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We The People...Pres. Obama asks us to petition the US Gov't, again.


Active member
Well, The White House has launched yet another citizens petition campaign. It is called 'We The People' and is asks users to create petitions for the government to consider. The threshold for consideration is 5,000 'signatures' so this should be another great opportunity for the cannabis community to show that legalization of marijuana is still an issue important to many more Americans than can be ignored.

'We The People-Your Voice in Our Government'


Active member
aman, checked it out and I agree this could be a useful tool. This administration does seem more accessible than some in the past.

Poopy, your link blew up and blew 5k out of the water.


I saw this as another issue, it has 2,000 sigs. What ya think about this one. https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions#!/petition/repeal-any-and-all-laws-pertaining-illegalization-cannabis-plant-and-all-its-uses/YYjJRHMl

Repeal any and all laws pertaining to the illegalization of the Cannabis plant and all of its uses.

We the People of The United States of America,

being of sound mind and sharing a unified spirit of commonsense and a strive for the betterment of the decisions the leaders of our country make, set forth a petition to you, The Government of The United States of America, asking for a repeal of any and all laws regarding Cannabis in any form and/or any materials, tools, devices, or utensils needed in the use or production of said plant.

We believe you are needlessly wasting billions of dollars incarcerating otherwise law abiding citizens for a crime in wich there is no victim, thereby placing them in harms way.

We believe that the major crime and violence are a direct result of illegalization

We believe it is scientifically proven less harmful than any drug approved by the FDA.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Out of the 8 most popular petitions - 3 are for mj legalization and 1 is for production of hemp...:dance013:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
just like the last few times Obummer has done this....

he'll brush it off with some joke of a retort followed by a "lulz you potheads" kinda laugh.

maybe we should start a petition asking why obama continues to request the public to post questions and petitions when marijuana is obviously the most popular item - yet has never been given serious consideration


Active member
I don't really care why the pres is not on the bandwagon, we just gotta keep hitting him over the head with it until he is with us.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
went from 38k signatures this morning to 40k as of now...

2x the signatures as the next most popular petition.


I saw several petitions, is there a way to see them all? Or where they rank in number of signatures? Just curious how ya found that out.... so I can keep an eye on it as well.


Smoke Buddy

I'd clear my cookies and run av/trojan prog after going to whitehoe.go
and maybe a shower


Sorcerer's Apprentice
There are now numerous cannabis related questions that are far above the 5,000 limit. We should also be clicking on the "repeal the patriot act" ones while we're at it.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
bruh some of you is so paranoid is comical....

bruh some of us dont live in med states and dont have the same feeling of freedom you guys in cali have... its 2012..... crazy shit can and will go down in the future......our government is very tech savvy whether you know it or not..... your drivers license picture and your whole history probably pops up on someones computer in la casa blanca when you visit their server.....never assume anything

but, I AM now on someone else's router, so ill visit :biglaugh:....doubt its too much safer...but seems to be at least a little bit safer....


I already know what the response is going to be.... It's going to be that we should focus on treatment rather than incarceration.... it's an easy cop out, that only offers some schlub with a quarter bag a chance to get the charges dropped in he shells out 5 grand for drug court. Meanwhile, people with personal gardens who don't want to participate in the black market still get tossed in prison.