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WARNING - CA PROP 215 Patients - DO NOT MAKE BHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've herd ppl argue bout this alot but most ppl say butane is alot more unhealthy bcus it doesn't burn all the way out no matter wat (thats wat i've herd)

N the only reason i kno of y ppl use butane over everclear or iso is bcus butanes easier to get ur hands on


Active member
I've herd ppl argue bout this alot but most ppl say butane is alot more unhealthy bcus it doesn't burn all the way out no matter wat (thats wat i've herd)

N the only reason i kno of y ppl use butane over everclear or iso is bcus butanes easier to get ur hands on

wrong, people make bho because with a proper purge the taste/high etc will be way better than iso, besides everclear and iso are easier to get than butane...

in terms of ease of getting, i was speaking on a commercial level, not a small personal level.
Ya, never use any flammable solvents indoors without a carbon scrubber that vents outside.

I never read anything about prop 215 saying what amounts of hash and hash oil are allowed if any. I know in my state, the prop that is being talked about; makes no legitimate use for cannabis extracts/concentrates. The misdemeanor amount for hash and oil, is very low so if they did allow a little bit; it wouldn't be very much. Which is a bummer, since some patients don't even want to use vapor.....and eating food for the intake of cannabis can be very heavy (on the stomach).

I have never used butane and didn't even enjoy iso, solvents suck....I suppose some are cleaner than others, and most evaporates; but even with pharmi's, some molecules hang around.

Good luck with court, sorry to hear that the cops were dick heads with your neighbors...I hope they do far better than you in court! I have heard of Cali cops letting people walk, after finding oil on them...........but for blowing up a chunk of the neighborhood; ya they are going to be really pissed!


Alright Mods... Guess there are a few people in here who want to ruin my good hearted warning... Shot? For helping sick people or making a lazy mistake (first time blowing the tane downstairs)? Jeez. Shot?

Anyways, delete the thread please. I'll make another one when I know the outcome of my situation to keep everyone with kind words abreast of the situation so that everyone (or anyone that cares to) can learn from my fuck up.

I think I'm going to get probation. Lack or criminal record and the fact that I was part of a collective makes a big difference.

I did not, repeat did not blow part of my neighborhood up! I knocked the patio door off the frame of the house. There is only 1500 in damage BECAUSE right after the explosion, I put MYSELF in harms way to ensure the fire didn't spread further. My injuries were a result of putting it out, not the blast. Thanks- BLink


Alright guys... Little update for you. Went into court this Tuesday nervous as all get out. My lawyer kicks fucking ass however and the judge acttually gave it to the DA a bit.... Here's what happened.

I arrive a bit early for our pre-court date meeting. He says that basically because the DA isn't budging off the 3 years in prison thing we're going to go in and ask the judge to move the case to a felony trial court room. He says that the DA who filed the charges hasn't been around for what ever reason (this court date & prior to it when he wanted to start pre-trial neg) and that if we had it transfered we could again start the process of working with her rather than this fill in guy. Actually started talking about taking it trial. Obviously, if the DA wouldn't back off prison (ANY length) then I wanted to put it in front of a jury of my peers knowing full well the attitude up in Sonoma wasn't similar to the DA's... So we go in there with those intentions.

Now, the judge has seemed to take a liking to me. I know that sounds odd, but the first three court dates, he's made a point to converse with me a bit and gave me a smile or two... Good vibes (the best that situation could have) to put it another way.

We're called first per my lawers norm. He starts off right away by going forward with the plan. This visibly upsets the judge. He asks the DA why we can't solve this in his court room. The DA then starts to TRY and explain to the judge why he won"t negotiate. But before he gets three words out, the judge starts blasting questions his way....

"What kind of record does he have?" He tells him about my driving w/out owners consent from about 9 years ago ( felony ) which was basically a 4.5 mile joy ride and a no appearance, and a few possesioln (pot) and pipe posession charges from all over the country. When the joy ride is brought up the judge says "Mr. Whoever, anything more recent?" lmfao, then he mention the pot shit... My guy points out that if I had been in CA I wouldn't have even been charged... lmfao. So the DA is getting flustered now and brings up the amount of oil taken, measured by them to be 171.xx grams... My guy goes, "yeah, but if you look at the investigation photos, the cops measured the oil AND the pryrex baking dishes! Further more your honor, they measured in grams, NOT ml like it's supposed to be!"

They went back and forth a couple times, and by the end of it, my guy says "you honor, we just don't feel like this is a prison, or even a jail type crime. My client made a mistake and thought he was protected, there's not much damage and he's already paying the owner of the property, HOA, ect..." The judge says that he AGREES COMPLETELY!!!!!!

Fuck me running! So, he said come back in a month and we'll work it out in his court room!

So anyways, thanks to all my friends, family, and the FEW people on here that have given me support. To all you who gave me shit for making a couple mistakes (ventilation and not knowing about this part of the law), GO FUCK YOURSELVE. Really. I hope you get arrested and charged NO IN CALIFORNIA.

Good day,

Bink A Fool


Freedom Fighter
Thanks Del... Only kind words in the thread. I thought the boards were for trying to help others with knowledge. I was just relaying my experience. Thanks again Del...

I will keep my words kind, but you are wrong-- You can possess hash, keif, or anything else made without solvents-- I just got my son's hash possession case dismissed 3 months ago--
There is still much oil, and honey-bud that is sold in the shops, and it is legal for you, unless they specifically test it for butane-- Hash and concentrates are mentioned in (I believe) 215, and (I am positive) in the AG Guidlines--
Blowing up your pad sucks...glad you weren't hurt--

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Dear idiot, Butane Honey oil is a POISON. You are streaming an artificial petro-chemical, highly combustable substance over a plant intended as medicine. I wish the cops had shot you so you don't screw up like an asshole again. Aside from that, butane is a POISON when ingested, and the BHO completely rearranges your frontal lobe cells.
Nice play brainiac, what's the next act. Maybe you will learn something in jail idiot boy.

Hoping that other people will die will bring your own death...that wasn't a productive way to get your point across. You're young, I would guess...you have a lot to learn about casting judgement against others.

Be wise in what you say, because nobody listens to a ranting lunatic.

Aside from that, I'm so sorry about your situation friend :petting:....we all learn lessons. And none of us are done learning...

Miss B.


Great to hear your case is looking so good. This kind of accident happens far to often in Humboldt. Hope your future endeavors go better.


wow glad your going to get this tossed we don't need to put non violent offenders in prison to make money for the prison industrial complex.
as much as some neophyte trolling toglodytes might say making a mistake is one thing that you have already paid restitution for, genuine concern for your neighbors wellbeing over your own legal concerns mitigates any criminal actions on your part.
yes restitution and learning from your mistakes so you can move onto to safer ventilated methods hopefully not raising the ire of facist green hop heads if you choose the illegal butane method.yea methanol,ethanol,water pressed,bubble bag ,and whatever else thats not illegal.
to all those folks wishing jail for you being an asshole is harder to fix doesn't come off with repeated applications of soap,and is generally a lifelong condition unless recognised and treated early.


Smokes, lets go
make your oil outside, sorry to hear about your troubles. good luck in the future remember to make ur oil outside , pre boil out the butane before taking it inside by boiling water and taking the boiling water outside, until the visible liquid boils away, then return indoors to finish boiling out the small remaining butane


It's my understanding that only BHO is illegal, not hash in general. BHO is illegal because they consider it a chemical extraction, which is technically correct.


Active member
My guy points out that if I had been in CA I wouldn't have even been charged...
Hey blink, are you not in Cali? What state can you be caught doing this and a judge not treat it like a serious crime?

It's funny, you get caught doing that in most states and the judge is going to want to put you in jail... I wonder why it is some judges think they are saving the world and some just don't see it as a big deal- no bigger than if a guy were making his own whiskey or wine.


Active member
My hearts with you dude. For some unexplained phenomenon shit happens. It sucks but the last thing you wanna do is be weak and copout to some shit deal they try to give you. Stay strong and it will be over before you know it. And I have also smoked the honeycomb, what was it 60 a gram? Well it got me high! Thank you


Thanks for your kind words everyone. I'd like to say that after much talking with my lawyer, it is a very confusing situation. One day he's talking about probation, or no probation. The next week it's well, the da might now be responding because they don't want to break from their offer.

In the same breath, he's filling motions for my "illegally seized hash oil and marijuana shake" to be returned to me....

Courts on wed, I'll keep you up to date.

BTW - Hash is legal, I carry a copy of the statute with me at all times these days. Just do yourself a favor. Inside or outside, DON'T MAKE OIL. It may be bomb, not worth potentially going to prison for THREE YEARS. Long time people. Let's hope they have some ration in this. The judge seems to, the DA seems to want this in another court....

Say some prayers and smoke some herb.

Thanks - Blink


Things are going better than expected everyone. Please keep the kind vibes flowing, justice would NOT be done by putting me in prison...

Prayers, herb, and miracles!

Moldy Dreads

Active member
That said, I was making it on the 12th of last month. The pilot light hit the vapor and next thing I know there was a flame 1/2" tall racing from wall to wall across my floor.



I simply cannot understand why anyone would even think you deserve to go to jail.

Prison dude... I got lucky with the judge, my lawyer, my willingness to work a restitution agreement prior to any legal conclusion, me as a person (certainly NOT a criminal type), all went towards me getting a "better" situation than what I thought I would originally get...

That and prayers, help from my family ect.... I'm obviously here for bigger/better things...

Thanks for the kind words.

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