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....WAKE & BAKE....


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Morning wake and bake. So I finally finished off my herb and put away my glass. Going to clean up now (I know I said I started a while back but now it's the real start) and get ready for the job hunt.

Really looking forward to getting done with this degree program. I just hope that after 5 years and my second bachelors degree that this whole experience has been worth it. Hopefully I will be starting 2013 out on the West Coast.

Have a great day Wake and Bake. See you all later


Soul- lol, ah you sound like me when I had to quit. Situation's a little different but I understand. I made a promise with myself that once/if I got through it I would let myself smoke again as much as possible whenever I wanted. Probably why I ended up pursuing a hort degree instead of history or engineering. Just looking down road at drug test possibilities, granted I'll have to pass em for applicators licenses with major companies but I just wanna work for a small organic co-op doing their thing up in the mountains, ah to dream.

My motivation to quit was having a mandatory minimum sentence of 24-48 months off an ounce of schwag while a senior in highschool, so like I said slightly different. LAWYER UP! lol. Fuck, think about that shit everyday still and its been years since I've been off paper.

Anyways....good luck man, get that big tech job you've been working hard for, especially after 2 times through college. I'm still debating if I even wanna pursue a masters program directly outta school or go work for a while first.

Baskets going on vacation! Woot woot....I'll try n check in if I find internet somewhere.

As always stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Hope your all having a good Friday.

Basket - Yeah I am in the same boat with my Masters program. If I can't find a job out west then I will prep for the GRE and hopefully enroll into the masters program in the fall of 2013. Either way, something big should be happening come December. Hope you have a great time on vacation my friend.

To everyone else - have a good friday and be safe out there. Enjoy the weekend before we all have to head back to the grind on Monday.
Woke up this mornin', smiled at the rising sun :)

Hey fellow wake n' bakers!!! :tiphat: It's so beautiful out!!! Me and the pup just went for a walk :dance013: Sitting down for some early am puffs :woohoo: Have a great day peeps!!! *W~W*


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Morning wake and bake

Another Tuesday is upon us. Getting excited about school - start back up in a few weeks. Ready to get in there and really kick some ass this semester!

Have a great day everyone =)


wake n vape
whats up crew?

usual suspects hope ur all well

vaping ogchem btw


vacation has been pretty good, saw 66lbs between 4 catfish, one being a 35 lb "medium one". Saw pics of the larger 75lb+ "big ones" that they were catching earlier in the season. Some big ass fish. Bringing home a nice big sack of steaks.

Anyways, good to be back in civilization, heading home officially tomorrow, might make a stop for lunch at somewhere nice on the way home. Gonna need a vacation after this one to recover...got 3 days off when I get back so that'll help.

Might go on a hike later today but was warned of the outdoor gardens and crazy ass rednecks guarding em with shotguns so will try and stay away from unnecessary drama.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Lover of Life
morning crew...budbasket, sticky, soulfly, wonder woman and all the rest.

waked but not yet baked here..still getting around and drinking coffee..when I do get baked it'll be my homegrown from the last grow..not sure what it is, but it's good and gets me lit up for a good 2 hours..mostly head high which is a nice change.

headed out to do some errands in an hour or so..pay some bills, get gas and some food..maybe a video game and hit up the dispensary to try some of that Candy Kush that's around and sooo tasty :)

headed down to lake Powell sometime in the next month or two to kick it with a FriendGirl..drink a bit of alcohol, go swimming, and check out the old hometown for a bit.

take care friends and have a good rest of the summer :)


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Good evening Wake & Bake! Hope your all doing well this Wednesday evening.

HOPS5k - I am so very jealous of you going to Powell. I did a week on the lake in a house boat back in 2003. I cant still remember the colors of the sky when the sun set's and rises out there. Some truly amazing country. Have fun!

Hope everyone else is having a good week, mine has been pretty good so far. Kind of feel like I'm just treading water till the semester starts. Probably feel that way cause I plan on really hitting the gas out of the gate, want to get a 4.0 this semester! We shall see how it goes.

See you all around sometime later =)


good morning wake & bake. to day i have plenty to do the weather is sunny and warm. and i am going for a walk with lanilemori. then ill see what i do. since i bought that pack of smokes, i smoke too many joints so i might have a foot relaxing in the sun to day.:)


Woke up reminiscing about the gems I heard at the local pub last night, I am paraphrasing but this was the gist of the pronouncements by a self-proclaimed "I know everything about marijuana growing, breeding, biology, and botany" ...

"The best weed in the world is grown on Crete."
"Kushes are no good, they are actually bad for you because they create a hole in your psyche."
"Indica's best, sativa doesn't allow you to integrate properly with society."
"Outdoor weed is an artform."
"Indoor weed is only medicine."
"Weed should not be grown indoors."
"Albanian outdoor is low quality."
"Weed should be regulated."
"I used to smoke 40-50 joints per day, but since quitting 6 months ago, I'll never go back to smoking it"
(no joke on the 40-50 joints per day)
"There are no strains on Crete, they only grow the world's greatest indica." (the only strain named during the 10 minute lecture was "Pineapple")

(SOURCE: The random Greek guy aka "Antonis")

Well, I guess it's time to kill the kushes and sativas, move to Crete, and syphon the world's blackmarket cash into Greece's floundering economy, since the best weed in the world is right there just ripe for the picking!


Well-known member
i've got some time this morning -- i'll come get your kushes and sativas and take them to the landfill for you.


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Good afternoon wake and bake!

Hope your all doing well this fine Friday afternoon. Just sipping on a beer at the moment and debating on a nap. Didnt sleep much last night so a nap is sounding good right about now.

See you all around later


puff puff....bought a really neat glass pipe yesterday with a bunch of glass marbles and stuff, awesome colors, need to stop collecting bongs for a while and just buy 10 or so hand pipes.

HOpe everyone is having a good end to summer...weather is amazing the past couple days.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Morning Wake & Bake

Another fun filled Saturday on the radar for Soulfly. Get to find out if my internship will last through next week or if I will be starting off the semester without a job. Gonna be interesting to say the least.

Hope you all have a good weekend, be safe out there doing whatever it is you all do


puff puff...what an amazing weekend, really not looking forward to getting up at 530 tomorrow. Last week of work before school and I think hottest day is only 90 so over twenty degrees cooler than it was 3 weeks ago.

I'd really like to work in the tissue cloning lab at school this semester even if its starting out washing petri dishes and beakers. Mixing up agar solutions would be pretty fun too. Eh I can do it all on my own but this way it'll look better on a job resume.

Also I wanna start growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms and try marketing em to student clubs and shit. Gonna order some nice supplies when I get my next paycheck. Still saving up for an AA pc though.

That's it for basket, stay safe/stay medicated-basket