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Wall Street Is Laundering Drug Money and Getting Away with It

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Love system of the down.

Here's a couple of my favorites that applies to all this Wall Street nonsense.


Take the Power Back
So called facts are fraud
They want us to allege and pledge
And bow down to their God

Lost the culture, the culture lost
Spun our minds and through time
Ignorance has taken over
Yo, we gotta take the power back

Bullet in Your Head

I gave a shout out to the living dead
Who stood and watched as the feds cold centralized
So serene on the screen, he was mesmerized
Celluar phones sounding a death tone
Corporations cold turn ya to stone before ya realize

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ dude rage against the machine makes some good points in their music. you gotta listen to their albums as a whole.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Gramps, you are off your rocker. Do you really believe the bullshit that you post?

As much as you believe that we live in a free society.

The guitarist from Rage Against the Machine had a social studies degree from Harvard which no doubt influenced their lyrics as a group. Ivy Leaguers tend to look at the world a bit different than you folk. It's a bit bigger and you're are bit smaller.

Ya know what they say, ignorance is bliss.

No surprise here. Wall Street is the mafia and Wall Street owns Washington and has for 100+years. CIA runs the illegal drug trade and the money is laundered by Wall Street. They own everything and run everything. The system is corrupted to the very core. We've been scammed. We are being scammed. We will continue to be scammed until we wake up as a nation.

Only revolution will bring about change.

This is right. Unfortunately for us, revolution (as I remember it being taught to me when I was in school twenty years ago...) historically taken year, decades, (and sometimes centuries???) to come to a head and actually happen. What's happening now? Well, the last president wasn't liked all to well. The current president's approval rating heads lower by the day PLUS he's spent more money than anyone, ever in terms of president's. It's the first time I can remember having spontaneous conversations with random groups of people (say, getting your car fixed and while you're waiting) about how fucked up the gov't is... I've had quite a few of these conversations recently. It's interesting, it's good to see people still give a shit about our country. That as a core group we're still good people. We still give a shit. Do I see revolution anytime soon, say within my lifetime (I'm 30), I don't think so. A whole bunch more would have to go wrong in my opinion, or in other words, the nation would have to continue it's currrent trajectory for another 100 or so years before revolution, taking up arms against the gov't would/will happen. But that's just my guess. We're certainly hanging on by a thread when compared to say, the 40's, or 50's... A lot of people supposedly thought revolution was in the air during the 60's. From what I know, their generation came the closest since the confederacy tried to leave the Union... We'll see I guess.

I like smoking pot. :dance013:
Fascism is any form of huge government in decay, that wants to maintain control. I don't like to sound this paranoid crazy, but after reading about the Holocaust, and visiting a concentration camp in germany, I realize how easy is was for them to accomplish such a huge atrocity, with out many people even knowing until it was already done. This is literally why the bill of rights is so important. It may only be a piece of paper, but it lets us know when to run, or fight. it lets us know what lines shouldn't be crossed by government for sure. It lets us know when we should be really pissed. The warning signs of facism are identified by the weakening of the bill of rights.

The German Jews had warning signs this was coming, but no one new they were warning signs because they had no bill of rights.
The Jews were demonized, and separated by the government.
Then their guns were taken away
then they were relocated to ghettos, so that they could be easily moved out of the populous to concentration camps. They said they put the ghettos next to the train track cause the land was cheap, but we know why they really did.

if they had a bill of rights they would have known to start running or shooting way earlier.

The bill of rights is like a shit storm warning system.

the drug war is the way around this.
they create a black market through laws to make drugs look violent. this causes fear.
Next demonize regular people (growers) for hurting no one.
then they add much much harsher penalties if there is a gun in your grow.
then they move you to a prison that is guaranteed to be inhumane.

other things America has revolutionized lately is the invasion of privacy with the patriot act. The T word (terrorist) is now scarier to White Christian Americans than the N word. They go on to make inaccurate and massive associations of pot to terrorism. Thus further demonizing us.

I come from a Jewish background, but am not the biggest supporter of Israel because the way they treat the Palestinians, but I understand why it the way it is. It is because never again will we be subjected to being treated as diseased cattle by evil power freaks.

Have you ever read a book called "The Lemon Tree?" I too come from a Jewish origin (Mother's side, German Jews) and really found the book eye opening. I didn't really know what the Jews did back after WWII., in detail, until I read it and I must say it was quite the eye opener. If I was treated in an equal manner as the Jews did starting back in the late 40's, I too would fight like hell, as the Palestinians do... But shit, those suicide bombers really cross a line when they blow themselves up on a bus with mom's and dad's and little kids. That kind of fighting isn't really fighting... Anywho, the world's a fucked up place these days...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
That as a core group we're still good people. We still give a shit.

That's what will save us IMO. We'll see how fast things move. I think they are moving quite fast, but you're right revolutions do take time.

I thought this was a very good movie. Up until the last couple of minutes.


I believe it would be more accurate to replace the word Capitalism with Super Nationalistic Capitalism (ie Fascism ie Collectivism). WHOA! A conservative who agrees with Micheal Moore?? Crazy you say. Independent thinking I say.

It goes into how corrupted our financial institutions and Wall Street are and has several congressman/women acknowledging the fact that there was a financial coup d'état in 2007/2008. I would argue it happened a long time ago, but it's refreshing to hear Congress members airing the dirty laundry out and speaking the truth.


pure dynamite
great read!

It would be great if the world was run only by people with good intentions.. but I do think that most of humans will try to get a personal gain when having a good place in society and some degree of power. This must be a part of our human nature.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It's amazing that there are still people convinced that the death penalty is effective. The heck with the centuries of evidence directly belying the claim, just like rabid prohibitionists ignore decades of failure, but insist that it works. People say there's no drugs in China, well where did they get those guys they put to death for world anti drug day at the end of last month? The only evidence that China offers is self serving statements made by proven liars. It's like the intelligence just clicks off and they'll take the word of Chaing Kai Shek because it suits their purpose.

Violence is never found on the path to peace.

As crazy and fucked up as you think I am, we do agree that the death penalty has no place in civilian justice. It's ineffective as a means of crime deterrent.

It is however effective as a means of deterrent in military justice, specifically controlling mutiny in a time of war. George Washington stopped a near mass mutiny at Valley Forge by hanging a gang of soldiers who attempted to go AWOL. If this is right or wrong goes into just war principles and where you land on utilitarian ethics. Way off topic for this thread about Wall Street corruption and these peace loving forums in general.

Whoever said there are no drugs in China is deluded as you think I am. They didn't call them the Opium Wars for nothing. That shit hasn't stopped lol.



Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
you can get the death penalty for weed in china, and they have hash everywhere. shitty hash, but everywhere.
Wachovia laundering about 400 billion for the drug cartels. Oops! We just really didn't realize that much money floating around meant anything . . . . Really. . . . .

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^we should call it Omnicorp. lol

really i dont think there is some secret government. Our society is just a result of what happens when, greed, gluttony, and apathy become too much.
great thread! Other than the death penalty thing which I am against, we seem to think a lot alike Hash Zeppelin. I am not of Jewish descent, pure "Gentile" here, but refreshing to see a Jewish person not automatically side with the zionist state of Israel and automatically label anyone who is critical of the war crimes they constantly commit an "anti-semite". And you are a System of a Down fan too! Cool!
we must somehow oust from power these greedy bastard control freaks and turn this into the "free" country it is supposed to be, and is now in name only.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
they will destroy them selves in time through social darwinism. eventually thay will take to much, and instead of letting it happen the people will just behead them and take their fortunes.

It has happened countless times in many other civilizations.

the most accurate and current example for us to observe is the French Revolution.

When enough people are starving the laws and morals dont mean shit, because people are just complex animals.
You can see from the recent non-official, but very stringent boycott of BP that Americans still have it in themselves to get angry and not participate in something they don't like. Americans got angry enough of BP's willful negligence and harm of people and the environment (that won't recover for decades) that people just stopped getting gas at BP. I am sure that if people get angry enough, there will be a revolution again. We are a country full of people descended from all kinds of people that were pissed enough at where they were living, for whatever reason, to chuck it all, get on a ship, take all kinds of risks, and come here, to a wild and unknown place (with lots more risks) all for the chance to get away from the establishment. There is something at the heart of all Americans that is slow to anger but impossible to stop.
Quite a refreshing thread. Isn`t it funny people fight like cats and dogs in growing threads then political threads are totally civil.
Isn`t it ironic for us federally illegal growers and consumers to be sitting around discussing government fraud and scandal :)