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We need YOU to help Alabama legalize!


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
you know i'm sending..the sooner you guys go legal the sooner the rest of us in the south will get there..too bad we're always behind the rest of the country..

Flying Goat

Groady-ho, pine boy & all the rest of you - a heart-felt THANK YOU!

Logged in this morning & found messages from all over - really touched this old lady's heart, folks...

Went to bed at 7:30 last nite, sore & shaking from pain (no meds at the moment - someone needed them more than I)... But I had a deep satisfaction of having done my bit to further the Cause...

Slept well & today is a new day! :jump:

Strength is renewed & I'm fulla piss & vinegar & ready for action again! :moon:

Looks like it's gonna be a lovely day out, so I'm gonna try to get some sun baking into these old bones...

Thrilled to see so many ICmagers eager to help! It is through our unity that we will prevail!

Blessings, love, light & peace upon you all!

Lola - Special thanks to you, girl! You really made my day with the phone call... :cathug:

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Go Alabama Legislation! :D
none of the southern states can get pass first base...this is very discouraging

it's because stuff like this is NEVER put up for a public vote..like is done in California, etc.

only the politicians get to vote, we only get to vote on what they allow
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I promised Flying Goat that I would stop by and support this. I lived in the south for a long time and it needs all the help it can get. I can't just forget about it because I went to a med state.

I will sending in the letter you PM'd me about FG. Promise.

Flying Goat

Thanks, Chem!

Pinball - we have had a bill up in the past, but withdrew it before it got to committee because it had conditions attached that we could not live with ... FDA-approval for pharmacies, etc. With only 6 in the state, that would place a huge burden on patients...

Drug Policy Alliance has been very helpful in redrafting our bill & we have firm commitments from 5 members of the JC that they WILL vote YES... What we need are live human bodies to gather in front of the capitol, demonstrating our strength in numbers, as well as inundating the JC with letters describing how MJ has improved peoples' quality of life.

Please, no negativity on this thread... We are finally winning the support of pastors & churches (Baptist, believe it or not!) & are gaining momentum down here...

We have Georgians, Tennesseans, Floridans & Cajuns banding together to get this through...

I do believe it will pass the JC, but then it goes on to the Rules committee, etc. & ultimately must be signed by the governor... Bob Riley is an asshole, much more concerned with video bingo than anything else, so hopefully we will replace him before long. I wish Loretta would run for Gov again!

Let's think positive - we CAN do it if we band together!

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
this is how it should done

this is how it should done

"SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- California voters will decide whether to legalize recreational marijuana use for adults, after the secretary of state on Wednesday certified the initiative for the November ballot.
It would become the first state to legalize recreational marijuana use if the proposition is approved. Marijuana use is legal for medicinal purposes in California and 14 other states, but the drug is illegal under federal law.
Secretary of State Debra Bowen certified that the petitions seeking to place the question on the ballot had more than 433,971 valid voter signatures, the minimum number needed to qualify."

433,971 voter petitions!...they got things.. soooo... easy out there!

I wish we had propositions


Active member
Yeah if BAMA beats GA to the punch I will be ashamed but I think they will.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
Just a quick note

Just a quick note

I talked to a guy that reads these letters and it's a numbers games obviously. Make letters short and sweet as they won't read long letters it's just the way it is. No prophanity, try not to elect idiots in the first place know where they stand before you put them in any type of power. peace out Headband707:tiphat:

PS did anyone happen to catch the Texas school board censoring the books for all of the USA?? it was on Jon Stewart's the Daily show?? Holy shit no wonder it's so fucking backward in the good ole south lol lol.. ppl shouldn't be allowed to get away with that shit!!!!!!!! I thought in 2010 they couldn't do this shit anymore lol what a joke lol peace out Headband707

Flying Goat

Headband - I did and, being a native Texan, hung my head in shame... Awful, ain't it.

Itisme - Why not come on down & help us out, then? You can write a short Email to the JC group, too... You don't have to be living in Bama to make a difference!

We'd be more than happy to have you join us in Montgomery on the 31st... Just look for the green ACC t-shirts - you should find me right in the middle of 'em... Haha.

Everyone thot the Berlin Wall would never come down & it really blew my mind when it did! Why can't the South fall just as easily (poor choice of word, I know) to our medical use initiative?

TOGETHER we can get it done!


Garden Nymph
^^^ I agree, TT. Most movements get divided, especially when it comes to deciding what kind of goals to pursue...Doesn't matter which states get to MMJ first, we just need ALL of them to do so! Good luck, FG and Alabama!

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Agreed together we need to stand divided we fall.... Even small steps forward are better then no steps forward. Education is the key ppl . PEACE out Headband707
Taking some time to carefully choose what to write but I will have it done by tomorrow. I'm glad to help in any way that I can. GL fighting the good fight!

Flying Goat

Bless you all, folks!

Thanks, Hippie & Trichy, for spreading that good unity vibe around in here! :headbange:

One thing we really can't afford is in-fighting. Let cannabis draw us all together, not put us in competition with one another.

If we MUST have competition - let it be to see who can do the most good for the MMJ world & its patients... :ying:

My dream is that someday when I have grandkids, I'll sit back & tell them stories of cannabis prohibition days & how we all had to fight to get this wonderful plant RE-LEGALIZED after the mass hysteria campaign of a few profit-minded corporations forced it underground...

Emails don't need to be long, after all, these are politicians & some probably can't read. A short paragraph or 2 is all we need... Much longer & they won't get read, but WILL still have an impact... The volume of mail alone will get their attention. The important thing is to ask them to vote YES on HB642.

Thank you all, again.

Each of you can call on me for a favor anytime... :ying:

Back to bed now - 'fraid I overtaxed myself yesterday...

:thank you:

Flying Goat

Just got a PM wondering if I was bashing recreational use in my letter...

ABSOLUTELY NOT! I support the use of cannabis for any reason!

However, with the political climate here in the Deep South, you must understand that there is such stigma associated with cannabis...

Getting a foot jammed in to keep the door open is crucial. The medical use movement will only benefit EVERYONE in the long run...

A few years later, once people have a chance to see that tokers are not dropping dead like flies or rioting in the streets raping & murdering... Once they see that crime rates actually are going DOWN...

...then they'll wonder what the big deal over legalization was & it will be legal again for the world to enjoy!

Hope this issue opens the eyes of some to the lies their govt has been feeding them about this wonderful curative plant!
is it ok if i create a general email where myself & friends can just insert names & ailments etc?? i want to get a good amount of responses for you, & having someone take the time to write a their story is whats holding back thousands. perhaps a template would suffice?? or, do u think the emails listed in the 1st post, rather the email addressees, would look less seriously at a mass email of sorts supporting the legalization. IMO, support is support & the approving consensus of many is better than few. lemme kno.

Flying Goat

Absolutely, M Flo - Feel free to create a template if you wish... Best to send 1 group Email that will go to each member of the JC....

My letter was involved because my Rep asked me to make it involved... Other letters can be 1 or 2 short paragraphs & will be just as effective.

Thanks a bunch!