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....WAKE & BAKE....


Morning all, just got done with a couple tests. Bombed the first one 51, I didn't even study for the first one and got a 76 which was 5% higher than the entire class average. Now I am studying all the time, didn't even smoke before this test, and completely bombed it. Looks like I know what my drop grades gonna be, hopefully. I hate chemistry so much, its bullshit this isn't even a chemistry class and that's all were learning.

Had a debate in this entomology class, did really well. I was the only person who actually came up with a point during rebuttals that the other side had nothing for.

Plant science I aced, took literally less than 5 min to finish entire test. Don't know shit about soil chemistry but I understand plants, what can I say. I don't even study for this class and have been kicking ass, like 20%+ higher than class average on test. Glad its the weekend, blazing all day. This purple nepal smells like grape bubblegum when you break it up, really nice.

Have a good day everyone, stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Morning everyone. Im hurting today.. stayed at school for 11.5 hours yesterday studying for a test that I took last night. Afterwards me and a group of classmates all went to thirsty thursday and had penny pitchers, needless to say I drank like 5 pitchers on an empty stomach and feel like absolute hell now.

Sorry to hear about your test Bud, I can really empathize with your feelings man. Hope the rest of the semester goes well man!

Have a great day everyone, im gonna go lay down and curse the beer gods...


jesus christ, like literally penny pitchers? I need to come drink with you sometime soulfly, cheapest we have here is $3 pitchers, 75c tequila shots, and 99c sliders w/ all you can eat fries. Im really high now after my morning so if I missed a joke my bad lol.


Active member

awake, and to baked! haha :wave:


nice nug sneak

up early puffin and thinking about stuff

have to plot the future! gonna get truck worked on and perhaps a few upgrades

a little snow in the forcast plus the truck in the shop means time for relaxation this weekend. I hope you all have a good one.


Sadly I cant join you friends I have an exam in 2 days.I will be here as soon as im freee. Wake n Bake living like a king!


enjoy the weekend stikky!

Made up for the shitty week last night, feeling a little groggy today.....Vaping right now. Some friends from back home came up about to take em on a big bud tour; og, purple nepal, terpentine (don't really like this stuff), pot of gold, then orange crush. Should be a good day overall. Stay safe/stay medicated everybody! -basket


vape vape vape, purple nepal makes my lungs feel really cold and almost has a menthol flavor. Lets see how the cowgirls do today, goddamn tony romo. I bet ole jerry is gonna be cleaning house after this season, shoulda done it last year. Have a great day everyone-basket


Well-known member
Couple of bongs of Afghan black hash dropped on top of organic Maroc.......The smoke is dense and and bright white. :dance013: Living it up today.


just a j, out of papers and no peice means a trip to town for papers hahah

not much gwaan today, looking up vapes and such. I need a good one but so many chocies and each one ahs there ups and downs. I had a n02 from vapir but it was off gasing and made my chest hurt. No smoking or vaping has ever done that before the n02 or since i tossed it, so yeah...im looking at the cloud and also the oracle vapes. Both are not yet released but look awesome.

ok well hope all are well, its been a trying last couple days. Seems like when I should be chillin im stressed of shit.......ayaya not sure how today is gonna go, but i hope it goes well.



Morning group- rained for like 16 hours here pretty wet. Some asshole was texting at a light and almost hit me taking off not looking at people walking in the cross walk. I may or may not have attacked the car with my umbrella when it passed. Last time I almost threw my ipod at some idiot who cut in front of like 3 people turning left and almost hit me again. Maybe some anger issues going on.

Im pretty high strung, there's a reason behind my medicating. Hope everyone has a good day, stay safe/stay medicated, don't hit any cars with objects-basket


*Stoned User*
Whats up this morning bakers? :joint:

Had a nice morning with a bowl of gdp and a cup of coffee out in the backyard. Got my mind in a good state. :D

Hey budbasket... dont get in any fights with cars, they always seem to win. ;)



Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Morning everyone!

So yesterday I had a moment of clarity and realization. I have decided that I am gonna hang up my drinking shoes till this semester is over (and yes budbasket, last Thursday was .01 pitchers, I bought 9 for the group i was with and drank at least 5 myself...) to focus on class

I also am packing away all of my smoking supplies too. Sadly I am entering into my last semester soon and will need to be clean to do pre-employment testing so why not just get it over with early?

Ill still be stopping by and saying hello to you all, just wont be with a bong in my hands =)

Hope you all have a great Tuesday! See you all later


Active member
ill be starting today off with a bowl of cheese i couldnt finish from last night!

this stuff is STRONG :) happy wake n bake everyone!


morning, haha bud yeah i smoke to chill me out too, too many idiots in this world, everytime o go to town or the city, its like im surrounded by mindless drones.....ahahah

well took a trip to shopping yesterday, got some new glasses and presciption sunglasses...yeah!!! I was wearing my Master Kush sweatshirt and the doc goes "whats master kush?" i told him straight up. I also had my "free cannabis" hemp hat on, he was really cool and said he agreed with mmj if it providedes people relief but he cant see why more people dont vape or eat it as smoking is bad for your lungs.

funny he said that b/c im feeling my lungs ask for a nice vape, i just cant find one i want, and the one i do want doesnt come out for a month ;)

so ill just keep puffin and eating it!!!

yeah ....jack herrer wake and bake j here today!!


Soulfly- good luck with the rest of the semester. I think I picked the hort field specifically because drug testing is extremely uncommon. I though agree with the drinking, I have been going to crazy during the week, weekends I can handle. Basically extremely hung over almost every day, pretty sure there's a saying for it.....sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I went in and talked with the professor whose class I am struggling, he is an amazing teacher and only wants to help. I am going to start going in after class and he is gonna let me look over his notes and hold little review sessions with me. Never in my life have I had as enthused and helpful professors as what I do here, its really inspiring. Oh yeah and my grades only a 76 so deff still in B range this semester.

Trich, hope the widow is fruity/flowery, and helps you through the day.

Stikky that's awesome! I am thinking about asking my girl for a bunch of different strain shirts for my bday so I can sport em around campus. The other idea I have is a sailor jerrys pin up girl. Tough choice......

Anybody else I am leaving out sorry post up and Ill check back in later today. Have a wonderful day everyone! -stay safe/stay medicated-basket

"Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture...Do not build up obstacles in your imagination. " -Norman Vincent Peale

New thing im gonna start doing too, posting up an inspirational quote for the day


Lover of Life
morning crew..stickyy, bud, trich, soulfly and the rest..I hope you all are feeling good this morning and have excellent days.

I've had a bunch of days off recently so I've just been sleeping in as much as I could and it's felt great..played a bunch of PS3 (MW3, Batman) and smoked some good herbs (Skywalker, Lani Lavender, Shipwreck and Lemon Skunk)..still have more days off ahead of me too, which is good though and I look forward to them.

have a stoney day wake n bakers :)