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waiting to flower after topping

SumDumGuy, the only times I have ever topped 1-2 weeks into flower has been a massive yield dropper, for me personally. Not to say that you are following a guide, or are misguided in your endeavors...
I simply find the idea of topping that far into flower and focusing the plants energy into healing itself, rather than actual flowering, to not be that helpful for any varieties I have ever grown out.
And, for the record, topping a couple weeks into flower is by no measurement a new idea.
Not trying to harsh your rep man, it just jumped out, and I responded as I felt appropriate from my own, personal experiences.
I accept that you found my post unhelpful. As long as we are honest and objective, we can all grow a lot.
Happy growing!

"One man gathers what another man spills."
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half cat half man half baked
Depends on the strain. I've had some that turn out perfect when topped 2 days before flower and I've had some totally flop because of it.


"easy growing type"
Not trying to harsh your rep man, it just jumped out, and I responded as I felt appropriate from my own, personal experiences.
I accept that you found my post unhelpful. As long as we are honest and objective, we can all grow a lot.
Happy growing!

"One man gathers what another man spills."

Never got to read this but I agree with you 100% with you in terms of a healthy and productive disagreement. Nonetheless I care not about my rep here on ICMag. I know I can grow bro and no individual or rep system can take that away from me. I joined ICMag because I found a collective of individuals that think outside the box and are willing to post in-depth information on their findings which they are willing to share with the community unlike any other site I have ever been a member of..

I started growing cannabis over five years ago for personal medication and in the process I fell in love. Unlike anything I have ever felt before. I fell in love with nature and horticulture to an extent that I really cannot describe. So if I can help you or anyone else even for a second than I have payed it forward. We're here for one reason and that is to grow as a community which in doing so may change the future of this beautiful plant. Take care bro and much respect.


Active member
It depends...that's all there is to say really. Try topping it and see what happens.

Some people swear by topping early...some swear by topping AFTER flowering has started.

Growing weed is like raising kids...each one is different and each responds differently.

To get the absolute best requires that you take a clones and keep growing that same plant over and over...that's how you "dial it in" for the best results.

That's my opinion...nothing more.


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
everything Chaos said it true. Growth and Flowering will be retarded (read: delayed) until the hormones build up in the new growth tips.

I don't go so much by a calendar but by when the plants regain their vigor. Depending on the strain that could be 4 days that could be 9 days. I don't put ANYTHING into flower unless it is fully recovered and ready to start putting energy into buds.

I have tried topping and flipping to 12/12 (years ago) and always was a week behind schedule as far a maturity and yield suffered slightly.

this was when i grew two strains exclusivly: SAGE and Black Domina. Other strains maybe different but i grew those for two years straight so i could say i knew what to expect when i gave them time to recover and when i did not.

I suggest this: potting up pre flower... give them 3 - 4 days in their new home, then top, then giving them a week to recover and also get those roots filling out in that new soil and flip em. IMHO. this has gotten me the best results :tiphat:


i like to give them a few days/week to recover from the stress of topping before i change the lights - to let the lower growth have a chance to catch up to the canopy line. obviously you can top & change to 12/12 without much problem, too

I'm with Greyskull. I'd rather let them one week or more than flip to 12/12 in the same moment. Juts let the plant recover from the stress caused by the topping . If you are working with a very stretchy plant just wait half week to flip ir order to hold the height. I personaly always let one week for recover no metter stretchy or not.




Wait the 10 days and Start Flowering, who needs the worry...

No one likes to be rushed, not even a Fast Growing Plant.
