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Vote NO to legalize cannabis....Or else

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Active member
very wise words.
unfortuately govt is an evil that that we have to deal with.
so citizens of any state getting into the med/recreation biz needs to have a strong buyer beware mentality

the devils in the details
and if it isn't then... you'll just have to pass the bill to see whats in it

bit of fact,
it's not common knowledge many know of except the native americans
and they remember very well what happened when the pilgrims landed in north america.
one of the settlers is an ancestor of our great politician and president Barrack "Barry" Obama,
his pilgrim ancestor who went by the name of Paton Obozo
was by chance on the 1st boat to land at plymouth rock.

well when the pilgrims settled in and finally had a sit down for a heart to heart chat at the 1st thanksgiving with the indians,
Obozo giving one of his many speeches said to the indians
we come in peace
we are here to help in any way we can....
on and on and on went the speech touting goodwill.
in conclusion,
Obozo ended with a solemn promise
with a straight face he told the indians to tell all the indians of america who had lived on their land for many moons
if you like your country
you can keep your county

But we are more evolved now...right


Active member
You don't get it. Let me spell it out for you again.

1. They are not setting this up for your benefit.
2. They don't give a rats azz about your medical neccessities.
3. They want all the profit for themselfs and their cronies.
4. If they could own it all and stop any competition from the black market or elsewhere that is exactly want they will do.

Human rights don't apply when they are killing us all slowly to fill their pockets with cash. You assume they give a rats azz about you and your human rights. The same people who lock you up for a joint? Please! Take off your rose colored glasses. Only way to beat them is to get to the ballot box first with citizen written and a good lier (lawyer) to write the ballot initiative first. If gov or big business reps do it first your state is doomed to follow NJ and Conn inside good old boys setup..

good point


Active member
The laws are written by people who prioritize the big corporate interests, because they are paid to. This legalization thing in my opinion, is only a drop of water in an ocean of corruption. It may be a move to allow more people to have access, but at what cost? It's a stranglehold for profit that won't be going to mom-and-pop shops, that's for sure. That's why we hear all the time why people are complaining that our Bill of Rights is being torn to shreds, nothing is done right, outageous taxes, loss of jobs, foreclosures, price of gas, and on and on...



Active member
All interested hands on deck...here is a fleeting chance...Please help<
If you are interested in helping to shift the national discussion into the direction of human rights and discrimination rather than the 'good plant bad plant' framing of all this which has and will only further corporate control over the plants that naturally occur on this planet, then please forward this article to any and all national media you can think of...it is on the Associated Press feed:



BOS places initiative measure to garden on November ballot
By J.W. Burch, IV

[email protected] @JWBurchIV on Twitter

UPDATED: 07/09/2014 05:13:54 PM PDT

LAKEPORT >> An initiative measure regarding people's right to grow and use plants for the basic necessities of life was discussed by the Lake County Board of Supervisors (BOS) Tuesday.

Nearly 5,000 signatures were gathered, according to Lake County Registrar of Voters Diane Fridley. Of those signatures, 3,282 were checked and 2,167 were found sufficient.

Despite the measure being an umbrella for the growing and use of all plants, the conversation between the supervisors and the public addressed the growing of marijuana specifically.

"This property use would be in conflict with a number of county ordinances, but it would also, to some degree, supersede them," County Counsel Anita Grant said.

The initiative aims to "exempt all Lake County residents residing within the unincorporated areas of the county from any ordinances that would limit an individual's outside and/or greenhouse home gardening efforts," according to Grant.

Additionally, "in the event any neighbor complaints occur the parties involved would be sent to mediation provided by the county" as long as the complaints are not related to specific, medically-verifiable toxic health risks to the public, Grant said.

"Our staff and this board has wasted so much time on this nonsense," District 5 Supervisor Rob Brown said. "I don't know that I want county counsel spending time that could be spent on something more important and not wasted on this."

"This is strictly a declaration of a human right," Ronald Kiczenski, who circulated the petition, said. "It is the only thing that I can figure that is going to solve the big problems. The high value of the stuff, which causes crime, all the environmental damages. It all comes out of this prohibition."

The BOS had the option to adopt the initiative with no changes, or place it on the Nov. 4 ballot.

With a 3-2 vote, the board approved putting the initiative before the voters. District 1 Supervisor Jim Comstock and Brown dissented.

The board had voted the same way on June 17 to place a former initiative measure on the November ballot.

The first initiative was drafted by the Emerald Unity Coalition, which would prohibit all collective marijuana cultivation, as well as limit cultivation to four plants on county parcels less than one acre in size, according to County Counsel Anita Grant. A fee of $50 per plant would be imposed by the initiative .

Contact J. W. Burch, IV at 900-2022.

this is what i seek!


Active member
Yeah Jhnnn, you got it. The LCB isn't protecting growers, only retailers. They're tossing us into a feeding frenzy. I probably wouldn't have gotten in the growing side if I knew up front what I know now. Woulda just paid off 10 of my friends to fill out retail license applications.

big biz.


Active member
If you really UNDERSTOOD the reason to vote NO.

You wouldn't even need to post in this thread.

Voting no keeps the scumbag corporations hands off weed.

It Keeps control in our hands - not government hands.

It makes sure places like Monsanto can't openly and publicly ruin the greatest thing on earth.

You vote no because You don't want a pack of fucking Maryboro's at the gas station on every block of some GMO shit.

You vote no because THE LAWS UNJUST AND WRONG LEGAL OR NOT! What the fuck is going to change except more laws and control if they are given power and the rights to use / control that power... Tomatoes don't have laws over them... The fuck is so different about weed?

Vote no so the plant and people who love it can stay that way.

You want 1$ grams flooding the world... have fun... just don't cry when theres no sensimilia because its some patented GMO shit

You vote no because this is one of the last things we can hold dear and claim to ourselves and isn't tainted or created by the NWO.
I am not alone!


Active member
Not quite

If we "legalize it" there is a line between illegal and legal weed established. People will still go to jail for doing the same thing the legal growers are doing. Its discrimination in the most obvious sense. Its also controlling the market.

I think we should all stick together on this issue and just overgrow the world ,nullify the laws in court and vote for people who wont enforce those laws and or introduce legislation repealing laws against it.

fine line to walk


Active member
I'd say you are the one with the disconnect. "This is how capitilism works." Not at all. You are not free. You are a slave of the government from the moment you are born. Where can you feed yourself from the land? You cannot without having a piece of paper which says you own an imaginary border on this earth which all humans share, and have roamed for thousands of years. Government says you cant grow weed, and the police, who are not there to protect you, only uphold the law, are the evil henchmen.

Capitalism inherently relies on freedom. Having laws which interact with the market, and consequently "coercing" people by force to follow them is about the farthest thing from capitalism i know of. Its organized crime just as bentom suggests.

they all can not be wrong??


Active member
I'll give you a realistic alternative. Unlimited personal growing. Starting tomorrow you can grow as much as you want just can't sell it. To participate in that industry you need to play the game just like any other "legitimate industry", pay taxes/etc, and that's okay with me...

WHY DOES LEGALIZATION HAVE TO BE A REGULATION ON THE # OF PLANTS I CAN HAVE? Nobody comes and tells me how much beer I can brew or how many POPPY PLANTS I can have, for ornamental purposes only of course. Why is MJ so different?

Ive yet to see anyone make any argument for the restriction of plant #s. And i keep asking the question... Here in CA i can cultivate as many plants as is neccessary for my medical condition, and come together with others to form a cooporative or collective to cultivate and distribute marijuana amongst ourselves.

Why do I want to legalize again? I cant imagine the new regulations being any better for users than that....

Why legalize??


Active member
From what I was told today from a reliable source, if recreational passes in Nevada Medical marijuana will be tossed out and everyone would be forced into the recreational shops. Read that as medical marijuana in Nevada will be a thing of the past and no patient being able to grow for themselves. No real sure but will be inquiring into this further. This would be a couple year process the way the state government procedures work.

Also need to add that this is the long term plan and not the short term. No way they could do away with medical and push everyone into recreational with the next vote or legislative session without a major fight. Looks like the petition to go recreactional isn't up to voters but up to the legislation as the signatures for the current petition doesn't need to be turned in to have signatures verified until November 11th or 14th. A week after election day. So fuck the voter and leave it to those in line to make money representing prospective clients. Got to love the way Nevada works

Ya! i want to vote yes for that.....LOL


Active member
Can anyone tell me why cannabis was made illegal in the first place?
I know why!

Do you?
If not find the real facts.
Or just watch REEFER MADNESS!

Since that was the real reason it was made illegal, should it not be overturned today?
Look deep and you will find the real truth amongst the lies!

Should we re-legalize


Active member
I hardly believe the Feds need any consent from anyone to do anything, not even the majority...

How can anyone disagree with that?

Which would be mistaken at best, more likely deliberately wrong.

Can you prove this point?

The majority of the current population has not given consent to 90% of the laws which govern them. Their parents elected leaders and those leaders gave consent to regulations before I was ever born.

Saying that the majority is consensual in what the federal government does is saying that american citizens not only support, but are in turn responsible, for the deaths of innocents in drone strikes in Iraq or Afghanistan.

There is an incredible disconnect between our representatives and the will of the people. Trying to say that consent is given based on our current democratic system is absurd.


Active member
Government enables plutocratic corporatism.
The corporations offer the bribes, the government accepts them.
How does our vote change any of that, seeing as how both corrupt parties are bought and paid for?
Only the super rich can run for/win elections.
This is NOT a democracy, and voting for the lesser of two evils is not voting at all. We have no choice. The government is the problem, not the solution.

Fine quote


Active member
The notion that the government works for us is laughable. We work for them. They are the one per cent, we, the 99. Your naivete is stunning. Keep drinking that kool aide, and imagining that Hillary is coming to our rescue. The destruction of our country that is happening right now on our southern borders is unprecedented. This is corporate rule by proxy. The corporations want cheap labor, and their minions in the government are more than happy to provide it, because that's how they remain in the one percent, and that's how they keep us, the 99 percent, down. We have been sold out by the very people who are supposed to serve us. Every poll shows that the vast majority of Americans don't want this invasion of OUR country, yet your government absolutely ignores them.
Your president has violated the constitution on numerous occasions, against the will of the people, yet you choose to ignore that. The man is a traitor who should be in chains, yet they dare not impeach him, despite numerous impeachable offenses, for fear of the PC police. If he weren't half black, he would be already gone. 85 individuals own 40% of the planet.
This administration is easily the worst in history, yet you applaud them. You have been absorbed. Sad.

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"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson



Active member
Jhhnn- how is it that every other plant or animal is able to coexist without any written rule of law? It's because there is a natural order to things that is inately followed. Only humans acts outside of these natural laws. Some isolated humans still follow them. I suggest that the artificial laws put forth by humans are there to serve a few. Absent written laws, communities would take care of their own. Only the Golden Rule need apply. However, that is not the world in which we live. Don't you agree the system is broken?

I do


Active member
ya we saw that work with alcohol right? nope wrong.. the fight will be tougher.. they will be locking people up for longer if its legal.. and ur illegally growing it .. it will be like operating a still..and producing moonshine..

vote no to legalizing.. we don't need to vote yes or no.. we need to speak up.. and tell them what WE as a PEOPLE WANT.

wen they make laws to vote for they don't do shit for US.. they make laws to make the governments friends RICH.. look at what happens when they do anything.. lets blow up this country.. but only if we have Bilderberg rebuild it so that McCain gets richer and richer.. lol.. lets make marijuana legal.. and we will regulate it by allowing certain people to grow... and arrest everyone else who is growing it for themselves...

if u think prohibition WORKED.. VOTE YES.

need to get another option out there. to VOTE TO GROW YOUR OWN. kinda thing. I wish it was easier to get that on the ballot.. lol.. put YES or NO.. then under YES.. Grow your own.. or Government Grown.. lol..

Who is up for Govt. weed...get in line!


Active member
My point is that we are having this discussion about voting to legalize cannabis, but no one has put forth any legislation that even approaches legalization, yet many argue it's small steps and that is okay. I understand there is a vote and the proposed change is an improvement. But why are we stuck with these half measure. I'm not cool with this continued path of mediocrity and nonsense. Is it just apathy or ignorance or a sense of futility? We need to create a shift in paradigm. Our country should be better than this.

Too true


Active member
we are saying.. look the way alcohol is.. its legal. u can get it everywere.. but if u want to put a still in ur backyard.. u still get busted...

I think they will make people get licenses and only give out a set number like liquor licenses.. ? and all the moonshiners/ homegrowers.. are considered ILLEGAL.

especially because the fact that the main reason moonshining is illegal is because liquor taxes are so high that it takes money out of there pocket.. so.. even if it is LEGALIZED there will be laws in place just like moonshining.. to were not EVERYONE CAN JUST GROW THERE OWN .... not by a long shot..

if they legalize marijuana.. its going to be because of the money they are seeing other states make in TAXES.. meaning.. if u take money out of there POCKET.. the IRS will toss your ass in jail.. if u don't understand that.. then you haven't researched the reason for prohibition.. then the legalization of alcohol... and the reason why moonshining is still illegal.

just remember.. you get what you VOTE FOR.. just because alcohol is legal .. doesn't mean Everyone can start producing moonshine in there back yard.. just like wen pots legal. not everyone will be able to grow it.. it will be like alcohol in a sense that instead of dispensaries.. tho.. it will be sold at pharmacies more then likely.. is what the big wigs will want unless big pharma just opens dispensaries .. but either way.. big pharma is going to be the one benefiting from it being legal.. not the mom and pop shops.. and home growers..

I do not want to give up the right to provide myself with the medication of my choice!

The country I live in is supposed to be a Government of the people, by the people, for the people!
Anything less and we should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing it.
Let the people be heard and speak out!
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