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Ways to live frugally

You would be surprised how cheap the big metal buildings are you could build in side for a fraction of the cost and have warehouse/house. That's my plan the concrete will cost more than the building itself


I would be curious about efficiency. Those big metal building get damn hot(atleast here, I have many of them). Hotter than ambient outside temps atleast, which in turn, would make your house have to work harder to keep cool.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
My future (dream) home is made of straw bales.

Just the straw would be easy. I have a bailer, and fields and fields of straw, well hay, but I could plant some straw.

that would be cool, but i think i'd go for a geodesic dome house



i think they are suppose to be pretty DIY


Throbbing Member
Great ideas everyone, I came up with one, hunt for bear and turn the meat into sausage and save it in the freezer, a bear tag is like 10 bucks around here. ....

Nice food and excerise all rolled into one :)


I live frugally, but I feel there are some things you NEED to spend money. For instance, there are three things I don't mind spending money on.

1. Craft beer
2. Coffee (Folgers & Maxwell House are like $4/lb, but I'd rather get something I can taste)
3. Cigarettes

I walk around in $9.99 sweat pants 90% of the time, wear shoes that are almost worn through the sole, and wear inexpensive t-shirts 100% of the time.

Someone once told me their girlfriend buys $90 Jcrew jeans. I almost threw up.


Someone once told me their girlfriend buys $90 Jcrew jeans. I almost threw up.

That is nothing...my neice's boyfriend was at a family reunion with us a few years back, and we were taking group photos. The photographer told him since he was short he should sit on the ground in front. He flipped. Saying he spent not 100, not 200, but 300 dollars on his jeans...I made him sit.


Active member
Growing a lot will allow you to not have to live frugally.

Yeah but if you have no visible source of income and erect a huge building and live lavishly maybe its just me but it could draw some unwanted attention


Active member
Laundering your money will allow you to not draw unwanted attention. :D

Lol i would get entangled in the web of lies, but maybe starting a micro brewery would be cool, then if all else fails i can just drink the product.
Well everything I own, is for the purposes of making money in one fashion or another. I don't buy clothes except for what I might wear to work (I have maybe one pair of sneakers). I roll my own cigarettes, and I spend all day of every day working.
Wow! Great to see how many of you have your heads on straight! I firmly believe that the most important thing you can do early in life is to scrimp in order to build your own home, mortgage free, rent free. As early in life as you can. I built my first home when I was 26 and haven't had a mortgage or paid rent in 34 years (I did live in a company paid apartment for 8 years due to a work opportunity but I kept my home). You have no idea how good it feels to be free of landlords and banks till you do it. Its like night and day.

The other thing I'll suggest is to get a little Zen in your life. If you're not familiar with the terms, look into yo-no-bi (defining beauty through an object's utility), and wabi-sabi (seeing beauty in things modest and humble). You don't have to go nuts and join a monastery, but think a bit about these principals and how they might contribute to a more satisfying life.

Famous Shoes

Harvest your own protein supply. I fish because I love to fish more than anything, and I also hunt turkey, waterfowl, and deer. That's my sole meat source. It's better for you than what the grocery offers, tastes better, and it's a lot cheaper.

If you have the space, you can do small scale aquaculture; hell you can even raise prawns and crayfish depending on your latitude.


just do it
id love to have an aquaponic greenhouse with a huge fishtank, grow all my own veggies and fresh fish


I wanted an ice cream sandwich, but being the frugal guy that I am, I chose to use regular sandwich bread and ice cream to make my own.
