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We need a new law...to protect the noobs...

wow people still arguing about HID v CFL for young plants! The short answer is that both are correct.
Yes a plant can handle HID from start to finish, But that shows more about the grower than the plants. New growers usually dont do dry runs in there area to make sure they have the right temps, air flow, RH%, etc. New growers dont realize that a young plant will need to be watered more often, and have the light raised a little bit till the plant get use to being under the HID. Heat is the problem here not light intensity.
CFL are more forgiving to the new grower who is still trying to dial there grow in. It is next to impossible to burn a seedling using CFL's (though it can still happen). This allows new growers to not need to worry about there seedlings nearly as much than if they were using HID's. CFL's are also much easier to obtain and setup than a HID will be. Remember wiring your HID for the 1st time? Can be a daunting task to the noobs. Nothing to worry about with a CFL, just twist one in and start growing.
I'm not going to go into all the pros and cons with each light, there are enough threads about that. yes HID's are better than CFL's as far as light output. But as far as ease of cost, setup, and use, CFL's cant be beat. And really most noobs wont be trying to grow LB's there 1st time around, they are trying to flower a plant without killing it. Yes there are some "noobs" that do have a green thumb and have been in a veggie or flower garden and know the basics about growing. These are the people that might do well with a HID for veg the 1st time around. But the majority of noobs have never been in a garden, let along an indoor one. Telling a noob like that to use a HID is like giving a monkey a loaded gun, at some point there will be an accident, and it will be bad.
I think thats what scrogerman was trying to do, give the noobs the best chance of success. No offence to anyone else that was pushing HID's, but in all actuality CFL for vegging is the best bet for a noob to be successful.
Remember the turtle and the hare; slow and steady wins the race



The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Morning IB
I hear you brother!

But, unfortunately that would be a little impractical and I think the "Mentor" tag is supposed to address the issue.

I've only been at this myself for about a year, and in that time I've learned, before you take someones postings as gospel theres a little "due diligence".
For example, you. If I'm going to believe your postings as accurate, knowledgeable or well intentioned, I would start by looking at your profile/ statistics / Find all post by ibjamming. From there all I have to do, is a quick scan of your post to get a general idea of who you are and whether your competent.
A quick scan of your profile statistics, tells me that not only are you helpful by answering new comers questions, you appear to be knowledgeable and willing to share your experience!

That being said, if someone is to lazy to even due a little back ground work ( by either reading on the subject at hand or checking out who to believe) there grows will most likely be failures to.

Be Safe,

All I want to say is that mentors, are not the only people who know what they are doing.

I'm not a mentor, but I sure know what I am doing....

However the outlined method you use to gauge whether or not one is compitent is a solid way to find out if a member knows what they are talking about or does not.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
I don't even have a pic posted and I use to give you^^ a run for your money at OG and was the hash/oil king.

Used to sounds like a past time thing, Whats with that? No longer doing your thing.

You make it sound like we were in some competition or something lol.

I'd rather you post, you dont have any pics right now, but you could still give me a run for my money, Used to sounds like cant no more lol...

If you were trying to make a point that just because someone doesnt have a gallery or
doesnt post often, Doesnt mean they dont know what they are talking about, I understand...

I still believe checking a members post history is a good way to find out if they are compitent or not. No post history no pics, no proof probably not compitent. That's not always the case but its better then risking your grow on the word of some random member with no real post history, Thats risking your crop on information from who knows who and a risk that newbs shouldnt take lightly.


Active member
wow people still arguing about HID v CFL for young plants! The short answer is that both are correct.
Yes a plant can handle HID from start to finish, But that shows more about the grower than the plants. New growers usually dont do dry runs in there area to make sure they have the right temps, air flow, RH%, etc. New growers dont realize that a young plant will need to be watered more often, and have the light raised a little bit till the plant get use to being under the HID. Heat is the problem here not light intensity.
CFL are more forgiving to the new grower who is still trying to dial there grow in. It is next to impossible to burn a seedling using CFL's (though it can still happen). This allows new growers to not need to worry about there seedlings nearly as much than if they were using HID's. CFL's are also much easier to obtain and setup than a HID will be. Remember wiring your HID for the 1st time? Can be a daunting task to the noobs. Nothing to worry about with a CFL, just twist one in and start growing.
I'm not going to go into all the pros and cons with each light, there are enough threads about that. yes HID's are better than CFL's as far as light output. But as far as ease of cost, setup, and use, CFL's cant be beat. And really most noobs wont be trying to grow LB's there 1st time around, they are trying to flower a plant without killing it. Yes there are some "noobs" that do have a green thumb and have been in a veggie or flower garden and know the basics about growing. These are the people that might do well with a HID for veg the 1st time around. But the majority of noobs have never been in a garden, let along an indoor one. Telling a noob like that to use a HID is like giving a monkey a loaded gun, at some point there will be an accident, and it will be bad.
I think thats what scrogerman was trying to do, give the noobs the best chance of success. No offence to anyone else that was pushing HID's, but in all actuality CFL for vegging is the best bet for a noob to be successful.
Remember the turtle and the hare; slow and steady wins the race


Thankyou HempA these are the points i was trying to convey originally to the OP, Only a few seemed to agree & the ones that didnt only see it their way by the looks of things, i never once said my way is the only way, or you have to use CFL's or you'll kill you plants lol, Some experienced people actualy think thats what i was trying to say lmao bro. On the contrary ive used HID's many time in the first weeks of life, i was mearly pointing out that the OP was a new grower and CFL's were a more forgiving option with less chance of fucking things all up, that was my whole argument really.
Youve put it beutifully! Respect! ;)
I could say alot more but thats not the point & im moving on, i just hope the OP makes the right choices & enjoys his new found hobby because thats what its all about at the end of the day! Good Luck to all!


Active member
I still believe checking a members post history is a good way to find out if they are compitent or not. No post history no pics, no proof probably not compitent. quote]

LOL you know who you are! Nice one BommDigg Funny as Bro !!! hahaha
this as gotten way out of hand now! you are banging on that it isnt the best advise for a new grower well guess what i am a new grower and i use the hids for seedlings. Your blowing this way outta proportion dude. I suggested the hids cos in the original post he said he already had 2x 400's now instead of coming on and giving him advise how to keep a seedling alive under HID u come tell he gotta buy Cfl's or he will kill his seeds.

I think this should be forgotten tbh. The guy is buying some cfl's and doing it your way (which i think is a cop out ) let it drop see how he does with the cfl's.

If you take a good look around everytime you see a pic of a seedling under cfls is it not already 6inch tall with only the 1st leaves? i blame the cfls for this and find less stretch from the hids. I have both btw.


Active member
Where did i say he has to buy a CFL, i never said he has to do anything, i think you best stop the shit stirring bro & just give the lad your opinion. Your opinions show what you know & as your a new grower i sugest you leave it there with your advice too, the guys made the best chioce and thats that! lol you wanna see my SwissCheese BlackBerry & Sweetpurps & UKCheese, all flying really tight noding all under 125CFL Bro for your information ;) I will Post Pics tonight OK man! They are beautifull & have some lovely Pheno's! Just stop with the bullshit attacks already OK man, Have a Great day! ;)
quote from the original thread from u

No man, you dont put HID's on a baby seedling, you'll fucking kill it, thats terrible advice bro, sorry man but it is, ive seen seedling keal over and die under HID's. CFL's or floro, LED's, P-ll's are best, after they have achieved a set of leaves or 2, then you put them under the HID's. YES, you can over light seedlings indoor!
Its posible but only if you have them like 5 feet away and maybe cover your prop lid with some spreader mat or something"! Lets not kill baby seedlings now!

HID will kill it? so basically your telling him buy cfl's floro leds or p-ii's or he will kill his seedlings


Active member
Read the Post Stupid,
I say you can do you just gotta put the HID 5 feet away and cover with spreader matt dont i? I think the Guy has listened to sense and you just comming on here SHITSTIRRING well you can leave your childish bullshit at home, dont bring it here man! Laters aligators!
The Fact Remains Its Bad Advice for New Growers! & More can go wrong using HID lighting On baby seedlings than CFL's, you cant beat the truth man. Now go play on your bike or something!
i aint shit stirring what so ever. We are both RIGHT and both WRONG. I just dont see why u think your way is the only way? in the original post where this started you called for Freezerboy to come in saying he would sort this arguement out lol he came he spoke and still u want your way to be the only way. I give up cya i'm done with ya


Active member
Look, Ive said it before & i'll say it again so listen please, I never said nobody has got to do anything, "I NEVER SAID MY WAY WAS THE ONLY WAY", your contradicting yourself & im just defending your childish attempts to cause trouble & yes you are Shit Stirring, what else you wanna call it? & it wasnt me that called FB out either, i just agreed to go ask him what he thought, just because he didnt agree it dont matter to me, like you im done to, get over it, & in future think about the level of experience of the grower before you go handing out crap advice & you wont cause more Bullshit like this! Now lets Move on!
sorry i did say i was done but LOL buy more lights instead of keeping your medium moist yes your advise was great haha sorry it just cracks me up!

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I still believe checking a members post history is a good way to find out if they are compitent or not. No post history no pics, no proof probably not compitent. quote]

LOL you know who you are! Nice one BommDigg Funny as Bro !!! hahaha

fo-sho , thats how i see it too scrogerman, no history, no pics, prob, dont No shit , i am a new user and welcome people to check mt threads, pics, albums,etc. we got to share expierences , and lov suggestions, but dont believe everything u read, even on ic mag, hahha


Active member
You just make yourself look like a child, your feable attemps to provoke a reaction are laughable at best,, like i said go play on your bike or something!

Hey Teemu, too tru bro/siss, good luck to you bro./siss! I can hold my head up high safe in the knowledge ive helped someone & possibly saved him from making a mistake, like is often observed using HIDs in the first weeks of a young uns life(Especially In SUMMER MONTHS In a Fucking Garage!!!!!), I have seen it many times, Noobs asking why their baby plants are dead!! Ive seen it happen & that was my point in the beginning, i never said my way was the only way, i was just trying to help a new grower make the best desicion. Cheers mate;)

& look at all ive got for my trouble, Pfffhewwww, strewth, helping noobs on here is hard work sometimes!lol

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