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Wanna Ask The Old Farts A Question?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
they are pest free but im worried bcuz they werent always purple they were all green and now this transformation is happeneing and im noticing that its affecting their growing schedule, i use to be able to get 150 cuts off each one every 2 weeks, and the number are decreasing and the rooting time is also affected :(, i use sweet during veg to promote faster cloning, ive noticed when giving the moms less n and some carbs with proper dome conditions rooting appears in 7 days.

Some strains purple normally, it's in their genetics. I'm guessing that's not the case here because it sounds like at least some you've grown for a while and your surprise would suggest they didn't purple any before.

Most strains will purple when exposed to cold temps or big shifts in temps. This kind of purpling isn't harmful though although low temps will slow things down and can stunt growth. I've had crops show purple stems while in veg but in flower they still produced like normal.

There is also purpling that can come about from nutrient deficiencies but that tends to affect the whole plant and not just the stems. Unfortunately I don't remember off hand which nutrient deficiency was responsible for purpling. Phospherous I think as that's what gets locked out by cold temps when cold temps cause purpling.

From everything you describe I'm wondering if maybe your grow room is getting a little cooler then normal during lights out?
Am I missing something... what is the medium used in that pic? I read the thread suggested but Ive never seen sp moss like that before? Not knocking it, plants are loving it, but never seen it that color or texture before? Is it different from Sp peatmoss? Dr Purpur you got some serious growing skills by the pics you've shown. wish ya lived anywhere near me would drive 4 clones in a heartbeat! Not much luck w/Barneys huh? never tried any of their strains(now probably wont either).
Can't complain too badly, I hope all is well with you and the Mrs.?

Just fine mon. She said howdy:tiphat: Hope your wife is doing good?

Things are plugging along here. Just pop'n some new gear. Slee Skunk x Voilator Kush a friend made lately. Should be a fun winter going through the stash and see what will pop still.

Take care and good to see you still helping out :D


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Just fine mon. She said howdy:tiphat: Hope your wife is doing good?

Things are plugging along here. Just pop'n some new gear. Slee Skunk x Voilator Kush a friend made lately. Should be a fun winter going through the stash and see what will pop still.

Take care and good to see you still helping out :D

The wife is doing okay, she still has some serious medical issues but so far things haven't gotten any worse. Man, there are just too many strains out there, I've never heard of either of the strains in that cross, I hope it turns out as good as you hope it to be. I'll be contacting you at your email probably within the next week about that thing we were talking about, I just need to wrap a few things up first.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Bob and Mudro should be over in the next few weeks hempy, any chance you can fly in?

I wish, I guess the chance is about as good as me hitting the lottery or somebody just handing over a couple of grand because that's about what it would take for me to be able to do it. :) Which is a shame, I'd love an opportunity to see you guys in action tailgating at a Football game. I mean if how you all handled things at the gathering was a clue then you guys must be pros at it. :good:
The wife is just freaking wonderful ain't she :teef: She love me so

And we are having smoked pork with smoked beans and bacon and any thing else I can smoke along with a little of my candies for in flight refueling :D

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Just pop'n some new gear. Slee Skunk x Voilator Kush a friend made lately. :D

Man, I got some Violator kush from Barneys that was absolutely horrible. It tasted like hard boiled egg yolks, I ended up burying the plant out back.
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Man, I got some Violator kush from Barneys that was absolutely horrible. It tasted like hard boiled egg yolks, I ended up burying the plant out back.
:laughing: I've grown Laughing Buddha from Barneys and wasn't too fond of the taste either.
Luckily it wasn't the taste of boiled eggs or it would have been buried out back:nono:


help, 1000w hps, 5gal smart pot, happy frog/ffof 50/50 mix AN iguana juice bloom, three weeks in flower. big leaf from top small bottom run off ph 6.5 any idea?


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help, 1000w hps, 5gal smart pot, happy frog/ffof 50/50 mix AN iguana juice bloom, three weeks in flower. big leaf from top small bottom run off ph 6.5 any idea?

Whats to be alarmed about a 6.5 run off bud thats fine a lil high i like mine to be 6.2-6.3 but thats preference as long as your below 6.8 your good so whats the issue here

Other than high dollar salts and a poor soil mix :) i'm 100% organic so you open that door i'm goin got step through it :)
but i dont understand what your wanting help with maybe sme more info and i can point ya in the right direction or someone else can
Going to be a seed tester for a different Seed Bank!!!

Going to be a seed tester for a different Seed Bank!!!

So like i said i had some bigger things to move on to i have gotten my strain tester status at anotehr site howeber i'd like to keep my username just to pop in on this thread hope thats kool but i will be spending most my time at that site beings they are expecting me to document untested genetics or at least not tested by the public just by breeder and maybe some of his friends
anyways its a great gig and i wil not say no but would love to still pop in and say hi this has been an awesome thread and i feel i've been fairly helpful not alwasy tactful but helpful :) and would love to continue that well hope this can continue have a good one and we'll see the next time i go to log in if i'm still here :)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Whats to be alarmed about a 6.5 run off bud thats fine a lil high i like mine to be 6.2-6.3 but thats preference as long as your below 6.8 your good so whats the issue here

Other than high dollar salts and a poor soil mix :) i'm 100% organic so you open that door i'm goin got step through it :)
but i dont understand what your wanting help with maybe sme more info and i can point ya in the right direction or someone else can

Actually if you're going to walk thru that door you should know what the door looks like. Now had you said high dollar salts and high dollar soil mix that would have been accurate with your opinion. The way you state it though you make it sound as if Fox Farm soils are not organic, which they are. Their problem, just like AN's is the price tag is way too high.