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Ron Paul introduces mmj bill to congress



z0ngsong said:
Here is the DICKHEADs response:

Thank you for contacting me regarding medical marijuana. I appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns with me.

While I am deeply sympathetic to those who suffer from painful illnesses and diseases, I do not believe our society should place its faith in mind-altering, dangerous drugs. Legalizing medical marijuana would undermine our nation's efforts to curb illegal drug use, thereby setting a bad example for children, not to mention taking a step backward from advances in medical science and the development of legitimate cures and medicines.

Jim Jordan
Member of Congress

... fucking POS

Print the fuckers face on a poster!!

"I enjoy forcing suffering on people by law!" Just doing my job. (whatever that is ...)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Im here clicking with yoiu guys each day. Nice work peanutbutter you are a true asset the the MJ community.


I just received this letter from congressman Tim Walberg:

Dear Mr. *****

Thank you very much for contacting me regarding the federal government punishing states that have approved marijuana for medical use. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

As you know, the FDA has approved Marinol, which contains THC to relieve patients of pain, but without the 400 harmful chemicals associated with smoking marijuana. As you know, the voters in Michigan will have an opportunity to vote on a referendum regarding whether or not to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes this fall; I look forward to seeing the results of this vote. While federal law supersedes these referendums, I believe the Department of Justice should focus its efforts on more important issues than targeting physically ill individuals whose doctor prescribes them medical marijuana as a treatment.

Thank you again for contacting me with your concerns. I consider it an honor and privilege to represent you in Washington, D.C. If I can be of any assistance with a federal agency or if you have any federal issues that you would like to express concerns on, please contact me.

Respectfully yours
Tim Walberg
Member of Congress

I had called his office and pointed out that only 28% of the people he represents will vote no in November.


Someone ask Jim Jordan what sort of example the federal government sets by throwing mommy and daddy in jail at the end of a machine gun for using a medicine that has been declared as acceptable by their local government. Is this an acceptable example for him? Apparently the concept that it is NOT an illegal drug in some states is lost on him, and the entire point of federal mmj bills is to stop the uber-nanny federal moralists from destroying peoples lives over what boils down to simple moral issues.

It annoys me when people bring up that ridiculous 'but what about the bad examples for the children' argument. Yes, I agree, throwing people in federal prison for using a plant declared legal by popular vote in their own state is a TERRIBLE example for our children, now follow your own trail of logic and please stop it!


Sent to Zogby this morning:

I believe that medical marijuana may be the most important unidentified issue in this upcomming election.

Polls have shown, with some consistancy, that between 70%-80% of US voters would allow a doctor to prescribe marijuana for their patients.

The elected officials are out of touch with voters on this topic.

I believe the question needs to be asked of the voters directly:

"Does a candidates stand on medical marijuana impact your vote?"

Currently, the marijuana community views Obama as being the candidate which will most likely bring change in that area.

I believe this is THE swing factor that is putting him in the lead.


I sent this off as a letter to the editor. Please feel free to copy it and email it to your local newspapers as if it was your own.

Give us the parts of marijuana that don’t get you high!

Reports and analysis presented at the latest conferences are saying that there are now over 600 different molecules, which have now been broken down into subgroups, but which could be broadly called cannabinoids which appear to have some effect on humans - all found in marijuana.

In the UK there is a pharmaceutical company that specializes in making medicine from plant extracts. One method they employ is to develop special strains of a plant that carry high amounts of a material they desire and then extract that chemical from the resulting special strain. This company has been working with marijuana for several years now.

GW Pharmaceuticals has produced a medical preparation called Sativex. Sativex provides a combination of THC and CBD. CBD is one of those cannabinoids in marijuana that doesn’t get someone high. It is against the law in the US. It does, however, temper the effects of THC.

In nature, these two exist side by side.

By itself, CBD has a very mild tranquilizing effect and tends to make someone sleepy.

THC is the main chemical, in marijuana, that causes the high that pot smokers get. When it is isolated by itself, without the tempering effects of CBD, it produces the worst that pot has to offer.

Many times a first time pot users doesn’t enjoy the effect of pot. This happens most often when someone new consumes a high dose. You would expect a similar lack of enjoyment from a first time alcohol user that was handed several shots of whisky. The new drinker might experience unpleasant side effects, such as vomiting.

Side effects of THC, especially in persons without tolerance or experience, include such things as paranoia, anxiety and depression.

In the United States, the only cannabinoid that is available on prescription is THC. The US government and the FDA realized that there is a clear benefit for marijuana for seriously sick people. In an attempt to quell the public outcry for this effective medicine, THC was approved for prescription. Many now claim that this form of THC is “medical marijuana in a pill.” In pill form THC is called Marinol.

Marinol is commonly used to combat the nausea caused by cancer chemotherapy. And it works. As long as the person that has the nausea can keep a pill down long enough for it to dissolve and go to work. Many can’t.

And what about those side effects? People, cancer patients battling for their very lives, are being fed a drug that causes fear! While being told they are being given “marijuana in a pill!” Yes, it reduces the nausea. And because of it, saves lives. But at a terrible cost.

Now what about that CBD? As I said earlier, CBD tempers the effect of THC. It slows down the rate that the body deals with THC. Making the effect of the THC last longer. When smoked, marijuana that has a very low CBD content will produce a high that lasts about one and a half hours. Marijuana that has a high CBD content will produce a high that lasts about four hours.

In addition, CBD changes the impact of THC on the mind. When combined, the two tend to produce a much less agitated effect on the user. They tend to feel peaceful, giggly and sleepy. Wouldn’t this be a better way to treat someone suffering in a hospital? Instead of inflicting fear?

CBD is only one of these “non-psychoactive” cannabinoids that exist in marijuana in its natural form.

Another, THCV, is currently being tried out in humans, in the UK, by GW as a treatment for diabetes! GW conducted a special breeding program and developed a strain of marijuana that contains large amounts of THCV.

The cause of the diabetes is a sick pancreas. It is swollen. And this swelling degrades its ability to produce insulin. Currently, most medicine available for diabetes in the US, push a pancreas into overdrive to produce enough insulin for a diabetics needs. After a while the diseased, swollen pancreas, having been forced into overdrive, gives up. Then insulin injections are required.

In contrast, some of the cannabinoids found in marijuana, reduce the swelling of the pancreas allowing it to function normally. In the United States, it’s against the law to do this. You can easily go to jail for trying.

Research into this area has had to take place outside the US. Our government has been very reluctant to allow any research into marijuana that might prove beneficial. And when any research has been allowed, the material the researchers are required to use has been limited to that provided by the federal government. Breeding programs are not allowed at all. Researchers seeking a potential health benefit are not allowed to try to find a strain that would highlight the effect they are seeking. Disabling them the ability to zero in on any potential cure.

We have a strong potential for a vastly superior treatment for diabetes.

But to get to these valuable medicines we need the federal government to get out of the way. Currently there is a bill before the US congress. HR-5842 is a medical marijuana bill. It would allow for developing these new medicines. It would also allow marijuana to be purchased at pharmacies as prescribed by a doctor! This would remove the necessity of medical users to deal with the murky black market. This bill is currently gathering dust in the committee on energy ran by Michigan congressman John Dingell.

We need congress to act NOW. Every day that passes means one more day that people die from diseases like diabetes.

We already have the part of marijuana that gets you high. Marinol is a schedule 3 controlled substance. There are no limitations on what your doctor can prescribe it for. If your doctor thinks it could work for a skin rash, he can prescribe it for that.

THC has been legal, for doctors to prescribe, for about ten years. And one thing didn’t happen. There was no wave of kids popping pot pills!

We already have the “high” part of the plant. What we are asking for now are those parts of the plant that don’t get you high.


Do we wish to change the laws on marijuana in the United States?

I believe we do .. That's why this forum is here.

Do you think these laws are likely to change after the election in November?
They might. Assume the Democrats win big.

The Democrats might decide to change these laws after everybody gets elected.

I don't know about you, but frankly I don't trust a single one of them. Not just Democrats but ANYBODY who is in office. There are a few, very few, that have the guts to take a pro marijuana stand. Even fewer that will stand for full legalization.

We have had decades of politicians makeing hints only to betray us once in office. Maybe this time will be different. But what are the odds of that?

I smell another shafting of potheads in the winds. I could be wrong.

But what can we do about it?

We could try some leverage.

Right now is a rare time. It's a time when these guys actually pay attention to the voters. After they're in office, they do whatever they want to.

Right now is a hard spot for Republicans trying to get reelected.
Bush has fucked them over. They need to distance themselves from Bush in the voters minds. In addition they are sensitive to potential votes. IOW Their asses are on the line right now.

I have gotten one congressman to almost do a 180 turn on this issue. I called his office and explained that 70-80 percent of voters would allow a doctor to prescribe marijuana.

In Michigan medical marijuana will be on the ballot. Currently, only 28% of voters will vote against the issue in his district. The issue will be in the media. Period. Forces against and for will be working for votes. It will be an uphill battle for the anti forces. A nasty one. A fight where they will have to shift the vote from 28% to more than 50%.

Congressmen that are trying to get reelected will be asked to be part of the anti campain.

If their seats are rocky, taking a stand against medical marijuana could, very easily, cost them their jobs.

On the other hand .. taking a pro mmj stand could save their asses and jobs.

These guys have enough difficult job with their own reelection. Why take on the job of teaching the people that they (the people) are wrong and federal LEO is right? Doing both at the same time is more than many may be able to cope with.

These congressmen should be targeted with this or more messages:

1. The majority of the voters they represent would allow a doctor to prescribe marijuana.

2. There is a bill in congress that would allow for mmj (HR 5842)

3. This mmj bill is bypartisian. Introduced by Ron Paul and Barney Franks.

4. HR 5842 needs co-sponsors.

5. Becomming a co-sponsor and supporter of this bill just could save their asses. If this action did save their ass, it would be because of an unrecognised important issue: the marijuana community.

IOW .. at this time I believe the Republican elected official is prime for having preassure applie now. Not after the election, but right now!

Do we squeese their nuts now or hope for crumbs after the election?
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Vote republican, vote away your rights, vote democratic, vote for more taxes.



Tuesday, July 22, 2008

If they expected us to retire quietly from the scene, the political elite are in for a surprise.

Today I am making some very big announcements.

First, from August 31 to September 2 in Minneapolis, we will host a handful of events that will shake the political establishment. Everything will culminate on Tuesday with the official launch of the Campaign for Liberty at the Rally for the Republic. http://cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?17mu-1qoy-5epGY9

The Campaign for Liberty will be the largest organization for peace, freedom, the Constitution, and sound money in American history. It will launch in grand fashion with lots of special guests and - if the early television and print inquiries we've received are any indication - plenty of media attention.

I would like to personally invite you and your family to join me and thousands of others in Minneapolis for these events and send a message to the Republican Party.

Tickets will go on sale for the Rally for the Republic this Friday, July 25 @ 10AM CST. We want this to be an unforgettable day, so we are holding a ticket bomb all day Friday in the tradition of our famous money bombs. How many seats can we sell on the first day? http://cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?17mu-1qoz-5epGY0

In patriotic fashion all tickets will cost $17.76, so you can afford to bring the whole family.

This leads me to the second big announcement. After measuring the excitement and enthusiasm, we decided that the Williams Arena at the University of Minnesota was just too small to hold you. Therefore, we are making a significant upgrade. The Rally for the Republic will now take place at the Target Center, the largest arena in Minneapolis!

This promises to be the most spirited and provocative political event of the year! We held some very large rallies during the presidential campaign, but I have never attempted anything of this scale before. Its success rests entirely in your hands.

Later this week I will announce two internationally renowned musicians as headliners for the Rally for the Republic. We'll also be joined by rock star Aimee Allen, NBC's Tucker Carlson, Barry Goldwater Jr., Gov. Gary Johnson, conservative stalwart Grover Norquist, former Reagan deputy Attorney General Bruce Fein, presidential historian Doug Wead, MTV's Adam Curry, musician Mark Scibilia, and Frank Sinatra impersonator Rick Ellis. Other special guests will be announced soon.

My staff has been working overtime to provide you with three full days of entertainment. Please visit the schedule page of the website and read all about upcoming events. We also have a lodging page to help you find accommodations in Minneapolis.

Together we are taking back our government and restoring the republic. Please join me in Minneapolis to kickoff the Campaign for Liberty and support our Revolution. Can I count on you to be there?

In Liberty,

P.S. I know that you have done so much already, but with both major party nominees threatening to lead us into bankruptcy at home and more wars abroad, the success of the Rally for the Republic and the launch of the Campaign for Liberty is crucial. Please do what you can to be in Minneapolis August 31 - September 2 and send a loud and clear message of freedom, peace, and prosperity.
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