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Warren Buffet: "I Could End The Deficit In 5 Minutes"...



Everybody thinks Buffet is so great. Guy is a crook just like everybody else at that level.

You guys remember the pipe line that was suppose to carry oil from Canada to our refineries? Keystone XL pipeline?

Around the same time you remember Warren Buffet was in the news talking about how rich should pay more in taxes, furthering the left agenda?

Wouldn't you know it, the pipe line deal got shut down. Now all that oil is being put on trains and railed to our refineries. Much "dirtier" way of doing it, not to add expensive.

Who do you think owns that train company that landed the oil transport deal? Warren Buffet.


What's sad is people will call out the other party for everything they do wrong, and defend everything their party does even if it seems wrong. When will people learn that both sides are corrupt, and big government has taken over.

the truth is the truth - no matter WHO says it. i can't find anything in that list that i don't wholeheartedly agree with.

right fucking on.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
"You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election. "

this is brilliant.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise.

this is a must, congress are our employee, if they want a pay rise, there should be a national vote on the matter.

I'm wondering how we even ever let that stand in the first place? I mean who of us has ever been able to go up to our boss and say, "You know boss, it's getting kind of hard to make ends meet so I've decided you're going to give me a 20K per year raise." We should have done what our bosses would do if we tried that shit.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I think warren buffet's idea is very good! I bet he scares the shit out of both parties with this suggestion.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I'd get rid of politicians altogether and have our parliament and your congress full of citizens, a-la jury duty


not so amazing that KB had to trot this out for us... we most likely never would have seen it or heard about it from the media after the first play...

this is the BEST political idea i have seen.

what would it be like to have representation that actually serves the people?

what a wondrous thought...

this needs to be spread around. i'm spreading it! if you think so too i hope you do.

ideas are powerful things!!

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