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Warren Buffet: "I Could End The Deficit In 5 Minutes"...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
How about making number 8- no federal office holder can have a off shore bank account?

Hell take it a step further and say that any American found with an offshore account containing funds that should have been taxed is guilty of treason and shall be put to death as a traitor?

Guest 88950

...You guys remember the pipe line that was suppose to carry oil from Canada to our refineries? Keystone XL pipeline?

Around the same time you remember Warren Buffet was in the news talking about how rich should pay more in taxes, furthering the left agenda?

Wouldn't you know it, the pipe line deal got shut down...

what a connection.....so, mr buffet has the power to kill the oil pipeline?

go find your tin foil hat b/c they are after your brain.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
hempkat - that all sounds great. Can you show me a link to a story or proof of your claims.

Okay sure, I must be lying because your side has to be right huh? Well fortunately I can supply a link but you'll just likely do whatever you can to discredit the link because...well you know...your side must be right.


Of course you could have found the link as easily as me by typing in Keystone XL into Google like I did after reading your doubting post. I was actually basing what I said off of live testimony to congress when they were grilling TransCanada's CEO everal months back.

Here are some other links for anyone else who doubts what I said is true.





Also here se some links that show why the concern over oil spills that poopyteabags mentioned is valid





Active member
Okay sure, I must be lying because your side has to be right huh? Well fortunately I can supply a link but you'll just likely do whatever you can to discredit the link because...well you know...your side must be right.

bro calm down, all I asked is if you can provide a link. You know what, never mind. I just don't feel like getting in a fight with some ass right now. Have a good weekend.

For the record, "my side" is no side. I am neither a republican or democrat. The two party system is destine for failure, just as our founders declared.

Guest 88950

Hell take it a step further and say that any American found with an offshore account containing funds that should have been taxed is guilty of treason and shall be put to death as a traitor?

or we can put a fancy label on it and call it amnesty / repatriation of funds and offer this every 10-15 yrs.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
bro calm down, all I asked is if you can provide a link. You know what, never mind. I just don't feel like getting in a fight with some ass right now. Have a good weekend.

I gave you your link, but I guess now you don't want to read it? :rolleyes: Nor should it have led to a fight unless you've already decided without reading it that it's BS.

Oh and since your link that you put such faith in had a clear conservative bias "Bearing Drift Virginia's Conservative Voice" it sure didn't paint you as someone with no side. I would have figured someone with no side would have at least pointed out the conservative bias and at least cast some doubt on the veracity of the story.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
or we can put a fancy label on it and call it amnesty / repatriation of funds and offer this every 10-15 yrs.

Why would we want to do that? That doesn't sound like it might make someone say, "hmmmm maybe I should just pay my taxes and stop trying to cheat the system?"

Guest 88950

^^^^^is has already been offered to us ctzns w/foreign bank accnts in notorious tax havens.

edit: was being sarcastic with that post to highlight unfair tax forgivness to those who can afford to pay their share.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I love this plan.

This would fix much of what is wrong with our nation.

It's a shame none of the people who would have to pass such laws will show up for the vote. (What do they call it when the entire house AND congress filibusters a bill?)


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Everybody thinks Buffet is so great. Guy is a crook just like everybody else at that level.

You guys remember the pipe line that was suppose to carry oil from Canada to our refineries? Keystone XL pipeline?

Around the same time you remember Warren Buffet was in the news talking about how rich should pay more in taxes, furthering the left agenda?

Wouldn't you know it, the pipe line deal got shut down. Now all that oil is being put on trains and railed to our refineries. Much "dirtier" way of doing it, not to add expensive.

Who do you think owns that train company that landed the oil transport deal? Warren Buffet.


What's sad is people will call out the other party for everything they do wrong, and defend everything their party does even if it seems wrong. When will people learn that both sides are corrupt, and big government has taken over.

that pipeline that your talking about was schedule to go right past the aquafer that feeds almost all the freshwater to the middle of the country and not to mention all the farming for the country.. One spill would be disasterous for the whole country and the world... The idea for the pipe line is fine...

however the placing of the pipe line was fucked.... its good it got shut down... they should have never presented that path for the pipeline as it just seems like they were setting up a future disaster that everyone saw coming.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
^^^^^is has already been offered to us ctzns w/foreign bank accnts in notorious tax havens.

edit: was being sarcastic with that post to highlight unfair tax forgivness to those who can afford to pay their share.

Oops sorry I didn't know it's something that has already been offered. I've never been anywhere near to close to really needing to know about such things, I just fill out my tax forms and hope there's enough left over from withholdings to maybe treat myself to something when/if I get a refund.


That's assuming we are already getting the best and brightest. Not likely. Most of these politicians today are "lifers"- been in politics for many years already. This is the problem, "Business as usual"!


That's why I want TERM LIMITS.

Two and through....see ya! Thanks for your service congressman Jakoff, now run along back to your state.

Fred el Gato

I'm liken his idea, can't see it happening. But I do believe the guy is a crook.
Here in my neck of the woods(close to Buffet's)he owns the power company. He wanted a price increase to pay for a new nuclear plant that doesn't exist and has the chance of never existing but wants the money from us first. If plant doesn't go through well tough luck on your money back. Price increase did not go through but says something about a guy with billions(just give me more I'll take care of it for you).

Hank Hemp

Active member


Hell take it a step further and say that any American found with an offshore account containing funds that should have been taxed is guilty of treason and shall be put to death as a traitor?

Got to have 2, I think, for treason in USA.


Game Bred
Oops sorry I didn't know it's something that has already been offered. I've never been anywhere near to close to really needing to know about such things, I just fill out my tax forms and hope there's enough left over from withholdings to maybe treat myself to something when/if I get a refund.

I like to owe a few hundred at the end of the year....

Giving interest free loans to the fiscally retarded is bad business.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
see my vest, see my vest, made from real gorilla chest....

Allegheny Steel was once owned by a half-eaten breakfast


Active member
"You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election. "

this is brilliant.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise.

this is a must, congress are our employee, if they want a pay rise, there should be a national vote on the matter.


Active member
well i see a problem with the fundimental thinking in washington, "destruction and debt create wealth".



