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....WAKE & BAKE....


Active member
Shit I lost an hour,,,, I'm gonna burn a bowel of this SilverSage, and see if I can get My hour back.
If that don't work, Ima gonna smoke another one.

Peace; 1TT


Right now I'm drinking coffee.

Then I will have a bit o' Candyland (just finished drying, first taste.)

That's the Wake-n-Bake part.

2 Legal Co

Active member
My Wake & Bake will be quite unusual this morning.

I have been selling machine shop tools on Craigslist and some guy sent me an email accusing me of being in possession of stolen property, namely a drill chuck for a lathe, which he says looks like one stolen from his shop about 30 miles away.

I inherited a friend's machine shop a few years ago. He was the kind of guy who always machined with a cigarette going ... died of lung cancer.

So I'm having a good time selling extra cutters, etc., and I get this
Ultimate Craigslist Nasty-gram.

Right now I'm drinking coffee.

Then I will have a bit o' Candyland (just finished drying, first taste.)

That's the Wake-n-Bake part.

Then I should of course brush my teeth and maybe chew some gum,
wash my hands, and perhaps change my shirt.

Then it's off to the County and State police with copies of the emails,
the 4 drill chucks that inspired the accusation, and my Personal Statement
on The Matter.

That's the Buzz-kill part.

Careful, he could just be fishing for a location.... so he can rip You off?

Smokey probably won't want to know.... unless he files a complaint first. No incident, no interest. If they do make a report, then your address will be public information.............


Careful, he could just be fishing for a location.... so he can rip You off?

Smokey probably won't want to know.... unless he files a complaint first. No incident, no interest. If they do make a report, then your address will be public information.............

Oh well, this is the Wake-n-Bake thread, not the Shitting Bricks thread.

Thanks for the reply and any additional advice though. :tiphat:


$$ ALONE $$
I wish I could get some good meds here. Nothing to be had unless I grow it myself. Sucks to run out and there is noone to go to. So sad today. 7 more wks is a long time to wait without meds.

2 Legal Co

Active member
Morning WBers.

FYI;;; Job Fair Today @ OPEN VAPE 11th & Quebec in Denver Colorado.....

Finally in the mainstream, after only 40 odd years of waiting for it. We're getting there.