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We need a new law...to protect the noobs...


Active member
Sorry man, aint you got a Bike lol, come off it mate, lets move on now! I thought you'd had enough i know i have!


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
you guys should totally shag. it'd work off this sexual tension you've built up.


Active member
I Agree, Me n scotty have agreed to disagree & decided to shake hands & be buddies, exactly what this site is about & im so relieved that is turned down this road, at last some decent progress! now lets all get back to the Growing! ;) Good luck to you scotty!
I aint had the ride for 6 months lol, you hit that on the head GDTRFB LOL! Anyway im hung like a donkey so ive been told, you wouldnt want this thing in ya bro, you'd never walk again heheh
-on topic-

I dont think its a case of misinformation its just thats theres so many ways to grow that somethings work for you and some dont. I'm sure you've heard freezerboys tale of his bubble cloner only working if he uses it wrong :D What new growers need to realise that copying someones technique doesnt always work and they gotta plan their spaces and try things out till they find the right way for them! good luck and most of all have fun :D


Active member
Wow...this got out of hand!

I guess what was bothering me was the false "information" being spread.

This happened to be about lights. Other times it's about water. Other times soil...nutes...on and on.

All I'm asking is...if you don't KNOW, by practical, hands-on experience, YOU actually did it personally, then don't say anything. Let the guy who HAS done it talk about it. Or, admit it's an educated guess or from a book...and you're not positive.

I always steer the new guys into keeping it simple. You'll get 80% of what just about anyone else gets, as far as yield and quality. And the beauty of it is...you'll actually GET to harvest without everything getting all fucked up.

Simple soil for the news guys...hydro when you can keep a few crops alive to the end.

Remember...you don't learn to read by reading Shakespeare! You start with Dick and Jane and Spot the dog. Steer them away from all the fancy stuff and tell them to get a pot and some decent soil...do you REALLY think you're doing them a favor filling their head with EC and PPM and pH? If you keep it simple...you don't need to know all that...not really.

Good soil, good water, good light, good ventilation, good nutes, that's all they need.

This wasn't supposed to be a continuation of the HID and seedlings argument...it was my plea for some way to prevent misinformation. An "ICMag seal of approval" like a certification. "Listen to me, I took the exam, I proved I know what I'm talking about" I guess the rep points thing and mentor status are OK...I lean more towards the mentor thing than reputation...people can be WRONG and popular at the same time!

Good luck with your grows...

I'm on hold, waiting for my move to Oregon, where I'll have a greenhouse...my dream!
Used to sounds like a past time thing, Whats with that? No longer doing your thing.

You make it sound like we were in some competition or something lol.

I'd rather you post, you dont have any pics right now, but you could still give me a run for my money, Used to sounds like cant no more lol...

You're right, it's not a competition....I still grow DWC, but now my main thing is trees under the real sun.

Stay Safe



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Read the Post Stupid,
I say you can do you just gotta put the HID 5 feet away

Second warning! Knock off the attitude!

No HID requires that distance. Not unless you found a 20K lamp.

CFLs are not required. CFLs are not safer. There are many excellent reasons for CFLs. Seeedling safety isn't one of them.


Active member
Thats you opinion FB! & Am i alowed to say that? my opinion is different to yours man, I think CFL's are the ideal start for anyone wanting to get into growing, namely new-growers, & i'll stand by that, & you wanna ban me for having an opinion then go ahead and ban me. I aint got no bad attitude & you just got the hump with me man, it aint on.
Your Mentor status is a joke!

I never Got no first warning did i?


Active member
Me N the guy Fb's on about(ScottyBox-My Bestest Buddy on IC Now) made up and Shook hand this afternoon and he had to come n have a go at me over a silly passing comment a nd give me a warning, I better hold my tounge or he'll ban me for saying something i shouldnt!, I will be mentioning this to a higher authority for the good it will do, im just gonna get unwarrented shit now for fucking anything remotely daft i say & persecuted for it, Its Bullshit for sure!.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Me N the guy Fb's on about(ScottyBox-My Bestest Buddy on IC Now).

I didn't quote Scotty, I quoted you. Here, I'll do it again...

Read the Post Stupid

I'm not "on about" Scotty. I'm "on about" your unacceptably abusive behavior. When people justifiably disagree with your incorrect opinions, this does not give you license to abuse, swear, lie, weasel, intimidate and cajole.

You want to take it to admin? Please do! They'll put an end to your nonsense real quick.


Active member
FB we already made up this afternoon, about 20 minutes after that post, we, PM'e each other & appologised to one another & a virtual handshake later we were buddys bro, it was all forgotton about ok man, Then you come on here tonight giving me a warning for some silly comment, a brit would understand this as no insult & justa comment like "dont be silly" he understood n never took it wrong.!!Please leave me alone man, dont be scrutinising everything i say, come off it bro. I dont deserve this, all i was tring to do was help someone & its turned into all this. I thought we' had moved on, doesnt look like you have. Come off it man, leave it out please! Lame as you americans say very Lame!
For the Good it'll do already asked someone to look into it OK man, Hopefully they'll see this for what it is & laugh, cause thats all its worth!!
& for the record your accusations are incorrect & again i dont agree, your just trying to push me around & your bullshit dont wash with me man ok! I aint swore at you & i anit cussed you, dont know what you mean by saying all those things, you aint got no puff FB me thinks!
You were not like this before you were a Mentor & a MOD were you FB! Anyway thats enough of this, Im walking away!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
FB we already made up this afternoon, about 20 minutes after that post...
You were not like this before you were a Mentor & a MOD were you FB! Anyway thats enough of this, Im walking away!

What you two did in PM has no bearing on this. How you treat people above board is the issue and lecturing a mod for doing the job he was assigned is a prime example. Attempting to have me post your profanity laced PMs is a sad play that wont work.

The only thing that's changed on my end is that IC has asked me to curb your type of behavior. Behavior you promised to never engage in when you signed up. Nothing personal, it's just the job. Stop abusing people and I won't have to correct you.


Why is it such a big deal if a new grower kills his seedlings, let them work out what is true or false. This is a newbie section of the forum so let the noob bs fly. If your such an "Expert" then stay in the "Advanced forums". Stop intimidating people from spreading info, if someone is incorrect then correct them but damn chill already it's not the life and death of a person were talking about.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

what I see here is a member that is locking horns with a mod because he can't seem to have a civil discourse/disagreement/argument without having to revert to using language that can only be construed as disrespectful......calling anyone 'stupid' is an affront to anyone's intellect .......and as for the topic of conversation here.....I have managed to get seeds to sprout and grow well with CFL's, HPS's....MH's and natural sunlight.....ofcourse depending on what light you use you have to be wary of the distance from the seedlings and intensity of the lighting (because of heat issues).......I have not tried LED's yet so can't comment on them....

Please keep your posts insult-free......and we can then all agree to disagree and conduct our posts in a civil and respectful manner.....without getting too upset about it all...


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator

what I see here is a member that is locking horns with a mod because he can't seem to have a civil discourse/disagreement/argument without having to revert to using language that can only be construed as disrespectful......calling anyone 'stupid' is an affront to anyone's intellect .......and as for the topic of conversation here.....I have managed to get seeds to sprout and grow well with CFL's, HPS's....MH's and natural sunlight.....ofcourse depending on what light you use you have to be wary of the distance from the seedlings and intensity of the lighting (because of heat issues).......I have not tried LED's yet so can't comment on them....

Please keep your posts insult-free......and we can then all agree to disagree and conduct our posts in a civil and respectful manner.....without getting too upset about it all...

I have vegged with LED, MH, HPS, Floresent Tubes, Compact floresents...

Out of the above listed methods, LEDS seem to have the fastest start, Cfl's seem to be a little slower, and hid as long as heat is not an issue, Will produce much more vigorous plants right off the back.

Veg a plant under floresent from the start for 30 days, Take another clone of the same plant and veg under HID for 30 days both from seed, I garuntee as long as heat doesnt become and issue the HID plant will have thicker stalks and quicker growth.

LEDS rock for veg they seem to take off in an instant...

Really in the end its best to veg with more powerful light then it is weaker it produces stronger plants. Some of my best plants were started under 1k's and never seen any other light source.

Truth is they all work, Different strokes for different folks. To say one shouldnt start babies under hid's is a little rubish to me, If you killed babies trying to start them under hid then you may need to learn more about ventilation.

To each his own, Floresents work but I never use them...
this got way out of hand like scroger says stupid aint an insult lol

i also use cfl's/floro for seedling/clones/veg now but i used to use hid without problem but my space got smaller L:)

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