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Want to grow, but...Am I being paranoid?


New member
Krusty, I'm in almost the identical situation as you. Redneck bassackwards state and laws that will hurt you financially and ruin your career. The 400 (likewise) is nothing to worry about as other's have stated. If you have skills, one cycle per year and you're probably set for personal. Tear down in-between for piece of mind. Follow the 3 golden rules!
Do some research on hospitals, military installations, and aviation installations near you. You are probably in the flight path for one of those. As for your situation, it pretty much is like mine, and I choose to grow anyhow. I REALLY don't think they are up there looking for a 2400 w grow. Well 3400 if you count veg. I'm never going to run a 5k or even a 10k grow, so I'm just not going to stress over it. But do some more research into your location for YOUR piece of mind. And be thankful for the economy, b/c it means that leo budgets are getting slashed, too. If you are in a major metropolitan area, you can bet that your entire drug squad is maybe like 5 officers or so, and that they may also double as the gang squad. Who do you think they are busy dealing with?? Obviously not you. If they are drugs only, they are busy with meth labs, and coke rings, and the crack rings in the ghetto. If they double as a gang squad, they are worried about drug rings (coke, crack, and meth, maybe ecstasy) run by gangs.


In this life you have been granted with...with all the stars, moons , galaxys, and wonders...why would you waste a precious second stewing over what could happen...

You may imprison my body...but my mind will always be free


Active member
Just grow it and tell nobody. Do not keep a loud ass domesticated girlfreind and cover your ass with Carbon filters and proper ventilation for your heat. 400-1000 Watts is how much power many things generate. The helicopters at 7am and 5pm are traffic related i guarantee you, and the later ones are doing night patrol. Sounds like you are in a helicopter flight path like I am. Get used to it, and they cant see crap unless they are FLIR capable, and will not run a helicopter over somebody's house for a small grow (under 100 plants) its not worth their time/expense... It is illegal for a helicopter to use FLIR as a means of "finding" grow houses, that is against the law and the constitution. they need a warrant, so not to say it "cant" be done.

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
With only 1 400wt bulb running, I think you are letting paranoia get the best of you, and it's stopping you from fulfilling your dream.

We have 10k wts. running with helicopters overhead day and night, and we finally let the paranoia go. We occasionally go outside and wave at them and they always go away and not bother us.


Power Armor rules
If and when the police are looking for grow houses they look for big ones. Do you think it's rational for them to look for a house with five plants in it under a 400 watt light? No, because it's a waste of their time and energy.

Let a nice carbon filter and fan blow your worry away into a nice neutral smelling breeze.
