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We have gone to hell in a handbasket!!!!!


Active member
All you have to do is Google it..it was freaking totally mainstream news. Most people just picked up on it late in the forth quarter so to speak. I followed this story closely early and if anyone else did then they are also aware Obama WANTED INDEFINITE DETENTION IN TGE BILL. HE NEVER HAD AN ISSUE WITH WIPING HIS ASS WITH OUR FOUNDING DOCUMENTS IN FACT IT GETD HIM HARD. In all fairness I realize he is just an empty suit performing in a play just like bush. Bit ya here's 1 link. There are more...seriously though I literally typed in something like "Obama wanted indefinite detention in ndaa" I know there's more than that report because that wasn't even the article I was thinking about I just happen to see it just now. So Google is your friends use it ok.


Listen, I know how to google. I know how to read. What I am saying is that this was already law, it wasn't his doing and the congress was going to override his veto if he vetoed it anyways. Do I agree with what is happening to civil liberties? No. Do I think the Obama administration is heading in the right direction with them? No. But we have to realize that we didn't even have a discussion in this country about the legitimate level of danger that we are willing to accept in order to preserve our civil liberties. I am personally all for more danger and thus more freedom but again we never had this conversation. The AUMF which gave the powers of indefinite detention to the executive branch was passed three days after 9/11 and we have simply forgotten about protecting our liberties completely in this country. That being said, the people who should be legitimately running for the Republican nomination are being ignored in favor of social conservatives who I will never even think about voting for. So Obama will get my vote again unless the Republicans dig up Barry Goldwater and nominate his bones. Seriously, if Republicans looked to Barry Goldwater rather than Ronald Regan for their inspiration I would probably be a Republican.


So you did not read that article..ok. I tried. Exactly what you asked for not much more I can do..go vote for the NWO ..


weed fiend
NWO's just another name for greed. When it starts involving all that conspiracy stuff it's less than enthralling.


Active member
Man you guys are in trouble something has to be done. why is there not more people in the streets protesting this and every other infringement on your beloved constitution?

Because they are too busy watching T.V. and playing with their other hypnotic devices "Ipads", etc."


Someone else pointed this out...if Paul would have been president instead of bush who I voted for at the time, you think it wouldn't have mattered. Ok? Believe what you want but you sound kind of ignorant in the true sense of the word. I ain't mad at ya, if you don't like the discussion take a hike no one is forcing you to read it I don't think anyway...calm down I am not your enemy I know you sound frustrated as hell no one is asking you to defend voting for Obama don't feel bad everyone makes mistakes.v maybe you learnt that lesson most learn as kids...skin color doesn't matter. Once you said that was the basis of how you decide to vote I jut shrug what do you do? Now you are hear shouting me down I guess...whatever. its not about you me or Obama. This was all going to happen and in the works before Obama and will assumingly continue regardlless of which fake party hold office....so in a way you are right lol..don't hate me because I don't support that or because I have not thrown up my hands and surrendered like you apparently. Good lord lol.

wasnt directed at you , was directed at the OP, we pm'd about it and i hope that straights us on the rant i went into.

gist of what im saying is this: none of them have cared, none of them have been the upstanding moral ppl they pretended to be to get them where they are, so why worry about them and what they do? if your gonna constantly tell me that i can go fuck myself behind closed doors then whats the point of trying to listen to what you "say you can do for me" to my face?

man listen. they are not gonna legalize shit because once the state says this then the fed says that; shit barely ever gets done during any presidency, why, because the democrats say this and the republicans never know what the fuck they need to say. "we need this, they want that" , century after century of this doctor dolittle "push-me-pull-you" horse shit and its gotten us no where at all. im not saying its tiring im saying ive been tired from 91' listening to their bullshit. if it wasnt for me being in love with my wife you would have never caught me dead in the idiot box (voters box).

politics is nothing but a fucking mirage for the malcontent to stare at thinking that this is how shit gets done, its a minstrel show to "inspire" hope and give the illusion of progress to the upstarts and progressive thinkers.

as i told the OP in the pm fuck them do you! capitalism is all about the hustle. were here on this site and the TOU says we cant talk about selling weed or seeds well then every damned american on here might as well delete their account and keep it movin then!

and the more i watch this cat obama, i dont trust him but i like the way he handles those cocksuckers, atleast he puts them on blast for the common man to see how they are fucking things up for the place and he fucks with the young cats comin up and thats where its at.



Active member
always got a good post in you, FriendinDeed.

i agree with you on all counts, especially the way Obama handles those muthafuckers (republican dipshit senators) when they gridlock the nation and shit.

i cant wait till Hyprocrit-Mit or Santorum-Sludge goes up against Obama in the Presidential Debates and makes them look like the backwards-ass fools they really are.

mark my words; you think he won by a landslide against geriatric McCain? only Republican candidate that could beat him has no chance of getting the nomination. Paul is the only one who could take the necessary votes away from Obama in the general election, but the republican base will not allow him to get there.

ill be voting for Obama again, ive always voted Dem, and probably always will unless an Eisenhower republican values(true conservative) come back in play. whatever these fools are parading around def are not Republicans like they were 50-70 years ago. nowadays the lobbyists OWN the republicans.



Game Bred
anyone remember the state of the union?
the theme was "built to last" he repeated it more than any other phrase that night....
i kept thinking "hell in a bucket" or "US Blues" would have been more apropos.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Man you guys are in trouble something has to be done. why is there not more people in the streets protesting this and every other infringement on your beloved constitution?

too much flouride and Big pharma drugs... we are a nation of brainwashed sheep...

we will not fight for are rights... Instead we will WILLINGLY hand them over with eagerness and will invite the evil into our houses. Only till its too late will america wake up...

lost in a sea

annoys me really that almost no one understands how the world is run,, that is an understatement and could include three f words,,

like you say man dead flouride crystallised pineal glands and zombified souless consumers,,

the powers that be with their cities(ovas) and their habit of taming and spoiling people on purpose has opened the door to this world to a hole load of dead souls and if we dont wake them the fuck up then we are all about to see our natural rights gone and the very last sign of any hope go up in flames,,

all comes down to empathy as to whether you give a shit enough about what people are saying to listen and feel it,,

and our collective empathy is dead,, invest in your fellow man, your neighbour they are our brothers and sisters and stop aquiescing your rights away for state priviledges because your creating a resource for evil out of thin fucking air,,

so many may burn in this but america can get out if you guys act,,

end of metropolis, it was a cruel dream, harsh cold industrial technology and loveless unrewarding search for the almightly dollar i$i$, locked up like in 1984 being perpetually kept in fear,, just imagine it away and destiny will follow,,

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
I may be going to hell in a bucket, babe
But at least I'm enjoying the ride



Kiss My Ring
when i was a child i spoke like a child, but when barry was elected, i put away childish things.

consumptionism ruined this country. go out and buy a new car...the tires on this one are worn.

freedom has become the american dream...because that is all it is of late.

we are responsible. all of us who were sold tickets for this ride. it was scripted for us and we learned the lines by rote...nothing to weep about, it is fucking gone.

game up for the next wave of oppression.

lost in a sea

how will it look in the eyes of history when people see this "black" man "causing" so much pain to so many in africa and the middle east,,

its the most upside down thing ever,, so fucked up ,,

"After you divorce yourself from the right wing
Propaganda campaign, it's all simple and plain
America customed the game

Your president got an African name, now who you gone blame?
When they drop them bombs out of them planes
Using depleted uranium, babies looking like two headed aliens
Follow the money trail it leads to the criminal

Ain't nothing subliminal to it, that's how they do it
See they game they run, give a f-ck if he's cunning
Articulate and handsome, Afghanistan held for ransom
By the hand of this black man, neo-colonial puppet

White power with a black face, he said f-ck it I'll do it
A master of disguise, expert at telling lies
Then they gave him a Nobel Peace Price
Should of known he was trained in Chicago
Word to Chairmen Fred and Mark Clark
What they do in the dark will come out in the light
Like a wiki leaks site

So I guess Nkrumah was right, who's ready to fight?
Last stage of imperialism, I ain't kiddin
In the immortal words of Marvin Gaye 'This ain't living'"



weed fiend
how will it look in the eyes of history when people see this "black" man "causing" so much pain to so many in africa and the middle east,,

its the most upside down thing ever,, so fucked up ,,

"After you divorce yourself from the right wing
Propaganda campaign, it's all simple and plain
America customed the game

Your president got an African name, now who you gone blame?
When they drop them bombs out of them planes
Using depleted uranium, babies looking like two headed aliens
Follow the money trail it leads to the criminal

Ain't nothing subliminal to it, that's how they do it
See they game they run, give a f-ck if he's cunning
Articulate and handsome, Afghanistan held for ransom
By the hand of this black man, neo-colonial puppet

White power with a black face, he said f-ck it I'll do it
A master of disguise, expert at telling lies
Then they gave him a Nobel Peace Price
Should of known he was trained in Chicago
Word to Chairmen Fred and Mark Clark
What they do in the dark will come out in the light
Like a wiki leaks site

So I guess Nkrumah was right, who's ready to fight?
Last stage of imperialism, I ain't kiddin
In the immortal words of Marvin Gaye 'This ain't living'"


They'll most likely say, "Why'd you bring up skin color?"


Game Bred
wow thats a crunchy group....
the video shoot had to reek of doc brauners and patchouli!!!
99% of those singing also have more than 3 ron paul bumper stickers(not necessarily on a car) LMAO!!!!
[EDIT]just noticed the pro paul vids "related" LOL


i swear when im driving ppl must look at me and think im friggin crazy for the way i start yelling at the shit i hear on the radio.

so there i am driving along coming from my morning class (COMING FROM MY MORNING SOCIOLOGY CLASS!!!) and im thinking about the lecture,life, what i heard/learned and needed to go over, my son, dad and brother wre coming over for a visit, nothing but straight up positive vibes

this is exactly what i was thinking about: been out of the college game for awhile, getting back into it, better chances at future, blah blah blah, my story is just like anyone elses, but real talk, i am happy as fried catshit to be back witha new out look and new attitude and especially most if not all of the drama is out of my life so i can focus i mean really fucking focus and get this shit done!! got positive good ppl in my corner so for me as broke as fuck as i am i have ever reason to tbe thankful and greatful about life right now straight up. . . .

one of these fuckin asshat republicans says in a speech (now mind you, i dont listen to anyone of these cocksuckers because ive already decided that im voting for obama because every last one of those sorry fucks in washington and where ever else they slink can suck cock and die ) and this son of a bitch actually says that its not right that obama is forcing ppl to get an education of go to school. . . . oh god thats when i went in!!!! if that fuckin radio had a face i would broke that shit!!! so now these motherfuckers are tellin me that a president that wants people to get a fuckin education is wrong?!?!?!? word?!?!?!? are you really serious right now!?!??!?

c'mon man, c'mon, no matter hoooow many times you sit back and have these dumb bastards amaze you theyve always got a new way to fuck with you in one way or another.

now during election time i make sure i watch these debates and listen to these asshats 'cause there is no better live comedy out there. i saw the titus special and that was funny as hell, saw the katt williams special over again, saw the tribute to bernie mac, saw the comedy tour with the four redneck comedians and that was funny as all to be damned, so yeah the next thing is to watch these morons yammer on during these "political reality shows" they senselessly refer to as debates.

the only thing that was cool was watching obama tell the kids that they are the future and we need them to think up of shit to get outta this fossil fuel bullshit, cause the stupid motherfuckas out here now cant do it, been at it for decades and they just cant do it.

now im hearing some part of the middle east cut off oil supply to france and some other country because the middle eastern country got bitchy and emotional about some shit.

i smoke weed, i travel with weed, i drive and smoke weed, i grow weed, i know other ppl that grow weed and i love weed

i dont worry about cops anymore because they dont even fuckin exist to me, its like a giant worrying about a roach, whats the point? they are the lowest rung on that sorry ass political ladder. you wanna protect me? then leave me the fuck alone!!! you wanna serve me? then let me smoke in peace ESPECIALLY if you see me smoking in a setting where noooo one else is being affected. outside of that, get the hell outta my life and everyone elses.

i smoke, i grow what the fuck does that have to do with you federaly bitch? these cocksuckers wont let you have any sort of peace as long as you follow their bullshit so then whats the point? wanna come get me then cool, fuck it come get me, for what. school and love my family thats all i fucking do and thats a threat to you?

you know what, ya'll can go ahead and talk all this bullshit about who aint doin this and that and your damn grandchildren's grandchildren are gonna be on here doing the saaaaame damned thing rantin' about shit thats never changed never gonna and never will.

until we teach out kids to do better then things will never change and thats why i fucks with obama, he makes sure he talks to those kids.

im a big bastard, i dont mind sayin it cause although i can afford to lose a pound or 10 i get a clean bill of health when i see my doc. so needless to say america is full of some fat ass motherfuckas right or wrong? now how are you gonna go on TV and tell people that that mans wife cant do what she's doing to see that we AT THE VERY FUCKING LEAST!!! think about our health and what we eat. you got a problem with someone telling you to do something good for you?? you dont have to go into depth about it, there is/are simple examples eeeeevery wheeere that these people could give a shit about what you may need and be damned what you want/ how they think/ the message they are really sending.

you sellin houses to people who you know good and hell well cant afford them and then twiddle your thumbs and stutter when things go bust?!?!?! be clear: they dont care, obviously never have, obviously never will so i say again to all of you "FUCK THEM, DO YOU"

i remember a time when they atleast watched what they said, now these morons dont even do that. i mean damn, you bastards have it that good that you dont even have to consider what your saying anymore to the same people that you want votes from?!?!?!? dude, im good, they can go ahead on with all that bullshit.

we arent going to hell in a handbasket, we're already there!!! been there for a good amount of decades now. america is great but these USA are not where its at! meditate on it, you know its true
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weed fiend
Santorum "lives" in a modest home in PA. He really lives in a McMansion in the DC burbs. He decides to home schools his kids so his PA school system has to fork $70k.