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Active member
Your rite to bear arms was originally given to protect your household against British soldiers in a time of revolutionary war, not to rig up shotgun shells in mouse traps to blow kids arms off for stealing your plants.

I agree with you about the booby traps as is obvious in my earlier posts, but I have to correct the above statement.

The right to bare arms was given to us so that we could carry out another revolution if our new leaders turned out to be the same kind of tyrants as the old ones, not to rig up shotgun shells in mouse traps to blow kids arms off for stealing your plants. :joint:


Registered Non-Conformist
It is not a game. If someone is reckless enough to go walking around (at night, usually) and trespass around this area, well, all bets are off... Most rednecks are well-armed, with dogs. It acts as a deterrent.

I will not face down a thief, unless I am able to surprise them... Fuck that. I am not gonna be the one that gets hurt...;~/

WOALL< you are not thinking clearly. It is not a macho thing to get killed or maimed.... I have been shot before. A random crime in a big City, during a Blackout.... Trust me, you guys do not wanna feel that. It was just a flesh wound, and it was like fire inside me... Threw me 10 feet into a wall. Even so.

If one causes a stir, good chance of some legal consequences, one way or another....

It SUX about Public Parklands becoming OFF-LIMITS... Because the only safe way to carry on is to NOT go there in the summer. Even Cops get hurt going back there. And they are supposedly prepared.

In a household outdoor grow situation, most thieves come thru and take the big tops only due to 'time constraints.' In other words, Smash-and-grab....

I DO see people 'casing out' properties in the summer. And - I hear it from others. Last year, some guy was 'selling seafood' that he 'caught.' I Never saw the fish, but it may have been in a cooler in his truck. Anyways, he was going-door-to-door, with a Sweatshirt saying HUMBOLDT. I do not live in Hum, so he was from elsewhere...

BALLS THE SIZE OF TEXAS TOO.... He was on edge, and was looking around as he went back to his truck.... Pretty obvious. It was late September. Need I say more..?

I walked out to him and advised him to be careful around here. If he was smart, he split the area, and quick.

Then there is the Blowtorch story of last year.... Dumbass bragging outside the Oakland Dispensary about the 30 lbs in his car. Got followed 4 hours home, and got tortured, before he got robbed. Dude was a 'double agent', using his helicopter to help setup, then his sons would rip off the same sites he helped set up.... Many thought he had it coming.

Nuff negative stories...



RIPPERS HAVE NO CLASS..:noway:What has it become... $100 1/4 ...It has to be more.... Good guys finsh last??? THATS B.S. RIPPERS FINISH LAST:nanana:... TO ALL BUTTLICKS WHO ARE WAITING FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S HARVEST... SUCK SOME ASS....:moon: KARMA IS A BITCH.... AND SHE HAS YOUR #...:abduct:


Rippers are low life SOB's!

I caught some in 2010. Two dudes. I made em take turns blowing each other. People will usually do what you say when you are wearing a mask and have a gun. I figured that was a good way to make em keep their mouths shut.
Bet those cocksuckers won't rip any more patches. :D


Active member
In real life, Big Tex is a big soft hippie. He's just playing out his redneck survivalist tough guy fantasy on the internet.


In real life, Big Tex is a big soft hippie. He's just playing out his redneck survivalist tough guy fantasy on the internet.

OK maybe one more post. This aint fantasy pal.....

h^2 O

easiest thing to do (assuming you live in the burbs and not too close to other houses) is light of 3-4 firecrackers in the evening to make people think you're target shooting. If they think you have a gun they're not going to rip you.


Registered Non-Conformist
Local LEO's say over and over again, LEGAL or NOT, No gun on the premises, or else all other charges will be amplified. Sheesh, most rippers are teenagers.... Like, maybe it's your neighbor's kid.... More than likely, that is who it will be. Don;t pull a gun unless it is appropriate...

Remember, failing the use of Night-Vision (not likely) only animals can see in the nightime.

SO, consequently, if you see NO lights, but hear something, it is an animal. Go back to sleep, lol...


Gunshots, real or faked will now, thankfully, get a Sheriff out to your house....

It is TERRIBLY stupid to shoot off a gun for no reason, where there are any neighbors within eyeshot... People with Kids seem not to like that......

Although it is fun to act tough, and beat ones' chest like a Gorilla. .... In fact, a way of life, if one is a Camo-wearing, unkempt NorCal Pseudo-Hippie-Redneck, or a Texan, for that matter - lol... Keep in mind, that any reason for a LEO to enter the property is a bad one..... Usually some sort of consequences.. They are not really on your side, even if you are the one getting ripped. They just want your Assets BAD><.....!!


Active member
hey man.. i was just kidding. in no way was I unconvinced that you are what you say. but i did make you post again after you said you wouldn't.

just havin' a laugh.

when the world collapses from famine or disease or disaster or war in the next 30 years, we're gonna need killers like you in our camp. ;)


Active member
Tex, I am not judging you personally, man. Just giving my opinion and- especially for the last few posts- busting your stones.

In reality, when considering your opinion, I am saying to myself... "you never know how important a crop is to somebody. they could be __________." insert fucked up circumstances of your choice.

So if you feel judged by me, sorry. That wasn't my intention.


BigTex, I just got done reading your grow diary. Much respect.

Rippers put us in a tough spot because we have no choice but take the law into our own hands.

How about this for a solution...


When I get land out in the country and start growing a lot of plants I will have several large dogs on the prowl. The only drawback to this is that you might be putting dogs in harms way. I doubt many rippers would be willing to shoot or knife dogs in order to reach your plants. If that happens, I'm getting out the AK and rallying the troops.


Active member
I agree with you Tex. The rationale of some of the people responding to you is insane.

Bank Robbery: It's just money. It's not worth spilling blood over. Tell that to the police.

Personal property is personal property. If an old woman is robbed for her Oxycontin and she defends herself is she a bad person? NO TRESPASSING.

Personally, I like the hidden video cams and tracking devices. Rob me and I'll show up at your house later and we can figure it out.


Smoke weed and prosper
Poor rippers...that's newage gay-love thinking if you ask me.
You spend your time, energy and money to find the spot. Then you spend even more taking care of it and growing your plants. Water is heavy and your plants need lots and lots of it. But when you go harvest the plants there's some dude there taking all your bud. His age is not important but his intentions are clear.
What do you do?
Do you let him walk off with all off? The guy isn't just taking buds from you. He's taking your hard work, time, money and energy with him. How are you going to get those moths of back-breaking labor back? How about your investment: gas, seeds and grow supplies aren't that cheap. And after all of that he takes the only place you felt you were secure enough to grow your plants.
I lost plants in the past because i trusted somebody that i should have known better than to trust. If i find someone stealing from me, i will beat the crap out of them for stealing all of my work and because i'll have to find a different spot and start all over again.


:wallbash:NO WAY SHOULD IT BE THIS WAY...SHITTY PEOPLE DO BAD THINGS.. RIPPERS WILL GET THEIRS:nanana:..AS BIG TEX STATED..."I would never want to hurt anyone" I feel that is the way all growers approch the situation..THERES ALWAYS A "BUT" LOW LIFE RIPPERS TAKE NOTE..HARVEST TIME DRAWS NEAR..& YOU RIPPERS READ THESE POSTS TOO...SO SAVE YOUSELFS ....:noway:WE'RE WATCHING U... Take Care.. KARMA...:abduct:

Care Free 1

Active member
These signs are clearly posted on my property, and I have motion detectors, video surveilance, 12ga shot guns, and German Shepard guard dogs.

Just too many people in my general area to trust all my hard work to a ripper!!!



Active member
I'm partial to a decapitated head rotting on an iron spike at all points of potential entry.