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Well-known member
@Cannavore your girl gets bodied

lmao man if that's the best these fascist ghouls can do, no wonder why they're losing the propaganda war so badly.

and holy shit dr phil is a dumb cunt. i figured he was off the reservation after listening to him on Rogan talk about all the military aged chinese men flooding into the country over the border for a military invasion but goddamn.
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Well-known member
zionist and hasbara propagandist trolls were just yesterday saying it was a roadside bomb planted by hamas. their initial reaction is always to lie and yet people still believe them lol.



Well-known member
lmao man if that's the best these fascist ghouls can do, no wonder why they're losing the propaganda war so badly.

and holy shit dr phil is a dumb cunt. i figured he was off the reservation after listening to him on Rogan talk about all the military aged chinese men flooding into the country over the border for a military invasion but goddamn.
It is true that Dr Phil is laughable. Yet the guest makes a good point: Hamas apologists make themselves complicit when they refuse to so much as acknowledge Hamas's crimes against humanity and its overt explicitly genocidal program. Hamas is a genocidal project. No one forces you to give this fundamentally genocidal project your rhetorical support. You have chosen to do so freely.

Imagine mocking the credibility of anyone with the words, "i figured he was off the reservation after listening to him on Rogan."
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Well-known member
Hamas apologists make themselves complicit when they refuse to so much as acknowledge Hamas's crimes against humanity and its overt explicitly genocidal program.
Maybe you're just overlooking the fact that I've repeatedly said Oct 7th was a crime against humanity and they should be reprimanded for their actions. Not sure what more you'd like me to do.

Hamas is a genocidal project.
terrorists yes. questionable absolutely. genocidal? i don't see it.

even with that said, these people didn't wake up one day and randomly decide to become terrorists. actions brought forth upon them by israel & it's western allies created them. hell, they weren't even always violent lol. they started out as a palestinian refugee (of israeli ethnic cleansing) aid group of some sort.

meanwhile genocidal intent by the illegal state of israel has been proven in international courts lol. mega cope.

the actions israel has taken since oct 7th have completely overshadowed the events of oct 7th. would be cool if they let independent fact checking investiagtions to go on as well surrounding 10/7 because i don't believe the stated events.

No one forces you to give this fundamentally genocidal project your rhetorical support.
i don't support hamas. i support the return of palestinians to the land and homes the zionist fascists ethnically cleansed them from as well as their right to defend themselves from (illegal) occupation by any means including violence. sorry that hamas is gazas only government and "army". maybe you should look to the actions of the israeli and us governments as to why that's so.
You have chosen to do so freely.
conflating hamas with the liberation of palestinians (y)
Imagine mocking the credibility of anyone with the words, "i figured he was off the reservation after listening to him on Rogan."
clips went viral and i saw them. big whoop. liberals froth at the word rogan like the far right does with fauci or some other buzzword.


Well-known member

dude. you support the internal state terrorist organisation , and state agenda enablers , b.l.m. very worrying that with one hand you condemn the same group of people and support the same group of people at the same time. are you confused on who the threat is ?