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did you forget your use of the herb was medicinal?


Active member
Did you feel great and decide to take a break from the herb, or stop taking it completely, only to rediscover your old medical problems you thought you had said "good riddance" to?

Or even had your source stopped for other reasons, and rediscovered you are a "medicinal cannabis user"?

aye, that's where i've been at over the past wee while.

Raynauds (a circulation constriction problem) has kicked in again in the middle of summer, asthma has never been like this for years, piles o little niggling pains, and i've been staying clear of any of my old migraine triggers ... tho, now i think about it, i've been rather cavalier about that one, and really should be way more vigilant considering the unstoppable horror of migraines without cannabis. and man! anxiety and depression! holy shit! i was almost starting to buy into the idea that cannabis was contributing to them.. oooh no. utter twaddle.

been watching all the videos of Dr Melamede to remind me how valid cannabis is.

well, suffice to say, i shall be seeking sources again. no point livin like this when there is a means to supplement my endocannabinoid system out there, somewhere.

ya know what i'm on about?


Just Call me Urkle!!
I know how you feel Digit I am using cannabis medicinally for anxiety and depression along with my appetite problems.. Good luck I would say go through Medi Cann as they have numerous reasons to write recommendations...


cannabis saves my life on a daily basis

i had medical records documenting the use and subsequent benefits from smoking marijuana at the age 13

it is more effective and contains far less negative side effects over contemporary medicines

guest 77721

I've been feeling poorly for about 2 months now. This is a guy who skiied all winter and worked all winter partially outdoors on a construction project. My arthritis is flared up in my knees and hips so I'm hobbling around like an old man. I got psoriasis spots and my asthma and sinusus are bothering me too. Believe it or not, I've got an allergy to the cold so when I feel poorly, I break out in hives. I've been eating a lot of eggs lately and pulled them from my diet. It seems to help so far.

My grow isn't finished so all I've been able to do is vape the occaisional popcorn bud. I like making edibles from the trim and get anti-inflammatory benefits. Two of my friends have given me a small amount but the stuff is commercial and hasn't been flushed. It's barely smokeable let alone edible.

I was like this last year at this time but was well supplied and didn't seem as miserable.


Active member
oh the misery...
misery makes the other conditions worse, the other conditions being worse makes you more miserable... it can be a real nasty spiral to go down... even one hefty dose of cannabis can be enough to break the cycle.

thnx thundurkel.
i also forgot to mention my appetite problems, which havnt been such an issue... thnx to worms!! ew. hope my order of pomegranite juice arrives soon to help with that... all the other stuff i been eating (cocnut, grated carrot, etc) doesnt seem to be shifting them all that effectively. maybe it's time i bought myself a bob c beck protocol zapper.


My bipolar and ADD kicked in with a vengeance when I quit my teenage stonerdom at age 20 for what I thought at the time were religious reasons. It had been with me since I was a little kid, but when I quit smoking pot my symptoms really got bad. Then I got on the psych med carousel for a number of years, which made it even worse. Now I take a small dose of Celexa at night, ride my bike 20 miles a day and smoke/vape all day long. I feel much better overall, and by all accounts I'm much nicer to be around nowadays.

Growing has been just as medicinal as the cannabis itself. It keeps me on a schedule, keeps me accountable and responsible. Plus, I've developed a deep symbiotic relationship with my favorite plants. We both exist to fulfill the needs of the other.


My bipolar and ADD kicked in with a vengeance when I quit my teenage stonerdom at age 20 for what I thought at the time were religious reasons. It had been with me since I was a little kid, but when I quit smoking pot my symptoms really got bad. Then I got on the psych med carousel for a number of years, which made it even worse. Now I take a small dose of Celexa at night, ride my bike 20 miles a day and smoke/vape all day long. I feel much better overall, and by all accounts I'm much nicer to be around nowadays.

Growing has been just as medicinal as the cannabis itself. It keeps me on a schedule, keeps me accountable and responsible. Plus, I've developed a deep symbiotic relationship with my favorite plants. We both exist to fulfill the needs of the other.

like whoa!
*looks around for a mirror*
Same over here, mine didn't show its face until I got married at 24. Smoked since I was 14 and all hell broke loose when I stopped smoking for my soon to be wife.
Really tough first 3.8 years of our marriage.

Not on any Rx, but I agree the act of growing is as much my treatment as smoking. Just wish I didn't have to smoke alone and/or smoke in my car all the time.

Good luck with your fight.



Active member
just had a night of thrashing around in agony between the sheets, unable to get to sleep from raynauds again.... by fucko i better get my hands on some meds soon... it's enough to drive someone barmy from the frustration.

after watching all 4 parts of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlndKmlmWSg
i wonder if upping my omega oils would help balance things out.

sry... i really just needed somewhere to let off some steam n have a whinge. :rolleyes: