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Wall Street Is Laundering Drug Money and Getting Away with It


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Isn`t it funny people fight like cats and dogs in growing threads then political threads are totally civil.

Indeed lol. It's funny how when the two party false paradigm argument is left out how civil the discussion can be. Maybe a testament to how people who still believe in the two party system are trained to argue by the media and their party masters.

Coincidence..... I think not. :thinking:


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^great points guys. I agree. the two party system is a crock. it is 100% corrupted, keeps the country socially divided; and ignores checks and balances because they both have the same goal of keeping their money, not preserving our rights. not one person in congress has less than a million dollars in the bank. Both parties have proved to be greed driven, and it is time the American people boycott and vote down any politician that takes campaign money from lobbyist. now that the supreme court has ruled that there is no campaign finance limit at all, that means the presidency is now not just for sale, it is up for open auction.

I wont even vote for a dem or rep any more. they are both so full of shit it makes me sick.

Actually not true there is a few left in the original parties that arnt too bad, but that is because they new still. give it time.
That's what will save us IMO. We'll see how fast things move. I think they are moving quite fast, but you're right revolutions do take time.

I thought this was a very good movie. Up until the last couple of minutes.


I believe it would be more accurate to replace the word Capitalism with Super Nationalistic Capitalism (ie Fascism ie Collectivism). WHOA! A conservative who agrees with Micheal Moore?? Crazy you say. Independent thinking I say.

It goes into how corrupted our financial institutions and Wall Street are and has several congressman/women acknowledging the fact that there was a financial coup d'état in 2007/2008. I would argue it happened a long time ago, but it's refreshing to hear Congress members airing the dirty laundry out and speaking the truth.

I agree, things are moving at quite a fast past these days. The public is standing for less shit than they used to as indicated by Obama's poll numbers. What, he went into office with like 65% or better approval rating and it's now in the mid to low 40's! That says a whole bunch. THE PEOPLE know things are FUBAR and since we do still give a shit, maybe more than ever before(?!?!?), we want to see things be done about it. Not same old bullshit agenda pushing, deficit spending, international aid packaes (did you see Hilary wanted to improve relations with Pakistan? Yeah, gave half a trillion, no biggie... WHAT THE FUCK?? Seriously? You people didn't get the mother fucking memo yet? WE'RE FUCKING BROKE!), ect, ect... Since what we got was more of the same with a lead foot in the spending department, We The People have responded accordingly with poor approval ratings. He's a one term and out President. The next one too if he/she doesn't fix thing, fucking fast!e

I say for revolution to really kick off, the gov't would really have to provoke the citizens by doing something to really take away our basic freedoms. Imprisonment, free speech, that sorta stuff. They start doing that and I think you would even see some of the military fighting on The People's side. Just my ideas... I say fuck the elephants AND the donkeys! I want gov't to shrink by a minimum 75%. If 90% would be possible, all the better. Get rid of anything that is not essential to the constitution being upheld and let us pursue the greatness we all know this great land is again capable of.

But WTF do I know anyway?

I know this. The Bubba Kush at the Vapor Room on Haight is pure funk. Smoke plenty of pot labeled Bubba which I'm now sure weren't Bubba. So I guess this my first real deal Bubba... Pretty funky, now I know what's up with the coffee smell. Danm, B.:wahey:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
there never be a need for a violent revolution here again. These days communication is instant, and the severity of the peoples message will get across to the leaders of the country before there is ever a need for a shot to be fired. dude just look at how many Americans have boycotted b.p.. I know I am for sure. People right now are fed up with both parties. when enough people get pissed off and boycott the two major political parties then change will occur.

until that happens though these banks will go unhindered.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
until that happens though these banks will go unhindered.

Those pesky banks.

This is a long read, but very interesting if you take the time to go through it. I heard about it on NPR.

On Wall Street there are the wolves and there are the sheep.

Banks Mine Data and Woo Troubled Borrowers

New Yorktimes

The central banks (IE The FED) are a macro-economic cancer.
Last edited:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ good read, but not new info for me. This is one of the biggest reasons I buy everything with cash, or money order, or check card from a small privately owned bank. I wont give the credit card companies one dime as long as I can avoid it. If I want to buy something I save up for it or buy it with money saved up from interest from investments. its all legal accounted for money for reasonable purchases too. thus keeping me clean as a whistle.

However I also do not live my life basing my happiness off of material stuff that I cant grow my self. My happiness comes from hanging out with good people and spending time in nature. I am as transcendentalist as I can be in modern society as a young man brought up with technology. how ever as technology becomes cheaper and greener, and will add a lot to the simplification of life.


Just Call me Urkle!!
the American people will not tolerate a banking system that steals from them.

I agree with everything you said but the above... Yes it is TREASON to do what they are doing but the American People have be tolerating a banking system that steals from them from the start!

Did you know money is made out of thin air!!!!! The money you get loaned to you never exists until you sign the paper saying you will pay them back BAM!!! Now that paper has value, bankers started this a long time ago and were doing it all the time giving out loans on gold that wasn't even there cuz if the folks never turned in the gold slips they would NEVER KNOW!!!

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes it's laws." Mayer Amschel - Rothschild, Banker

That's the mentality of the Federal Reserve which we need to do away with completely it's what fucked up everything in the first place!!! Get this that piece of shit private bank is owned mostly by foreigners!
Who Owns The Federal Reserve?

1. Rothschild of London
2. Rothschild of Berlin
3. Lazard Brothers of Paris
4. Israel Seiff, resident in Italy
5. Kuhn, Loeb and Company of Germany
6. Warburgs of Amsterdamn
7. Warburgs of Hamburg
8. Goldman Sachs of New York
9. Rockefellers of New York

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????? Now if you are a American and have a bank account doesn't that kind of bug you seeing all that non USA love in that PRIVATE BANK??? 2 owners are from our country!!!!!

This is a quote from a article written by Paul Grignon called Money Matrix

"President Kennedy was well aware that the sovereignty of the United Sates and the liberty of it's people had been usurped by the European banking cartel through the Federal Reserve Act and, on June 4, 1963, he signed Executive Order No. 11110 to put a stop to it. This little known order returned to the U.S. government the power to issue its own currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This mean that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could intorduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy issued nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes. Five months later he was assassinated, the silver-backed notes disappeared from circulation, and no more were issued."

Now to me that sounds like the fucking Federal Reserve's owners and shareholders had him killed. Biggest meanest gang in America the Federal Reserve.....


Just Call me Urkle!!
Then where does the 100k i'm borrowing actually come from?

Here's what big banks are doing now. Borrow billions from the fed and pay 0.5% interest, turn around and buy govt bonds ( ie. loan the $ back to the govt. ) that pay 2.5%. Do it enough times and you're making some real money.

It comes outta thin air actually!!! The old Urban Gardener magazine with the Big GMO Cover Up has a great article all about our money and they way it all started and why it's so fucked up :tiphat:

Basically said that banker's noticed that their customers never took their gold out of the vaults. So he decided that he could give a loan for bigger amounts by add their gold with his and as long as they didn't show up to take it out nobody would be any worse off and he'd make a nice return. Well that worked out great till his customers caught on and demanded a percentage on his profits and so banking was invented. He then paid a low interest rate on savings and charged a higher rate of interest on loans. But the banker wasn't happy with his earnings after paying off everyone and as folks spread out over Europe everybody seemed to be looking for credit. BUT!! The banker's loans were limited to how much gold he and his depositors had in his vault and that's when he came up with his skeem. He knew that nobody but himself really knew how much gold was actually in his vaults so he could just lend out claim checks on gold that WASN'T EVEN THERE!!! He got wealthy from interest paid on gold that did not exist! It was just too ridiculous to even think about so for the longest time the thought never occured to people. But like most dip shits with power it went to his head and he issued bigger loans and bigger loans, well folks got suspicious and some borrowers started to demand real gold instead of paper representations. This set the rumor mill off and a bunch of wealth depositors showed up at the same time to remove their gold LOL!! That was what was known as "run on the bank" and it's every banker's worst nightmare. The runs ruined many individual banks and destroyed public trust in bankers. So what happens next? You think the banker's were hung or stoned to death? NOPE!!! The practice was fucking legalized and regulated!!!!! Now if you me or and other mofo tried to loan gold that we don't own or even exist and then attempt to demand repayment with interest we would go to jail for fraud. If a banker does this it's called "fractional reserve banking" :tiphat:
It's not written out of thin air. Our money is guaranteed by the lives and bodies of the American people. WE are the collateral for all our government's debts. It's always been this way. That's why Andrew Jackson, who was a shit to the Indians, and really scary when he sent a warship to South Carolina, did the ballsiest thing ever and withdrew the government's deposits from the national bank and RAN THE GOVERNMENT IN THE BLACK. Only president to ever do it.


Active member
I agree with everything you said but the above... Yes it is TREASON to do what they are doing but the American People have be tolerating a banking system that steals from them from the start!

Did you know money is made out of thin air!!!!! The money you get loaned to you never exists until you sign the paper saying you will pay them back BAM!!! Now that paper has value, bankers started this a long time ago and were doing it all the time giving out loans on gold that wasn't even there cuz if the folks never turned in the gold slips they would NEVER KNOW!!!

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes it's laws." Mayer Amschel - Rothschild, Banker

That's the mentality of the Federal Reserve which we need to do away with completely it's what fucked up everything in the first place!!! Get this that piece of shit private bank is owned mostly by foreigners!
Who Owns The Federal Reserve?

1. Rothschild of London
2. Rothschild of Berlin
3. Lazard Brothers of Paris
4. Israel Seiff, resident in Italy
5. Kuhn, Loeb and Company of Germany
6. Warburgs of Amsterdamn
7. Warburgs of Hamburg
8. Goldman Sachs of New York
9. Rockefellers of New York

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????? Now if you are a American and have a bank account doesn't that kind of bug you seeing all that non USA love in that PRIVATE BANK??? 2 owners are from our country!!!!!

This is a quote from a article written by Paul Grignon called Money Matrix

"President Kennedy was well aware that the sovereignty of the United Sates and the liberty of it's people had been usurped by the European banking cartel through the Federal Reserve Act and, on June 4, 1963, he signed Executive Order No. 11110 to put a stop to it. This little known order returned to the U.S. government the power to issue its own currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This mean that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could intorduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy issued nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes. Five months later he was assassinated, the silver-backed notes disappeared from circulation, and no more were issued."

Now to me that sounds like the fucking Federal Reserve's owners and shareholders had him killed. Biggest meanest gang in America the Federal Reserve.....


I completely agree, weird because i was just talking to a bro about this last night, and actually used that same Rothschild quote.

I just finished watching "Meltup," and its got me a bit worried that our economy is headed for a double-dip recession.


im thinking riots in the streets kind of recession, like in Greece.

what do you guys think is going to happen with the financial system in the next year or to?

im stacking up on guns, and food for starters. Probably try to get my hands on some gold too



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
what do you guys think is going to happen with the financial system in the next year or to?

It all depends on the housing numbers, unemployment numbers, and consumer confidence.

If there is a double dip in housing there will likely be a double dip in the overall economy. The Fed's are running out of measures to artificially prop up the failing economy. Interest rates cannot go any lower and there are serious consequences to all of this free funny money going to be banks.

The game right now is to keep everyone confident and spending their money and locked into the stock market. When confidence in the casino stock market and financial system evaporates. It will implode. Almost everyone is tied into publicly traded banks these days.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^this is why I grow. The skills of growing mean you can grow your own food, and also use hemp for everything. This is why I make sure that I can survive in nature, and live off the land if i had too.

Eventually this card house will tumble down just as rome did, but it is a bigger house and will have a messier crash for sure. maybe not in my life time, but the one truth of the entire universe is that nothing last forever in one form. change is inevitable.
I do think a lot about the fall of the Roman Empire. And also, b/c I'm a child of the 70s/80s, about the fall of the Old Republic in Star Wars . . . . .

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ off topic but I fucking love star wars. I wish I had a light saber. so cool. I dont care if people think i'm a dork. my back ground is van gogh's starry night, with a death a star added in the sky


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Some info on where the bailout money really went.

We all got robbed by global bankers.

Goldman reveals where bailout cash went USA TODAY

Goldman Sachs sent $4.3 billion in federal tax money to 32 entities, including many overseas banks, hedge funds and pensions, according to information made public Friday night.

He added, "We thought originally we were bailing out AIG. Then later on ... we learned that the money flowed through AIG to a few big banks, and now we know that the money went from these few big banks to dozens of financial institutions all around the world."

Where are these Market rallies on ridiculously light volume coming from anyway?

The central bank is robbing you. It's a private bank for fuck's sake. They operate beyond the law. They bought Washington in 1913 and are robbing you blind.


If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.---- Thomas Jefferson


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Wall Street launders more than drugs. They are laundering our future as a nation. Good article about systemic risk in Wall Street.

Goldman Sachs Relied on Citigroup, Lehman for AIG Protection Bloomberg
While U.S. government actions may have benefited some non- U.S. companies, Cambridge Winter’s Date said that it’s also true that bank bailouts by other countries, including Switzerland, Germany and the U.K., helped U.S. investors.

“No one actually knows who’s the beneficiary versus the biggest payer into this global sovereign backstop on the banking system,” Date said. “Maybe U.S. taxpayers ended up worse than others but I don’t know if that’s necessarily true.”

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