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Wearing Masks

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Active member
A Mask is what I wear to paint, or sand,

The shit people wear on their faces is a strip of fabric generally cotton and it’s next to useless except as a hijab.
Isis is so proud.

isis couldn’t be any more stoked on our current legal policy on face coverings.

But don’t let that deter you from ur virtue signaling


So if i wear a mask, how does it hurt anyone else?
If you nonmaskers don't wear one and you are wrong, who is it gonna hurt?
So take your ignorant comments and snort them up your nostrils, i hear they are antibodies.


Active member
So if i wear a mask, how does it hurt anyone else?
If you nonmaskers don't wear one and you are wrong, who is it gonna hurt?
So take your ignorant comments and snort them up your nostrils, i hear they are antibodies.

Ur welcome to try ur bestest to make me


screwin with the dirties, might be a new thing, once the cultures fully diverge. vaccinated, and not. if i was going to vacc i would probably be so scared personally that it would blow steam off to laugh at those who wont be taking it...
my whole family will be taking it and i have my heart in my throat. can only tell people so much.
much love to you all


We need to all recognize the moo wood is the baddest man on the internet
Just ask him ?:groupwave:

There's too many Moe's. I get them all confused. I think coolmoe was the cool one, the rest are sorta dicks.

*apologies to any moes that are cool, but not explicitly named, that were offended.


Active member
We need to all recognize the moo wood is the baddest man on the internet
Just ask him ?:groupwave:

Well thanks but I’m not.
Iam willing to participate if need be. I might come out on top.. I might not.
There are a lot of guys tougher than me and ive been knocked out by a few of them.. but I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees
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