scenes, are loving watching us eat it.

Personally im not spreading this thing, im lonely and bored but not spreading anything but im also not getting topped up with aluminium salts through another vaccination thanks, and long may that remain my inalienable human birth right to refuse it.

pumpkinpie eyes

You could have left that part out. Trump wasn't the only one on this FUCKING planet to screw it up!!! It's time to HEALL pall!

PS: I hated his guts, its time to move on!


trump dismantled necessary health team early on, strayed from who, did not fund pandemic, did not fund ppe, false info spread throughout last year, quit having weekly pandemic meeting, criticized fauci, left every state to grab their own ppe. and you criticize arid? go back up north.
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ICMag Donor

trump dismantled necessary health team early on, strayed from who, did not fund pandemic, did not fund ppe, false info spread throughout last year, quit having weekly pandemic meeting, criticized fauci, left every state to grab their own ppe. and you criticize arid? xxxxxxxxxx.

Made me laugh. Yesiree, pandemic preparedness wasn't DJT's strong suit. Other than getting Warp Speed (with no follow through whatsoever) and the hemp law, DJT should be penalized for the thousands that lost their life listening to such an ignorant man.

Karma is a bitch: Deutsche Bank has been Trump’s primary business lender since the 1990s and is owed about $340 million in three loans, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. Other banks, too.

And taxes....we'll see some fun stuff from IRS, and several states coming after him due to corruption/fraud.


Biden's speech:
"Recent weeks and months have taught us a painful lesson," Biden said in an event carried by every major broadcast news outlet in the country and many abroad. "There is truth and there are lies. Lies told for power and for profit. And each of us has a duty and a responsibility, as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders, leaders who have pledged to honor our Constitution and protect our nation, to defend the truth and defeat the lies."

"Look, I understand that many of my fellow Americans view the future with fear and trepidation. I understand they worry about their jobs," Biden said in his speech Wednesday, invoking his own father's fears about paying for mortgage and medical costs. "I promise you, I get it. But the answer is not to turn inward, to retreat into competing factions, distrusting those who don't look like you. Or worship the way you do. Or don't get their news from the same sources you do."

AMEN, JOE! #46>45!!!
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vanilla dutch

Active member
My pockets ain't hurting. I wear a mask. Plan on getting my vaccine when available. Follow local guidelines. Sure small business are hurting due to guidelines meant to keep the virus from spreading and killing but like with anything.this shall pass.


Well-known member

trump dismantled necessary health team early on, strayed from who, did not fund pandemic, did not fund ppe, false info spread throughout last year, quit having weekly pandemic meeting, criticized fauci, left every state to grab their own ppe. and you criticize arid? go back up north.

This right here can't be stated enough
Lets not leave out downplayed the pending virus and praised China all the while lying to all Americans :groupwave:
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ICMag Donor

If you can find a country with more infections and deaths than the U.S., I’d like to see it.

Also, if you can find a leader who acknowledged how easy it was to transmit ( in private, to Bob Woodward) back in the spring, and then went on to downplay its seriousness to the public until the day he left, let’s hear that as well.

Funny to hear about unity and healing from the same repub types who claim without evidence the election was fraudulent.

Transparency and truth are the BIDEN/HARRIS mantra. A new day with many challenges to conquer.

Once vaccine companies have an adequate amount and still cranking them out, I do believe 1 MILLION doses per day can be handled.

Unlike former never-to-be leader again, he compromised funds, support, tactical decisions....missing the boat by miles.

This administration will be a road map of healing and handling situations inherited.


ICMag Donor
This right here can't be stated enough
Lets not leave out downplayed the pending virus and praised China all the while lying to all Americans :groupwave:

Worldwide, this virus variant of other corona viruses was unknown to the extent of transmission, deaths, lingering post COVID effects, even to China.

All the more important for COVID safety practices.

No excuse for former abysmal leader to procrastinate, pontificate with UV light, false info on remedies, saying it's magically be gone (agree with you, growlegal) leaving America in COVID quicksand due to inept leadership.

And now 407,000+ deaths in the USA alone.


Active member

trump dismantled necessary health team early on, strayed from who, did not fund pandemic, did not fund ppe, false info spread throughout last year, quit having weekly pandemic meeting, criticized fauci, left every state to grab their own ppe. and you criticize arid? go back up north.

And he was the leader of a powerful nation. Otherwise it wouldn’t matter he was a screw up.


Active member
Transparency and truth are the BIDEN/HARRIS mantra. A new day with many challenges to conquer.

Once vaccine companies have an adequate amount and still cranking them out, I do believe 1 MILLION doses per day can be handled.

Unlike former never-to-be leader again, he compromised funds, support, tactical decisions....missing the boat by miles.

This administration will be a road map of healing and handling situations inherited.

Finally somebody in office with a clue.

Production needs to be stepped up worldwide. All limiting factors identified and addressed. Any vaccine we buy is vaccine takin away from smaller poorer countries. The virus must be eradicated globally or it will come sneaking its way back here as a mutation.


Well-known member
Chicago and New York are talking about opening up their restaurants for the sake of the economy. I believe they are doing the right thing and I will be the first to eat some great Chicago pizza while watching the game. How is that for an answer?
We have yet to even reach the apex of this pandemic.
Just did find out a neighbor has it. Had been very careful about
wearing a mask... the standard cloth mask.
There is a shortage of N95 masks here.


Well-known member
I'm getting my first shot of Moderna vaccine at the VA on Saturday. It's because I'm over 65 and there is a 2 on the end of my number. Saturday is the day for all sheep marked with a 2 to show up. I hear the first shot is not too Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

Shortly after I posted the above my wife received a call from our local health department. We are set up for vaccinations tomorrow from 2- 2:30P.
Baa Baa.


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ICMag Donor
I'm getting my first shot of Moderna vaccine at the VA on Saturday. It's because I'm over 65 and there is a 2 on the end of my number. Saturday is the day for all sheep marked with a 2 to show up. I hear the first shot is not too Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
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Bravo, Buzz!
I'm in the next section. Roll out is going smoothly, and for the time being, enough vaccines!

Rub your arm with canna balm or arnica or lidocaine ointment. Hear injection site is wide spread pain or discomfort in that area afterward.

Good luck!


Well-known member
I have friends who have said the first shot was not so bad. Second shot has caused some ouches. Our health department called us to come in tomorrow for Covid vax. Wife and i will both go together.


Active member
Chicago and New York are talking about opening up their restaurants for the sake of the economy. I believe they are doing the right thing and I will be the first to eat some great Chicago pizza while watching the game. How is that for an answer?

I’m sure the restaurants would rather be open, reminds me of a local one that is closing. Owners caught covid, and one has struggled with the lingering health effects to the point that they are now closing permanently.

As of January 14th California has only administered 28% of delivered vaccine. Less than 10% of those 65 and over have received it in this county.

Also hearing the second shot being the painful one, at least a generalized soreness along with tiredness day of second shot. First shot less sore than normal flu shot.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
My father and his wife had it. They did not get super sick. Just a cough. She was just vaccinated. Pops needs to wait.


Well-known member
We have yet to even reach the apex of this pandemic.
Just did find out a neighbor has it. Had been very careful about
wearing a mask... the standard cloth mask.
There is a shortage of N95 masks here.

I haven't been careful at all, but then again I would rather build up immunity rather then jeopardize my immune system with a mask. Besides im young and healthy, this virus won't even effect me in a negative way. The few people I know my age who caught the virus showed no symptoms.


Well-known member
I’m sure the restaurants would rather be open, reminds me of a local one that is closing. Owners caught covid, and one has struggled with the lingering health effects to the point that they are now closing permanently.

As of January 14th California has only administered 28% of delivered vaccine. Less than 10% of those 65 and over have received it in this county.

Also hearing the second shot being the painful one, at least a generalized soreness along with tiredness day of second shot. First shot less sore than normal flu shot.

I have no interest in taking the vaccine.
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