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Wattage/Amperage Announcement


Active member
There have been many questions about how many watts our units actually draw in total power, and how much amperage as well. Someone mentioned that you could buy a very cheap power meter ($30) at Home Depot/Lowes to find out, so I bought one today to give everyone a factual answer. Our 126W comes with 126 x 1W LED's, + 6 cooling fans. Here is what it draws:




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Active member
It doesn't say UL on the sticker..., it does say CE though.

Anyhow, for anyone wondering, we use 126W x 1W LED's. I was told our fans have an approximate power usage of 2-3W each, for a total of 12-18W (I always tend to list the higher #). To my understanding (by looking inside the units) the fans are not driven by the power supply, they are connected directly to the power cord. The power cord also connects into the power supply, which drives the LED's. Most power supplies operate at 90-95% efficiency, meaning that our 126W of LED's, are powered with approximately 113W-119W. The remaining draw shown by the power meter, is from the 6 fans on the unit, connected directly to the power cord, and not the power supply. So the results you are seeing with our units, are actually using 113-119W of total light output, even though we use 126W of LED's. Hope this was easy enough to follow.
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Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Good to see some real world numbers, at least this light actually uses the power stated.
There is a direct connection to power used and light output so lights like procyons using 3+ amps each and that lumigrow es using 8+ amps may be putting out a ton of light but obviously using way more power with the higher wattage LED's. I guess it all depends on what you are looking for. Again, very nice to see that your unit uses the stated power and at just 1.1 amp usage you could surely have a bunch of these lights hooked up on one circuit. The only real drawback is the penetration issue with 1 watt LED's but it seems your emitters are a much narrower angle than most which would increase the downward output but of course make the effective coverage area smaller. Now can you hook up all the other ones you sell so we can see those numbers too? :joint:


Active member
What purpose does it serve to continue supplying 10x the information that any other MFR asks for, just to turn around and get asked for more? No offense to you soft, but I'm done for now with all of these questions. I'm tired of people making more tedious work for me, than is intelligently necessary, and not taking some initiative on their own to learn a thing or two when it comes to LED's. If our 126W uses 126W, why do I need to provide 3x the pictures to show each and every unit we make? I just don't get it, unless you feel I'm lying to you, or what? I'm at my wits end with some of this stuff. Do you honestly think that me posting the other two are going to make someone purchase a light? Like that's the deciding factor? Nope, it just seems like it's asked to make more work for me and spread some itty bitty doubt that my other units aren't the same. If there wasn't doubt, you wouldn't need the extra pictures.


What purpose does it serve to continue supplying 10x the information that any other MFR asks for, just to turn around and get asked for more? No offense to you soft, but I'm done for now with all of these questions. I'm tired of people making more tedious work for me, than is intelligently necessary, and not taking some initiative on their own to learn a thing or two when it comes to LED's. If our 126W uses 126W, why do I need to provide 3x the pictures to show each and every unit we make? I just don't get it, unless you feel I'm lying to you, or what? I'm at my wits end with some of this stuff. Do you honestly think that me posting the other two are going to make someone purchase a light? Like that's the deciding factor? Nope, it just seems like it's asked to make more work for me and spread some itty bitty doubt that my other units aren't the same. If there wasn't doubt, you wouldn't need the extra pictures.

I've noticed this too. It seems like some of these people are some how threatened by LEDs and your presence here. It really blows my mind.

But being a shade tree psychologist of the Freudian variety, I do have a theory,lol. Sometimes a 1000watter is just a 1000watter. Sometimes it represents a phallic insecurity.

I, myself, am not threatened by you or your LEDs. In fact, I respect your patience and hard work. It's always nice to see a fellow female grower taking something to the next level as you have with your lights. A 126watter is in my near future.

For what it's worth, I say quit trying to convince people that you have a legit product. Their fears are not your responsibility. You have provided adequate info, let them do their own research.

Take care,


Active member
^^^^^^ Yeah, really LEDgirl, you should take it as a compliment that these ppl are getting bent out of shape by your products and your explanations. It's exactly what happens when ppl are afraid you're rocking their boat.

Keep it rockin' baby, you're doing great!


asde said:
What purpose does it serve to continue supplying 10x the information that any other MFR asks for, just to turn around and get asked for more?

i didnt saw any good led grow light yet which basically explains why led grow light mfrs doesnt offer much information: their products sux and giving much information would mean customers can see what they buy -> no one with decent knowledge would buy it anymore.
biggest suppliers for grow lights are mfrs such as philips, did you ever took a look at how much information they offer just for the horticulture section?

know you dont know all the informations people ask for but isnt it a signal for you to act and investigate? sometimes its more simple than it sound like

Asde, this is your last warning. I guess you see why you got a temp ban huh?

Move along.

im not sure whats the problem at all?? :coffee:


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Well now that she is on vacation look's like you got us to ask questions to.

I mean seriously what the hell more can she do? Seems to me the more she answered the more it got fuggin nit picked to the point threads had to be binned.

Members have them but who's gonna get excited over seedling pics? I'm gonna throw seedlings and clones under mine and all I'm waiting on are roots then we will see what's what.

So once again anybody with 15 posts or less wanna ask any more question's of those that's been here a while? Or do those of you who have been here a bit wanna see if they can grow some weed?

All these scientist with 15 post's or less and yet so many questions.? Kinda makes ya wonder doesn't it.


Now I for one hope like hell that these Led's work out because all the shit she has taken the last few week's I want her to have the privileged of using my most beloved picture. First we show off the buds then this picture followed by the words



Have A Nice Day


Its about time you started telling some of these losers to F off, and don't be shy about it either you are way too nice. You have gone above and beyond. You have won my business, I will be buying one of your lights in the coming months. Do yourself a favor and kick back for a while, don't burn yourself out. You have done one hell of a job!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Well, I hope none of this above negativity is directed at me. I was genuinely asking about the larger models and for the record I am a big supporter of LED for whatever it's worth. I think maybe someone in particular being very defensive about something completely innocent & without any good reason to be acting so combative. Part of running a business is providing information and requested details about your products. You started the thread about their power usage, not me so not sure what the problem is really. If it's too much trouble for you....hmmm, yeah. :joint:
I asked a legitimate question about power use in this thread which is about power use and it gets deleted? :crazy:

I am not one of the LED haters, I actually support LED use.

The answers I was seeking are provided by manufacturers of HID lights but no LED grow light manufacturers will supply that information.

I was not asking the same questions that other members have been asking over and over.

I wasn't being nasty or a troll and I stated that yet you deleted my post.
Last time in another thread it was a mod who later apologised.
This time it must have been YOU LEDgirl as you are a mod in your own section.

You may not think that buyers want to know the answers to the questions I asked but you are NOT the buyers, you are the seller.
As a buyer I want to know the answers I asked for, especially when you have claimed that it uses 126 x 1W LEDs and yet draws only 126W from the power outlet, what about losses in the driver and the power used by the fans?

How can you claim that it uses 1W LEDs when it clearly doesn't or they are not being supplied with 1W each, they would have to break the laws of thermodynamics to do what you claim with power usage.

Do you expect your buyers to be dumb and not see this?

I bet this gets deleted too.

An honest seller would answer my legitimate questions.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
I asked a legitimate question about power use in this thread which is about power use and it gets deleted? :crazy:

I am not one of the LED haters, I actually support LED use.

The answers I was seeking are provided by manufacturers of HID lights but no LED grow light manufacturers will supply that information.

I was not asking the same questions that other members have been asking over and over.

I wasn't being nasty or a troll and I stated that yet you deleted my post.
Last time in another thread it was a mod who later apologised.
This time it must have been YOU LEDgirl as you are a mod in your own section.

You may not think that buyers want to know the answers to the questions I asked but you are NOT the buyers, you are the seller.
As a buyer I want to know the answers I asked for, especially when you have claimed that it uses 126 x 1W LEDs and yet draws only 126W from the power outlet, what about losses in the driver and the power used by the fans?

How can you claim that it uses 1W LEDs when it clearly doesn't or they are not being supplied with 1W each, they would have to break the laws of thermodynamics to do what you claim with power usage.

Do you expect your buyers to be dumb and not see this?

I bet this gets deleted too.

An honest seller would answer my legitimate questions.

That because your question has been answered several times and it has been asked by several people. So I'm having a real hard time figuring out your beef. Now I will admit she has a temper and has posted some thing's I might not have but after a few weeks of lurking I can now see why.

Don't ya think we might wanna see if they grow weed b4 we get to excited? The damn thing could miraculously use 60 watts and put out 126 watts of light but if it doesn't grow weed it's not really worth it is it?

She showed you a picture of it hooked up to a meter. Maybe you would like to come over and see for yourself maybe? Is that what your after? What more can be shown at this point?

Does it work or doesn't it? That what we need to worry about before we put the cart in front of the horse and scream Getty up and get run over.



2nding the request to see the actual watt/amp draw on the 1500 watt unit, please.

imo you have this part backwards: "Most power supplies operate at 90-95% efficiency, meaning that our 126W of LED's, are powered with approximately 113W-119W."

90-95% efficiency on the power supply means there is some loss so 126w of LEDs would pull from 132-138 watts.

fake edit: Wait what is the total draw of the 126w unit including the fans?


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
2nding the request to see the actual watt/amp draw on the 1500 watt unit, please.

imo you have this part backwards: "Most power supplies operate at 90-95% efficiency, meaning that our 126W of LED's, are powered with approximately 113W-119W."

90-95% efficiency on the power supply means there is some loss so 126w of LEDs would pull from 132-138 watts.

fake edit: Wait what is the total draw of the 126w unit including the fans?


So lets see she posts a picture of the light using a power meter and yet you still ask what is the draw with the fans? I have included a link for ya to her site that has all the information you can possibly ask for. As a matter of fact I might just take the time to copy cut past all of them since some of you seem incapable of clicking on the link and getting the answers from the site.

You see guys some competitors with new nics have been coming here for weeks stirring up shit for Led girl. We tried in vain to get her to simply let those stupid post's go but with it being her business (and now I totally understand)she tried to defend herself and if you read my tagline at the bottom she came across as harsh. Now you all understand this:

Some of you got caught in the crossfire of these idiots and got the wrath of LED Girl. I'm not defending her in any way but I will say all this nit pickin is bullshit and all that you need is at their site. Very damn few of you have started a post by saying "I went to your site and" very damn few. Now we the mods are here in her absence to try to weed out the real one's that want to SEE if these lights work and those of you that want to blast her for whatever reason which in fact I could give 2 shits about.

Take me for an example. I have been testing Female Seeds beans for over 5 years now. Am I a seed breeder? Nope. Never have been and NEVER said I was but I do grow out some fine ass buds don't I and that is why we are here to grow bud plain and simple.

Now follow the link to the site read all she's got and THEN come back and ask your question's. If they work I'm gonna tell you they work. If they fail I'm gonna tell you they fail JUST LIKE ALWAYS.

And that's about all I gotta say about that.

Happy Reading And Have A Nice Day
This ridiculous LED-bashing has to stop. Everyone needs to open their eyes & minds and shut their mouths for a while. Welcome new ideas and strategies, don't hate on them.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
This ridiculous LED-bashing has to stop. Everyone needs to open their eyes & minds and shut their mouths for a while. Welcome new ideas and strategies, don't hate on them.

Hell Yeah Sticky. I mean WTF right,I do think tho that a lot of the early shit storms were from competitors, not all mind you,I tracked one guy down at another site and at the risk of being banned myself I asked him what all had happened, the reason being is I put IC members first.

Sounds kinda crazy doesn't it. Well this individual came here last week rattled off a few post slung a little poopie and got banned and I at first I didn't agree with it so I wanted to here it from him what happened so I tracked him down and got his side of it mainly because I wanted to see if all this shitstorming had any substance or was it a bunch of folks just tryin to stir up shit. b4 I put my name on a test of a vendor's light that I thought was being unruly or more importantly for you members untruthful.

In other words for all you haters I was trying to look out for ya FAR BEYOND what Gypsy expects from us.

So here I am back with what I needed to confirm that my test will continue and we will find out if they work because ALL OF YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND had I not heard what I wanted to, I would have mailed it back in a second.

Let's Continue To Keep The Peace & See If They Can Grow The Green



edit: I am content to let it remain a mystery.

edit2: could you figure a way to "overdrive" the power supply and get the true 126w out of the bulbs?