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Wanting to stay legal selling clones


New member
So I want to start selling clones in my area. According to n.o.r.m.a.l, im allowed to have 6 mature and 12 immature plants. So this means if I have 2 mother plants I can only do 10 clones at a time? Im just confused because some clubs will have tons of clones at the shop, but will only sell the legal amount. Are there some rules that I dont know of?


You could have 12 moms and sell the clones as soon as they root, probably less risk but I don't think the clone scene has much to worry about...


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Get a higher plant count from your doctor, or get a caregiver setup going so you can add to your own plant count which would allow for a higher amount.

Another idea

cut clones once a week

as in

10 a week, unload them
10 next week, unload them

or better yet

have 6 moms to cut clones from (allow for more clones)

then cut 6 clones every week or as needed.


yea each clone can be a conspercy charge so dont sell at random .

your best bet would be to find somenoe who is a caregiver for several people.
that person must be willing to buy your clones on a regular basis to fill his patients needs .
now that all depends on your county , see that plant number per patients is alot diffrent in s.f. and humboldt county .
if your not to worried about it then ask a few clubs around your area im sure sac clubs would eat them up. send in a person ahead of you and if the dont return in 20 min then leave, have them arrange the deal. i think vendors get 3 - 5 bucks each when sold to clubs.

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