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Water Cure 1, 2, 3, ala TK


I love this thread. Can't believe I found it. I had some unflushed stuff last year and soaked it in the bath tub. My kid and his pal at the collective thought I was nuts. I couldn't convince them that the resin wasn't water soluable and it wouldn't wash off if it wasn't agitated. I didn't use this method but acomplished the same thing. A full bath tub is a lot of water for some bud on a 2 day flush. If I only knew I could have gone a week, wow. I'm making them read this thread to vindicate myself.


A friend came over today he brought in a plant he accidently broke in half. 2-3 weeks before finish. He turned a Ferrari into a Fiat. He wanted me to salvage what I could. I trimmed it and put some in water cure and hung the rest. Will do a comparison. I may make bubble hash with it.


Water curing , hydrogen peroxide and PM

Water curing , hydrogen peroxide and PM

I'm curious about this water curing. Would it be possible to add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the water to kill any Powdery Mildew on a bud??


If it were me I would spray the bud with h2o2 real good let it work and rinse it off, but thats just me. If you add h2o2 to the soaking solution it will be too dilute, and soaking at 3% would probably be too strong.


Yeah I'm going to try it. See if it does anything bad to the smell or taste.h202 just becomes water right?
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Yeah I'm going to try it. See if it does anything bad to the smell or taste.h202 just becomes water right?

Right, but I would still wash it off as it has oxidized the contamiants on your plant such as powdery mildew. Why not remove them with a rinse.


Hey I tried spraying a little h2o2 on the base of a bud that had some PM and then rinsed it in water. Seemed to have worked fine. I don't notice any difference in taste either.


I just water cured some satori and hung to dry the and bottle cured the rest, both came out real good. The water cure dried up with out being green, the underlying colors came out, it became more purple. As stated the smoke has very little smell if any at all. The stuff is so strong that there was not a noticeable difference between them in strength, but of those that tried both liked the water cured the best and some think it is stronger.
Thanks for your help NiteTiger. I made some brownies from scratch and they turned out WONDERFUL! Not a hint of dank taste, but the potency was there all day. Thanks again for this thread, edibles are fun! Especially with water cured weed!



Active member
I'm just returning to smoking after a lot of years abstaining. Way back when, due to lack of funds I'd buy larger quantities of crappy weed. I'd actually put the weed/distilled water on the stove and take it up to where it was steaming but always well below boiling. Let it go for 2-3 hours. I'd dry it out (dries real fast like everyone is saying) and then take about 2/3 of the buds, remove the seeds, pulverize and make iso oil. The reason I started doing the water boil is that I couldn't find iso over 90% & I had to drive far to get that. Once all the water soluables are gone you can leave it sit in 75% iso as long as you wish. I'd never heard of just doing quick wash iso back then.

I'd usually take the oil and mix it with about half the remaining weed - that'd be for pipes/bong. The remaining plain boiled buds went into joints that smoked almost as smooth as cigs (according to my always suspect memory).
I just tried my first water cure, seven days, water never really got too funky, by the 7th day my meter (a truncheon so I don't get any numbers under 100) showed nothing. I love the tast and everything but two things were different than what I've read - it still has a smell just like the same strain done regular (chocolope) and the decent sized buds took 2 days to dry. Do you think I didn't let it go long enough? Anyone go over 7 days?


I just tried my first water cure, seven days, water never really got too funky, by the 7th day my meter (a truncheon so I don't get any numbers under 100) showed nothing. I love the tast and everything but two things were different than what I've read - it still has a smell just like the same strain done regular (chocolope) and the decent sized buds took 2 days to dry. Do you think I didn't let it go long enough? Anyone go over 7 days?

Sounds to me like you didn't go long enough. What size container to the amount of bud did you use and did you change the h2o every day?
Sorry for the late reply haven't been over here for a while
Sounds to me like you didn't go long enough. What size container to the amount of bud did you use and did you change the h2o every day?
Sorry for the late reply haven't been over here for a while

I don't know how much water / bud, I just used a big glass kitchen canister but can't remember how much I filled it up. I did change the water everyday. I just bought a 8 cup french press to use from now on. Seems like an easy, ready made device for my goal with this.

All of the tutorials are pretty firm on the seven day rule, have you gone longer?


I don't know how much water / bud, I just used a big glass kitchen canister but can't remember how much I filled it up. I did change the water everyday. I just bought a 8 cup french press to use from now on. Seems like an easy, ready made device for my goal with this.

All of the tutorials are pretty firm on the seven day rule, have you gone longer?

Maybe 8 days once, I use RO water from the local water store, distilled h2o from the grocery is also good, having no salts in the h2o draws out the stuff in the plant material better, imho.
When finished there is relatively no smell to the smoke.