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Ways to live frugally


Active member
Why live frugally? First, because it allows you to spend less than you earn, and use the difference to pay off debt, save or invest. Or all three. Second, because the less you spend, the less you need to earn. And that means you can choose to work less, or work more but retire early. Or take mini retirements. You have more options with a frugal lifestyle.

Few ways to save money so i can buy a house sooner
1.Go with one car.
2.Go with a smaller house.
3.Go with a smaller car.
4.Look for used first.
5.Eat out frugally.
6.Brown bag it to work.( ur lunch not booze)
7.Adopt a minimalist wardrobe.
8.Stop online impulse buys.
9.Stay healthy.
10.Quit smoking cigs
11.Drink water.
12.Stay home.
13.Stop using credit cards
14.Make your own.
15.Do it yourself.
16.Stop paying interest.
17.Cut your own hair.
18.Maintain stuff.

I already own a 100x100 lot with a septic system that i plan to build my home on. I really don't need that big of a home i just want a nice porch and a extra bedroom for growing my ladies and i'll be happy. I think buying one of these home "kits" and being your own general contractor is the way to go. I believe i can save thousands by building a home this way. Anywho lets hear some more ideas on how to live frugally. Also i've thought about making a big garage pole building instead and just building a apartment in the upstairs or to one side of the structure, i think that could be even cheaper yet. Laterz.. Hovz


Throbbing Member
Quitting the cigs will save you lots of $$$ also cook at home verses going out will help


Yep eat at home, quit smoking, grow your own and brew your own.


Yep eat at home, quit smoking, grow your own and brew your own.

All these make a huge difference.
Quiting cigs is easily xxx-xxxx$/year saved.
Eating at home really saves alot of money too, especially if you shop smart and use coupons... no point going out for a 30$ steak dinner when I can go eat the same meal at home for about 12$.
Growing you own goes without saying, no more buying weed + if you end up harvesting more than you smoke you have an opportunity to make a little extra cash.
brewing beer is awesome, costs me about 40$ to brew a batch in one of those giant gatorade sports containers, quality is decent too


Active member
then buy bulk tobacco like i do. 26$ an lb. then get tubes with filter for 3.25$ for 200. ends up being like 13$ a carton


Active member
Great thread

I was in australia not long ago and stayed with this geezer on a large chunk of land in northern NSW... and dude had it all - animals - dogs cats perrets, cocks and chicken and sheep and cows....

best of all he was building , slowly, a very large luxurious wooden home for himself.

I was thinking of doing the same really...

Whats that home buidling kit u speak off?


Active member
Buying food in larger bulk and storing in freezer has helped us out. Or Bulk dry goods usually are a better deal . We live frugally more for the reason of working less and spending time together as a family . Im not a freeloader by any means but know how to stretch a buck. Brewing your own helps out if you drink beer , tastes better too!



live BELOW your means
quit the commute, work where you live, or live where you work.
shop for more veggies, less boxed foods
Shop at Goodwill/etc for clothes-you would be AMAZED what's there
walk to any activity(ie. shopping, theatre, etc) that is <1mi away.
reuse, recycle and compost-saves TONS on garbage fees
cut back your water use-5min showers, turn off spigot while shaving, etc
cut back your thermometer to 65-68deg, and get an electronic therm to regulate it..
don't buy liquor when you go out for dinner(at least not with the meal)


Active member
Great ideas everyone, I came up with one, hunt for bear and turn the meat into sausage and save it in the freezer, a bear tag is like 10 bucks around here.

I forgot to mention veggie garden, i grow lots of berry's every year, they are easy to grow.

There's tons of "house kits" on the market but now that i rethink it, i probably will go with a 2-3 car garage pole building with an apartment on one end that is upstairs/downstairs. If i have a contractor come in and pour concrete, do the poles, the roof trusses, and then do the rest myself i can save a lot of money. $20,000 could take me pretty far.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I've been looking into pole building construction to build a future home with.

It's the least expensive and easy to do. Set the poles, dig sewer pipes, pour the slab, build away.

I'm the DIY type and I'd like to build my own home one day. A quality constructed house is a rare find these days and very expensive when available.


Active member
I've been looking into pole building construction to build a future home with.

It's the least expensive and easy to do. Set the poles, dig sewer pipes, pour the slab, build away.

I'm the DIY type and I'd like to build my own home one day. A quality constructed house is a rare find these days and very expensive when available.

My thoughts exactly, I still need to develop my lot more by cutting trees down and leveling it all out but its pretty level for the most part.


My future (dream) home is made of straw bales.

Just the straw would be easy. I have a bailer, and fields and fields of straw, well hay, but I could plant some straw.


Active member
Hope no angry mobs try to burn ur house down, thats where the sniper window in the loft comes in handy :) Lookout for the big bad wolf.


Hope no angry mobs try to burn ur house down, thats where the sniper window in the loft comes in handy :) Lookout for the big bad wolf.

lol, ya that was my first thought too! After reading about them, I think from a conservation standpoint the only thing better is an Earthship.

Once they put up the adobe, they look pretty normal...


fish-eye lens makes this one look weird.

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