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How do you people grow in places where people just stumble upon plants??? heres a tip, go somewhere where no one else will want to go, then go another 5 km... any ripper willing to go where i do can take what he can carry.. because he wont want to go through it again


Sorry Smokey The Bear For the F bombs..."We Just went last night with one of my Grow Buddies & some little "F*@k" is that better.. came into his mothers back forty Took her riding mower & while going through To the pole barn.. to get more stuff they found some of "his Stash" growing Dug it up.. left a pile of POO... I'll try not to swear... Its got to be the Lil Clan in town..A BUNCH OF HILL JACKS...NO Class.. Pisses ME OFF... She Needs the meds... have some CLASS... SORRY FOR THE CUSS WORDS .... PEACE.... P.S. If it was legal..They would make NO $$$$$ No need to RIP.....


Just for the record....I may take extreme measures to protect my patches, but in 18 seasons I've never had a patch ripped.

Sorry "booby traps' offend some of yall but rippers don't deserve any pitty. My patch is fenced off and you aren't going to accidently enter it. Where I live growing makes you an outlaw & if you mess with someone involved in some outlaw shit then some outlaw shit may happen to you......and like it or not that's a fact! So for all yall that say I give you a bad name...kiss it.....noone has ever even seen one of these "booby traps". If I blew the legs off 4 innocent hikers then you would have the right to say I've given you a bad name. Peace:D


Exactly Ranude private ranch over 5k acres. Whole area is posted and heavily watched. My patches even have garden fences around them to keep critters out. There's absolutely no way you could "stumble into my patch".....and if someone is in my patch they are up to no good/looking for trouble. My main line of defense is game cameras. That way I am aware of people "looking around" as soon as they come in the area. This usually gives me plenty of time to find them before they can find what they are looking for. Most trespassers around here are hunting/poaching, not looking for weed anyway.

If my actions offend anyone I appologize.
Exactly Ranude private ranch over 5k acres. Whole area is posted and heavily watched. My patches even have garden fences around them to keep critters out. There's absolutely no way you could "stumble into my patch".....and if someone is in my patch they are up to no good/looking for trouble. My main line of defense is game cameras. That way I am aware of people "looking around" as soon as they come in the area. This usually gives me plenty of time to find them before they can find what they are looking for. Most trespassers around here are hunting/poaching, not looking for weed anyway.

If my actions offend anyone I appologize, but the way I see it as long as I'm not harming anyone else or the enviroment I can do what I damn well please on my own land.....I know not everyone sees it that way.

wait, are your game cameras live / beamed to you directly???? can you post a link? by the way i agree with you bro, but the thing is if you ever catch a kid take it easy on them. when i was younger and before i grew me and a couple friends went looking for pot. we were stupid and had no idea the deep shit we coulda got ourselves in and didnt know what kind of work it was. now that a few years have gone by and ive put in the work i would NEVER EVER NEVER EVER steal anyone elses crop. maybe take a clone if it was some crazy space weed but id yell "I JUST WANT TO TAKE A CLONE PLEASE DONT BLOW MY BRAINS OUT" and id probably end up getting killed by some crazy booby trap and id deserve it

at this time of year, im getting really really nervous. i mean, its different when the plants are nice and small, 2 feet. but now that they are getting taller than me im freaking out. ive never had a patch this large and im in kind of over my head... i always hike around and take round about ways around the patch to survey for signs of humans, etc. etc. if i come upon them and they are ripped ill probably puke and try to hari kari myself


You can get em from Cabelas for about $600 ea. Sends a pic to your phone in 45 seconds. Use a cash track phone so it can't be traced. If the cops fnd it they still may be able to trace it t you. Not sure. I love mine.


Active member
If I blew the legs off 4 innocent hikers then you would have the right to say I've given you a bad name. Peace:D

what would be the result be if a 15 year old kid, up to no good, triggered one of your shotty-shell booby traps? I don't know about you, but I believe that intentions are important.

If your intention is to catch a thief, that's cool. If your intention is to maim them... uncool. If you are personally threatened and make a choice to use deadly violence, I can understand that. I don't know you, but I would hope that as a human being, you'd want that act of choice before you unleash some serious violence on somebody.

So let's say you're laying in wait for rippers with a shotgun. Somebody comes up on your patch and you've got em dead to rights. Do you shoot them? Scare them? What if, in the moonlight, you see that its a young kid that looks like your cousin billy. Would that affect your decision to shoot?

Your booby trap acts indiscriminantly. It robs you of your power to be rational. I don't like to give up that power in my decisions. Seems kind of stupid to do so.
You can get em from Cabelas for about $600 ea. Sends a pic to your phone in 45 seconds. Use a cash track phone so it can't be traced. If the cops fnd it they still may be able to trace it t you. Not sure. I love mine.

oh ok, ive heard of those. unfortunately theres no service where i operate at... its pretty remote. im using regular game cameras with memory cards right now, and i swap the card out with a blank one every time i go. does anyone know if "formatting" the card really erases all the images? or do i need some special program to totally erase them.


stop growing illegal high demand stuff on public property outside then sillies, stick to your basements, the only time i would get mad about ripping was if it was on my private property, if it's outside its always up to chance, im not saying i would, im saying im not surprised alot of crops get ripped
what would be the result be if a 15 year old kid, up to no good, triggered one of your shotty-shell booby traps? I don't know about you, but I believe that intentions are important.

If your intention is to catch a thief, that's cool. If your intention is to maim them... uncool. If you are personally threatened and make a choice to use deadly violence, I can understand that. I don't know you, but I would hope that as a human being, you'd want that act of choice before you unleash some serious violence on somebody.

So let's say you're laying in wait for rippers with a shotgun. Somebody comes up on your patch and you've got em dead to rights. Do you shoot them? Scare them? What if, in the moonlight, you see that its a young kid that looks like your cousin billy. Would that affect your decision to shoot?

Your booby trap acts indiscriminantly. It robs you of your power to be rational. I don't like to give up that power in my decisions. Seems kind of stupid to do so.
for all we know his booby traps might be something that will never kill or seriously injure anyone... i would never use them because i fear the nightmare scenario of some kid getting fucked up by it and then his dad waiting in the bush with a gun for me. or some dumbass teenager getting killed over him wanting to take a couple plants. i dont have anything against anyone taking guns out, though. you dont have to use them, they serve as great deterrents and protection for yourself if the rippers are armed and find you. just be prepared for the consequences if the cops catch you with firepower


Active member
oh ok, ive heard of those. unfortunately theres no service where i operate at... its pretty remote. im using regular game cameras with memory cards right now, and i swap the card out with a blank one every time i go. does anyone know if "formatting" the card really erases all the images? or do i need some special program to totally erase them.

use axcrypt to encrypt and a shredder program (writes over your data thousands of times- only sure way to remove all traces of data) foir the stuff you throw away.


weed fiend
I never ripped anybody off but I unknowingly aided and abetted a ripper. A long time friend of mine met this guy that had some of the best pot I ever laid eyes on. The guy said he and a partner were growing it across town from us. The guy said he needed to pick some up but needed a ride. Like a dumb ass, I volunteered.

We rode through town, then out of town. Outside the city limits, terrain quickly changed to farm country. We turned onto a dirt road. Pretty soon all you could see was corn stalks 360 degrees. Since there was no moon, the only thing you could see was in the headlights.

The guy told me to stop in the middle of the road and wait for him to return. I watched him walk around the bend and out of site. At that moment I realized what this all looked like and I was involved! All of a sudden a car raced up behind me and stopped. A rather large man jumped out and ran up to me wanting to know what the f_ _ _ I was doing on his property. I tried to act calm but it was very hard as this asshole looked pretty freaked and was clocking me as if determining his next move. I calmly told him I gave dude a ride and was just leaving, lol.

About this time the fuckhead I gave the ride comes walking up. The big fucker started cussing him up one end and down the other. Fuckhead said he didn't take anything but the big dude wasn't going for it. I could tell by the look in the big dudes eyes he was just as scared as I was. A few moments of drama and the big dude tells me to never trespass on his property again. I said "ya sho....got that right!

A mile or two down the road and fuckhead pulls a bulbous cola outta his jacket. This stuff was dried and from the quality, probably cured to some extent. Needless to say I didn't give fuckhead any more rides. In fact, that was the last time I ever saw him. Hope nothing bad happened.


That's a good one! :)
Did you read about the airsoft gun above?
Might be a good alternative to firearms... ;-)


Well Zomg1 The house thing Might be kool for some but..In some case..BAD JU JU..case in point....Hydroponic's invoices led
to Mayo arrest
High electric usage also cited in
search warrant
Updated: Wednesday, 18 Mar 2009, 6:55 PM EDT
Published : Wednesday, 18 Mar 2009, 10:38 AM EDT
Invoices from 11 purchases of hydroponics growing equipment , accessed by the Michigan High Intensity Drug Trafficking area office and their Project Green Thumb program first raised suspicion over what was going on in Mayo's house on Fuller NE.

The companies selling that equipment usually advertise in High Times and similar magazines. The information is revealed in a previously sealed search warrant reviewed by 24 Hour News 8.

Police began watching the house in December. They noticed two tell tale signs of a drug growing operation.

Trash was not put out to the street. The affidavit in the search warrant indicates many times drug growers don't put their trash out so they don't identify themselves or any evidence they may have thrown out.

Officers also noticed mold under the eves and on the siding of the home, and condensation on the windows, indicating high amounts of heat inside the home, part of an inside growing operation.

With that information, investigators obtained Mayo's electric bills. Those bills show high energy uses. Lights used in marijuana growing operations use large amounts of electricity.

Mayo's use was as high as 2,562 kilowatt hours in one month, as opposed to a neighbor who only used 658 kilowatt hours. SCARY AS HELL... MAKES ME NERVOUS


Registered Non-Conformist
LEO's often tell growers that it is ONE THING to get caught over the limits... Have a Firearm, and the legal problems increase ten-fold....

I like a Slingshot. (and a baseball bat) I know how to use them quietly, with stealth, at arm's reach, or from afar.....

In the last month of the season, I set up a decoy tent, with a small light and a low-volume radio that comes on at night. And sleep nearby - outdoors (not in the tent) quietly. Able to assess the situation and act with the element of surprise..

The garden cannot be seen except by someone in a place they should not be. (on the property).

Nothing has ever happened. Part of that may be that the tent is in plain view. Although, A few years ago, I had to repeatedly chase a way a teen who maintained that he has walked through the backyard for years.... Sorry, Dude. No more of that. Eventually, he stopped coming thru. His Inbred-Ass Dad still thought he should be able to cut across, even though it was private property, right by the front of my Greenie.... A-Hole.

I asked him how he would feel if the situation was reversed... A few trespassers on your property are OK, right....??

Local Rural NorCal story.... Meth-Head punk caught ripping off..... Gets the word T-H-I-E-F tattooed into his forehead by the growers..... Marked for life.