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Want to grow, but...Am I being paranoid?


rick shaw

Paranoia/The irrational belief that there are those out to get you. They are,but your being overcautious.That is better then being complacent.That being said,there are foils that will baffle FLIR radar and allow you to sleep at night.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Buy a bigger light this time so you can yield more buds, they don't know shit dude you think those copters are over your house but reality is so does everyone else within a mile or so of you growing weed when those things are up in the air. They are not there for you and if you have your room temps in check with the surrounding areas of the house then you do not have much to worry about. If you are growing in a tent or a cabinet the only way they will find it is if they are there for something else or you tell on yourself. Do not live in fear the worst that can happen is you get caught doing what tens of thousands of others have got caught doing it would not be like a murder charge or anything man! :canabis:


Active member
you are on the fence just jump off and get the ball rolling mate,no sound ,no smell and let no one no and you be good


Active member
You guys saying its too risky crack me up.

I had a sick friend one time that ran two space heaters (1500 watts each) in her room all day/night. Watch cops bust her door down. Can you say LAWSUIT.

Do you really think marijuana grow operations are the only things that produce heat?

Also what you could do is set up an indoor tomato garden. Make an anonymous tip that there is ganja growing in the house and then when they bust your door down, threaten with a lawsuit. They'll never come back unless they first hand see you hauling in trees.

Nugga Boo

LOL @ 400w. Yah.. I doubt your nightlight tipped off the cops. Go back to growing money dude. And yah don't slang sacks on your front porch and u'll be good.


Active member
I have to agree with the side that says they don't care about someone running 400 watts. There are 10K grows going on all around you in a city that size and they're more interested in those guys. I'm guessing the helicopter had some other legitimate crime fighting business in your neighborhood. But as the song goes, "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean their not after you..."

Just be careful and get your grow on.


gets some
I like growing in higher crime areas, keeps the pigs busy with other stuff, and people mind their own business a little more in those areas too.
The occasional smell of weed is not that out of place in the hood either.

Fire it back up, I just can't see a little light like that throwing a significant enough heat signature for the airpigs to even notice it, let alone bother with it.

Do it.

+1 on this post. It's the "nice neighborhoods" where you have to worry about the nosey neighbors. A "transitional" neighborhood (read: sketchy) is perfect. Even better if you have some illegal aliens nearby! They sure won't call the cops lol. Just make sure your place is secure and not likely to get burglarized.

400w is tiny and barely registers on a power bill. I didn't even notice a real spike in my power bills until I hit 1800w and up. Even then it's still nothing crazy. Yes you are being too paranoid. Some paranoia will keep you safe.


Active member
Maybe it`s stupide..but
Leave UR 400W lamp on, only lamp..and wait.

If ->they suspect UR growing, than->there`s only lamp.
( possesion of HPS is a crime in Your country??)

..and U will know what helicopter people want from You.

If they really want anything of You

Sorry for my english.



i dig chilum's idea, you could even put a tomato or strawberry plant or something under it during test period, get some tasty treats out of it at least
Thanks for the input. I'm, still on the fence about what to do. If I get in trouble, I could lose my job, my car, my house(asset forfeiture), and my career.

Even if I get arrested and charges are dropped completely, I will still lose my job and my career will come to an end. Yes. Really.

My concern is I don't want to be getting all paranoid over nothing and giving up a hobby I enjoy. I just don't want to lose everything because of it, either, when I am seeing warning signs I may be under LEO's microscope.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Sounds like you might need to just buy a bag of weed every once in while then bro. ;)


The Mad Monk
No one is gonna make ya comfortable with having a grow but yourself. And you sound like someone who isn't really comfortable with having a grow in their residence, which is totally fine. It's your right. But for your sanity and well being, it's best before starting to come to terms with the risks you are taking and make peace with it.

Fwiw, I'd bet that heli wasn't over your house for 2-3 hrs because of your 400w lamp. If anything, you'd get a knock and talk or some other kind of heat. I don't think cities nearing populations of 1 million are spending money on heli's to fly over 400w indoor gardens. But that's just my opinion.


asset forfeiture over a 400w grow? LOL First of all your house would have to be paid off.

you sound really freaked out and at this point, that is your biggest enemy.

Is it possible those cops are out because its close to harvest season on outdoor crops?

Those cops were NOT there cause of your tiny grow.


The cat that loves cannabis
Sounds like you might need to just buy a bag of weed every once in while then bro. ;)

If money's not an issue, then you should just stick to buying bags for a while.
You're stressing your ass off just thinking about having a grow, imagine what it would be like if you actually had one.
Besides, you know you would tear down at the sound of the first helicopter that comes within 5 miles of your house.


Active member
When I first started I was just like you. The funny thing is, the more time goes on where you can see for yourself that all of the paranoia was for no good reason...you start to get really comfortable doing it.

Not to sound like you should not take precautions....because you still need to follow basic security guidelines.

If you keep it in a room that is locked. There is no odor...and you tell no one...

The chances of you getting busted are almost 0%

If you live alone, and do not have family, roomates, or girls running all over the place..than you will be fine. It is when you introduce other people in to the area, or you have people curious about this area as to where it becomes problematic.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
As a past worker in the nuke weapon industry - there are some jobs that do not go well with MJ.

ATC is another closely monitored field. There are ways around detection - but one slip puts you square in the crosshairs.

Cannabis is slowly loosing the stigma, but some circles - are slower than others.

A small self supporting grow is also a defence - as it keeps you away from "dealers" and the like. Provides better quality at a lower cost,,,, yada- yada.

yes they will hang you out to dry.

Yes you would survive. And you would know how to grow - which has certain finacial possibilities.

Unless the job makes you happy, the cost of that high paying security may be higher than you realize.

I sure wouldn't go back to where I was.

To thy own self - Be true.


dont sweat it, before i stopped growing for a bit. i thought the po po was after me big time with all the fly overs. when i stopped growing for a bit i noticed they did the SAME fukin thing. didnt grow for two years or so. finnally i realized how retarded i was acting and dusted off and hung my lights back up! IRIE TIMES AHEAD!:)

a 400 watter looks like a water heater a worst to a chopper. had a electric teacher who WORKED for the power company as well,stated, the only way they find out is if u burn your house down or your girlfriend/friend rats u out. shady girlfriends mostly. if my wife leaves, im never getting laid again :(

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