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....WAKE & BAKE....


bong hit! and..........im hi.

Woke up with the little mermaid theme song in my head. Ariel, Listen to me, the human world is a mess up there. Do do do doot doot doot do doot do doot.

Physics, communications, marketing hoy. Weird not having any hort classes 3 days out of the week.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


What were we talking about?
I woke up in a good mood because it's Friday and then ended up calling off because of the snow . . . even better. Another three day weekend! Woohoo

Pretty baked right now. 'Morning everyone.


What were we talking about?
Good Sunday morning to my fellow w&bers.

It's cold and snowy outside, I don't have to go anywhere, and I'm high. Can't beat it.

This morning I'm smoking some wtf. I call it wtf because after I toke up, I can't remember wtf I was doing . . .

Now where the heck is my coffee?

Blaze on my friends!


Active member
Hmmm... Wakes up, Yaaaaawwwwwnnn....

Let's Dog out the back, pet's the cat for a second....

Starts some Nice Organic Fresh Ground coffee on the drip this morning....

Grabs Bong.

Huge Tokes back to back to back Kandy Kush, Blueberry x California Hash, and Some Afghan Kush Skunk x White Widow.

Is the coffee done peeing yet? Is my dog finished brewing?

Ah yeah. Now, Maybe some Wakin and bacon.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Was doing some spring cleaning, found a decent sized kernel of some Old Granddad from what's gotta be 6-8 months ago. Rolled it up and took it with me when the dogs went out to pee.


I'd forgotten how candy-ish it tasted, .. Very glad I found this - now it's got me reminded that I need to start some more of these..

..should make domestic preparation for tonight's company fairly tolerable.. :joint:


Active member
Espresso perc loaded - check
Bong rips loaded - check
Breakfast safe from the goddamn dogs for 5 minutes - better get extra baby gate.

:wave: morning kids


skunk1xafghani...also known as shit.

Went on a trip this weekend, nice to get away, good to be back. Few classes then homework.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Active member
ugh, have to drive some of the fam-dam-ly to the airport in a few, totally sober and not enjoying it in the least. At least the coffee is hot :p Morning folks :wave:


puff puff pass...

Trying to recover from last night and all the high gravity I drank. Thank god I only have 1 class this morning and done for the day.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


puff puff pass....

TGIF, not really much going on in baskets world. Made braised lamb shanks the other night, tortilla crusted tilipia last night, and a couple nice thick kc strips for today. First round of tests this semester starts next week.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


What were we talking about?
Good Saturday morning fellow w&bers.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

Hope everyone is nicely high and in a great mood.


Lover of Life
woke up at 3 am..went back to bed..got up at 5 to get ready for work (trimming buds :) )..come to find out the dude who runs the grow doesn't want to go until 7..so, stuck here at home waiting for a game to download off of Playstation Store (Ni No Kuni : Wrath of the White Witch)...so, for the next half hour I'll just chill until my homie comes to pick me up for our 'job'..lol

have a good Saturday peeps :)


vape vape....broke out the volcano with a 4 ft bag, good morning so far.

Need to make more cookies.....so yep will probably be doing that. Basketball throughout the afternoon.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket