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Wanna Ask The Old Farts A Question?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well since everyone's throwing around picts here's one that shows the vigor I experienced with the Feminized C-99. :)



Hawaiian Inebriatti
Holy carp!

Holy carp!

Well since everyone's throwing around picts here's one that shows the vigor I experienced with the Feminized C-99. :)


Wet lap! Wet lap!

If no fit, put spit, yah?

Mo' betta yet, I'll be happy to smoke 'er down to size for ya brah.

Aloha ya feminist.:thank you:



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Wet lap! Wet lap!

If no fit, put spit, yah?

Mo' betta yet, I'll be happy to smoke 'er down to size for ya brah.

Aloha ya feminist.:thank you:


Thanks for the kind offer of assistance, unfortunately that little bud was smoked back in 2006...2007 at the absolute latest.
another 6 weeks or so and i'll be chopping some myself
i'm trying a lil experiment with humic acid
i'm feeding it to half my plants the other just normal regiment amended soil and carbs and molasses and water
if the humic acid does back flips for growth i'm all over it but i'm not expecting much who knows we;ll see
and Hemp that was a fem seed ehh but that was the one that still threw some nanners you had to cut off right still very nice bud i'm sure fem seeds grow greta bud i just havent had any luck with them and then from what i've read is mostly they dont have the vigor as a regular plant from seed other than this i'm at a blank on fem seed bro other than i'd never crack another again :)


We were wondering if anyone's aware of any work that's been done on splitting up the dark period each day (and, if so, how yield and potency were affected)? For example, alternating 6 hour periods of dark and light or some such. We're small scale, domestic, personal cultivators and we're thinking about using lights to provide heat for the home in the morning before work and in the evening afterwards. Cut down on our bills and make use of some of that wasted energy!

Any knowledge you've got to share'd be much appreciated.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
You might want to tent Your grow, and vent it into your home via carbon filter. You need to keep in mind that theres humidity in there as well. How many gallons of water do You use a week, and where does much of it go? Into the air. Plus You dont want Your house smelling like Chronic. As for the splitting hours of light time, ive seen that discussed somewhere on here, but havnt done it Myself.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I had this tent of GDP going, when my carbon filter failed. It vented to the attic, and it stunk to high Heaven outside all around my house. The Cops came pounding on the front door in the middle of the night, and spotlighting my back yard for a half an hour. They had a dog with them too.. I decided not to answer the door, and to just keep the lights off and play possum. They left. My neighbor later said they went into his house and yard un invited, and He also said He could smell my plants extra strong that night, and figured the cops did too. They were evidently looking for a car thief suspect that took to foot and ran through the yard. I had a big plant out there too.
They never came back.

well i g=have a big day tomorrow i have a phone conference with a state senator thats wanting to talk to a patiernt on how to change the law here he likjes my ideas and the guy called me from his sopns wedding in lake tahoe had to run around to keep a signal to set up the appointment i've ben spending my weekend here dotting my i's n crossing my t's wanna make sure i haeve everythign i wanna talk about on paper i dont want to forget anything this is awesome and you know what makes it really awesom is these groups i used to attend and wehat not more less told me i'd be nothing without them and never get any attention lol i'm the only person to be able to get a state senator willing and calling me to set up the appointmetn so they must like something i'm more less trying to selloregons sentae bill 1085 which replaced oregons old medical law which nevada adopted and has left it the same for 10 years and no ones challenged this stuff in court the pen is mightier than the sword i've come to learn this in the past 2 years


Active member
We were wondering if anyone's aware of any work that's been done on splitting up the dark period each day

The hormones that trigger flowering have to reach a certain level and that seems to happen to most plants after about 12 hours, if you interrupt it won't count as a night.

Fat J

They will die, prolly stress out n go hermie first - u dont wanna funk wit the 12 hour dark period... its bad news.
Can some one please tell me exactly how to store the seeds ?? I read that you must allow fresh seeds to dry out a little then place them in plastic zip lock baggy and put that bag in a old film canister or old vitamin bottle with silca gel in the bottle/cannister then put that in the fridge where butter goes .. is this correct ??


Well-known member
Seeds must dry slowly Dr Gr otherwise many will crack. ( = dry at low temps and not too low humidity.) or leave on the plant to dry out. Play safe with room temps or below while maintaining RH of 40 to 50 %

I would not store them in a plastic zip lock tho.

Better to put them in a tape sealed coffee filter that you then put in an air tight container. (no condense will cling to your seed this way)

The container you'd have to open every couple of months (at least once every half year but depends on air/seed ratio in the jarr) in a room with low humidity to allow fresh air back in.(artificially heated room usually holds dry air.)

Furthermore you got the point yurselves already quite well, hope this helps


Trichome development

Trichome development

How do trichomes develop? Do their stalks develop with time?

Or will a trichome appearing to be a Capitate-Sessile, always remain that way?

I'm worried I don't appear to have a lot of stalked trichomes, which I'm lead to believe are the trichomes with the highest THC content. I made this observation through a 20X loupe. I really should take a cut and examine at home under my 100X pocket microscope, which I'll do next time I visit my plot (guerrilla, 51 lat, UK)

This is my first time growing anything and everything I know is from what I've read, no experience. Hopefully you guys with experience can help.:thank you:


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Hi there oh wise ones!

Hi there oh wise ones!

Good morning my dearest old farts!:tiphat:
Thank you for finding the time&will to help us, younger twats, in this green adventure:thank you:
Just a couple of questions on the same subject
Wich kind of bio-chemical processes get started when the polinization happens?
What happens within the female plant that starts the seeds formation?
Of course that i know that all starts when the male polen is grabed by the female pistills but what i´m looking to find out about is what happens in the female plant.Does the polinization starts a chemical process or is it a enzymatic,bio-celular or even some other one that i´m not even aware....?:comfort:
What´s the relation between polinization and THC contents?
Is there any bypass procedure that could avoid the seeds formation even if polinization ocurs?
I hope i´ve made sense with my questions:comfort:
Many thanks for all your input:thank you:
Peace&Light to us all:ying: