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Wake up, California!!!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
this is good through communication and real debate we have found your issue and now it is based on something concrete and not just some feelings.

It will not effect 215. It will make 215 safer.

^Eventually cannabis will become just like wine anyways. why slow it down is my opinion. Even though I hate pretty much all regulation, I hate prison more.

Half my patients are Billionaire/ millionaire wine connoisseurs and are pushing for this bill to pass big time even though they dont live in cali. It cracks me up that they treat things like Gout, the rich white man disease, but most of them see it as something for after dinner that is way better than a 50 dollar cigar to go with there scotch or port

Me personally I have Ulcerative Colitis and still want this bill to pass. it is a great buffer zone. If there is people with cannabis cafes and 100,000 plant grows like I want then the med patients really would be a waste of time for the feds to go after.

Also I could care less if the price drops. I'll just grow more, and start other business based on the cannabis industry. Just like how people who sold pics and shovels in the gold rush got rich. I grew weed for over a decade in Texas before I got out to a med state, and would have gotten 20 years for my 4 to 8 plants there. If that didnt stop me or thousands of other growers why would anything else be able to stop me?

next step winning over KB. then I can stop insulting him too.

I with drawl my previous insults to you.


Freedom Fighter
I really don't understand why you EVEN care what i stand for or HOW i vote....

like "I" can even make a difference? its really odd to me.....

OR, is it ALL the people i shuttled to the polls last year, to vote NO on the last Proposition that failed?

no matter what you say or what insults or whatever you try to prove, ill still vote the same....

BTW, I am CEO of three Corporations, two are collectives. YOU?

I have debated this with you all through the Prop 19 thing....and I never once insulted you or called you names, and I won't start now--
However...as you point out, you are involved in Collectives, so you are in the position to sway a lot of ppls votes!! I had this same convo with my Employer, face to face!! It will not effect 215 at all, and will open up many other avenues for making legit $$--
Shit, MMJ will be safer than ever if it passes, since DEA will be running around trying to undermine the NEW Law!!
Like has already been mentioned, this is EXACTLY how Alcohol Prohibition got repealed....States refusing to honor the Federal stance...until the Feds had no choice but to change-- :tiphat:


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I have debated this with you all through the Prop 19 thing....and I never once insulted you or called you names, and I won't start now--
However...as you point out, you are involved in Collectives, so you are in the position to sway a lot of ppls votes!! I had this same convo with my Employer, face to face!! It will not effect 215 at all, and will open up many other avenues for making legit $$--
Shit, MMJ will be safer than ever if it passes, since DEA will be running around trying to undermine the NEW Law!!
Like has already been mentioned, this is EXACTLY how Alcohol Prohibition got repealed....States refusing to honor the Federal stance...until the Feds had no choice but to change-- :tiphat:

your a cool kat, never had a problem with you, appreciate it....:tiphat:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^I'll stop calling you out if you can present some sort of logical argument against The "Regulate marijuana like wine act." like take me slowly though your thought process so i can get you, because we are just not on the same page and i could possibly understand you if we were, either that or I am right about you. your response may or may not prove my previous posts correct. I hope not.

If i am wrong I will retract my insults as I did with the Takkada. If it was only political, I would not even take offense to your stance, but to me, voting no on a bill that can prevent thousands of prison sentences I take that personally. It is as bad as voting yes on slavery in my opinion because once your a convicted felon your just a slave. see that is me explaining my rationality.
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Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Its not about what you want, its about what they (the people) want. Stop writing these laws with your interests in mind and you will stop failing.
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
nice theory and all, but reality check: there is nobody that will write a bill in american government anywhere that serves zero special interest groups. It sucks but it is true. We live in Plutocracy and not democracy.

Its not about what you want, its about what they (the people) want. Stop writing these laws with your interests in mind and you will stop failing.
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nice theory and all, but reality check: there is nobody that will write a bill in american government anywhere that serves zero special interest groups. It sucks but it is true. We live in Plutocracy and not democracy.
legalize like wine actill be reading the legalize like wine act carefully


I love my life
legalize like wine actill be reading the legalize like wine act carefully

It is a very short one page read. Not too hard to understand, and written very well.

Since it is so simple and fair the political fuck wads had to come up with 4 other terrible initiatives in order to defeat ANY legalization attempt, but especially the regulate like wine act.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^is there anything that prevents people from just voting yes on all of them, then letting the courts figure it out if more than one wins?


Freedom Fighter
^is there anything that prevents people from just voting yes on all of them, then letting the courts figure it out if more than one wins?

The problem is going to be getting enough sigs to get any of them on the Ballot-- Most ppl will pick one, and go for that...greatly fragmenting the votes--


I love my life
^is there anything that prevents people from just voting yes on all of them, then letting the courts figure it out if more than one wins?

The are prevented on voting for them because as of now NONE of them have enough signitures to be on the ballot.

5 different sig gathering campaigns ensures no one will get enough sig and voters will be hassled like nobody's business.

Sig gatherer: "Will you sign my petition?"

Voter: "I've already signed a cannabis petition, so I can't be counted twice and can't sign again."

Sig Gatherer: "Are you sure you signed this one? Or maybe one of the other FOUR petitions?"

Voter: "Five fucking petitions? WTF I am out of here, you sign it yourself!"

So NONE of them are on the ballot yet.

Remember to thank the ASA and all the other "Movement" Clowns if 2012 falls short again. Anyone who doesn't grow their own should shut the fuck up about what others may grow. This is especially true for the FUCKS that say they are part of a movement.

I can understand why KB doesn't think any of these fuckers should be able to put a single fucking rule on his business.

Freedom is the only answer.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^I see. What they should have done is taken all those people that were working towards different initiatives and combined them from the begging on just one initiative that they all agreed upon.

I think now is the time then to start educating people on the situation and what has happened and encourage them to sign all the petitions.

They are selfish bastards. I'll give you that for sure. When I tried to get them to unify on sponsoring a million man march, they all refused to work with their so called competitors. It is sad they even think that way. They should be thought of as comrades. I am all for individualism, but a little unity for the root cause is required. Then everyone can go back to being separate organizations.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
We are getting the laws from the folks WE voted in, change your representatives, get active, stop wasting your time posturing endlessly on threads like this ..AND MAKE SOME CHANGES!

....jesus tap dancing christ.........


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
yes lets please keep this on topic and civil. I know many of us get upset when we see people post they dont care and just want or like the money. I dont want this thread to degrade to name calling. We can all give our opinions without name calling.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The problem is going to be getting enough sigs to get any of them on the Ballot-- Most ppl will pick one, and go for that...greatly fragmenting the votes--

I agree with this. If I have 3 to choose from I will vote for the best one I like. The others have wording that bothers me. i would be reluctant to vote for those. Having said that. I will vote for all of them but many might not se it the way I do.

Prop 215 will not be effected by this. 215 is already state law and would require a vote to repeal it
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