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We need a new law...to protect the noobs...


Active member
The law is...no posting until you've actually...with your own hands...done the thing you're writing about.

I took a look at the "Questions, questions, questions" thread and I was APPALLED at the amount of misinformation in there. People arguing for pages after page that this guy can't...or it would be of grave danger...use his 400W MH light from start to finish...HUH?!?

What I'm seeing is more bullshit than found in your average religion... Please don't say anything unless you KNOW by firsthand experience of which you speak. If you've never met God...you can't tell me what he's like. If you've never used a HID light with a seedling...you don't KNOW you can't...so, don't say you can't. Because in reality...you can. The trick is to keep it moist.

Anyway...can we have a "test" that we need to pass before we can post in the New Growers section...or the infirmary? Something to keep out the posers... Something to help the unsuspecting, the naive, those looking for help, a solution...


Active member
There are people who have numerous albums, and are probably the most knowledgeable people here - but their complete smart asses. You can use metal halide from start to finish.


Active member
The law is...no posting until you've actually...with your own hands...done the thing you're writing about.

I took a look at the "Questions, questions, questions" thread and I was APPALLED at the amount of misinformation in there. People arguing for pages after page that this guy can't...or it would be of grave danger...use his 400W MH light from start to finish...HUH?!?

What I'm seeing is more bullshit than found in your average religion... Please don't say anything unless you KNOW by firsthand experience of which you speak. If you've never met God...you can't tell me what he's like. If you've never used a HID light with a seedling...you don't KNOW you can't...so, don't say you can't. Because in reality...you can. The trick is to keep it moist.

Anyway...can we have a "test" that we need to pass before we can post in the New Growers section...or the infirmary? Something to keep out the posers... Something to help the unsuspecting, the naive, those looking for help, a solution...

Hey IB
I dont mean to be rude, but i sugest you read through that thread again. Yes ive used HID's in the first week of a seedlings life & got away with it, but imo, its dangerous to advise new growers to do so, unless the HID is set at the right height & you have the right ventilation its asking for trouble. I Never said it couldnt be done, on the contrary i said it could but its much better & cheaper on your electric bills to use CFL's or the like. I Think telling noobs to use 400w MH HID's on baby seedlings is terrible advise & not the best overall course of action. The OP in that thread was asking for advise & i gave it. Its obvious whome your reffering to here, but if you read back through that thread you may see what me and others like Vonforne & rocket high were trying to convey to the OP, which was the best advise on that thread or dont you agree? & would you advise new growers, who probably have never even heard of Ventilation 101 to use 400w HID's for the first week of a new seedlings life. Im getting miffed & board of this subject now, & yes there should be something to stop BAD advise being dished out on this site, but freedom of speech is another consideration. & No i aint met God either lol! All the best man! ;)

The fact remains its Bad Advice to give to NEW GROWERS, To use HIDs in the first week of a seedlings life & thats what my argument was, in fact its some of the worst advice i have ever heard on this site! Lets ask Gypsy & the other respected growers on IC what they think?


Well-known member
Morning IB
I hear you brother!

But, unfortunately that would be a little impractical and I think the "Mentor" tag is supposed to address the issue.

I've only been at this myself for about a year, and in that time I've learned, before you take someones postings as gospel theres a little "due diligence".
For example, you. If I'm going to believe your postings as accurate, knowledgeable or well intentioned, I would start by looking at your profile/ statistics / Find all post by ibjamming. From there all I have to do, is a quick scan of your post to get a general idea of who you are and whether your competent.
A quick scan of your profile statistics, tells me that not only are you helpful by answering new comers questions, you appear to be knowledgeable and willing to share your experience!

That being said, if someone is to lazy to even due a little back ground work ( by either reading on the subject at hand or checking out who to believe) there grows will most likely be failures to.

Be Safe,


Active member
Welcome to online pot forums, where the majority of the self-proclaimed "gurus" have never grown a plant.


Active member
There's no way to stop the misinformation on here. It's sad but the site won't do the work to do that. Maybe the site is more for entertainment purposes but if you do your research, you can weed out the bad info.


I had a lemon skunk seedling under my 400w mh for about 10 days before it sprouted...i used only rockwool , kept it in a cup with a little cover, kept it out of direct light but still under the MH...it dried up a few times on me but the last couple days ive been keeping it moist...it sprouted under the MH but looked like it was hurtin...i remember being told on these forums not go under MH for seedlings but i was lazy...soon after i put them under my weak ass t5 and now the baby is really looking good...

My take is MH 400w is way to strong for seedlings...it can be done but it takes FOREVER to grow and things can go wrong...10 days to germ a seed in rockwool...as oppose to 1-3 days rooted seedling paper napkin way i did on my first set of seeds....

rocket high

Active member
better watch what you say dojo to these guys ...if they dont like it they beat on ya big time..lol
deffo last post on this bitch fight :rant:


ICMag Donor
We can learn as much from new-growers as we can old-stoners. Growing cannabis is a fluid subject,, so those experimenting today are those at the pinnacle of what is happening,, the majority of which are "new growers".

Mentors are here to give words of advice, encouragement and support,, based on their own experience with cannabis. We dont know anyone that is the exact gospel on the subject of growing ganja plants,, because there's 100 and 1 ways to grow them :D

I n I agree that ALL new members should be made aware of the 'search' function before posting a question that has answered a 1000 times already,,, but otherwise new growers often bring just as much passion and energy into the subject and community IMO.

Hope this helps :canabis:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
The fact remains its Bad Advice to give to NEW GROWERS, To use HIDs in the first week of a seedlings life & thats what my argument was, in fact its some of the worst advice i have ever heard on this site! Lets ask Gypsy & the other respected growers on IC what they think?

Unborn seedlings are fully capable of and, in fact, expect the full strength of the sun. They blow their nose at our puny 400,000 watt lamps. What, you only have 400 watts? Well now they're just laughing at you. Be careful they don't kick sand in your face and steal your girl.

Plants bond with the first thing they see. Allow them to bond to a cfl and a HID will be the equivalent of the sun going nova and will kill everything you have. Let them bond with the biggest lamp you have (a pathetic and near impotent light source no matter the wattage) and you wont have this problem.

As an HID user, I only use CFLs to stunt growth, never for germ. Starving a baby does it no good.


Hey FB, I recommend Floros or CFLs until they get the basics down. That is just me though. And I like keeping those 600 watters off of 24\7. That juice bill has to be kept down. In my house anyway.

But I do wish that I could run them under the sun. :)



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
If anything, allowing them to bond with a cfl puts them in danger as you're now forced to acclimate them which always includes chance of death. There are many reasons for CFLs or other low level lamps. Protecting sprouts isn't one of them.


If anything, allowing them to bond with a cfl puts them in danger as you're now forced to acclimate them which always includes chance of death. There are many reasons for CFLs or other low level lamps. Protecting sprouts isn't one of them.

I have never looked at it that way. Interesting. Are you talking of growing in a micro environment?



Active member
The law is...no posting until you've actually...with your own hands...done the thing you're writing about.

Anyway...can we have a "test" that we need to pass before we can post in the New Growers section...or the infirmary? Something to keep out the posers... Something to help the unsuspecting, the naive, those looking for help, a solution...

the only laws here are the forum guidelines:

if one does not trust the advice posted here, that member is not obliged to follow such advice. try what you think sounds logical, based on fact, or tried and true...one method does not work for everyone...sometimes the most trusted, long standing members will post methods that simply won't work for others...for no good reason...

more info is always better, though...get a few books as well...general gardening books, book about growing cannabis (read the books several times)...browse the forum...add it all up and decide what you want to try...when you find a method that works for you & you are happy with the results, stick with it.

do your best to enjoy your hobbies...they aren't worth the time if you are not happy doing them.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I have never looked at it that way. Interesting. Are you talking of growing in a micro environment?


It's the same reason I avoid paper towels. Sprout in your grow medium under your grow lamp and you never need to acclimate to anything. The second my sprout beaks through, into the DWC it goes. Waiting for roots to show just gives you roots to break


ICMag Donor
Take all advice as that...advice! Trial and error. The internet was not always around and many have learned by their own hand.

Takes more time but it pays tenfold. Wanted to touch on the SUN comment but Freezerboy beat me to it. As stated " Indoors you will never recreate the Sun's intensity.":scripture:



Ahhhh DWC that explains it. You grow start to finish in one spot. Ok that makes sense now. I grow in dirt. Pot up and only use my HPS for flower. Keeps the power bill down.

I always wanted to do DWC. Nice yields there. I will have to swing by and check out some of your grows.
