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Vote NO to legalize cannabis....Or else

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Oh, WA's retail is worse, but there are only, like, 3 stores in the state with their doors open right now. Give it a year.

And I saw some stuff while I was in Denver that was on par with Seattle's medical top shelf, for what that's worth. I don't go to Cali but I understand King County is comparable to bay area. Got folk blowin 20%+ flowers because there's too much high grade in the market.

And yes, LSWM, you are exactly right. We are silently consenting. We do not throw our bodies over the runway to stop planes full of bombs from taking off. Not frequently anyway, though there's a Jesuit in prison right now for taking a hammer to an airplane at the local base. We do not shoot the people we disagree with (politically) in the streets. That happens in other countries. That's what not consenting to an armed force looks like. American citizens are responsible for what our government does on our behalf.

Osama bin Laden's intention was to call us on that. The targets were meant to be symbolic. The World Trade Center and the Pentagon. One military, one civilian combatant target, for lack of a better phrase. That is EXACTLY how much of the Middle East sees us.
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Osama bin Laden called us on that. The targets were meant to be symbolic. The World Trade Center and the Pentagon. One military, and one the civilian masters the military serves.

I don't think Osama had anything to do with 9/11, but that's a different thread.


Active member
I find it incredibly hard to believe the most sophisticated country on earth allowed 4 planes to be wildly diverted off course for multiple hours and allow 3 of them to crash into prominent buildings, and it was all orchestrated by some third world extremist leader.

Let's not even get started on tower #7 or the physics involved in having a skyscraper collapse inward on itself, rather than tip over and destroy dozens of square blocks...

Definitely another thread...
Yeah I did. I think it was Lightshade on Holly but I'm not positive. Course, their top shelf was $25 a gram but it still existed.


Yeah I did. I think it was Lightshade on Holly but I'm not positive. Course, their top shelf was $25 a gram but it still existed.

Lightshade is one of the dispensaries I have sampled weed from in Colorado. There are guys I know who travel to Colorado purchasing their limits at multiple dispensaries and bring it back here to sell for top dollar. I refuse to buy their shit. I buy the stuff that comes from friends in Cali for top dollar happily.

The stuff I've had from Lightshade was pesticide covered. The Golden Goat was some of the harshest shit I've ever smoked because of the pesticides alone. Aside of the pesticides it was still pretty mediocre weed. It wasn't grown well at all.


Active member
In a society with democratic principles, that's done on the basis of consent. In Libertopia, social predators apply force as they see fit. Why else would authoritarian right wing billionaires promulgate libertopian fantasy in the first place, if not to supplant democracy with their own corporate authority?

Freedom for them is just freedumb for the rest of us.

OK im going to be nice and explain your contradiction of terms. I would rather spend my time educating than arguing.

"Democratic principals" = Mob rule. The majority win.

"That's done on the basis of consent" = Its done with the assumption of consent and again the act of voting automatically means there is going to be a loser who has to go along with whatever is being proposed without consent.

"In Libertopia, social predators apply force as they see fit".

No the non aggression principal is what makes a libertarian a libertarian, meaning the initiation of force is never acceptable. Self defense is the only legitimate use of force. This applies to all aspects of life as well , you voluntarily interact with people and everyone respects the right of free association and the choice of the individual.

"Why else would authoritarian right wing billionaires promulgate libertopian fantasy in the first place, if not to supplant democracy with their own corporate authority?"

Ok so im guessing you are referring to the Koch brothers who tried to influence the party, which they were then ignored and put to pasture as they started a feud with Murry Rothbard. They have no ties to the party anymore. They are not considered libertarian by libertarians.

Lew Rockwell and Tom Woods discuss Rothbard and the Koch Brothers

We are the real anti authoritarians as you do own yourself and posses inherent rights not privileges and we respect them ,without any exceptions race gender or whatever its totally irrelevant , we respect every individual. That totally negates any basis for an argument that we are authoritarian.


Active member
No the non aggression principal is what makes a libertarian a libertarian, meaning the initiation of force is never acceptable. Self defense is the only legitimate use of force. This applies to all aspects of life as well , you voluntarily interact with people and everyone respects the right of free association and the choice of the individual.

In Libertopia, they change human nature, obviously. Social predators will simply cease to exist, because... well, just because it's Libertopia.

Pretty amazing, huh?


Active member
Well no not really its just a poor observation. We don't initiate force we lead by example, we intend to convince people with persuasion and hopefully they will teach that to their children as the proper way to interact with people.
There will no doubt be people whom disagree, but you have a right to defend yourself and others who ask for help in those instances.
You even could provide private security for other people. You will be rewarded or punished based on your performance. It will be reflected in your pay. Unlike the police today whom get paid regardless of their performance.
If you think human nature is inherently evil you have to ask yourself why you would trust a social construct called government which is run by people.


Active member
If you think human nature is inherently evil you have to ask yourself why you would trust a social construct called government which is run by people.

More straw for your straw man, sir?

Human nature obviously encompasses a lot of territory, from Al Capone to Mother Teresa.

Hand-waving that away doesn't account for it. Neither does your ideology of fantasy, either.


I find it incredibly hard to believe the most sophisticated country on earth allowed 4 planes to be wildly diverted off course for multiple hours and allow 3 of them to crash into prominent buildings, and it was all orchestrated by some third world extremist leader.
Let's not even get started on tower #7 or the physics involved in having a skyscraper collapse inward on itself, rather than tip over and destroy dozens of square blocks...

Definitely another thread...

The information is available for anyone with a computer and an internet connection.



Active member
The information is available for anyone with a computer and an internet connection.


Not only are you attempting to use a major media outlet to dismiss a government conspiracy, but you chose one owned by the Hearst Corporation, an entity started by William Randolf Hearst, possibly one of the most power driven journalists of all time. He was certainly not shy of printing completely false information, nor helping get friends appointed to positions of power.

Please try again.


Active member
More straw for your straw man, sir?

Human nature obviously encompasses a lot of territory, from Al Capone to Mother Teresa.

Hand-waving that away doesn't account for it. Neither does your ideology of fantasy, either.

Then what is your point? If it isn't that human nature cannot be trusted, then why are "social predators" a problem at all? Either it's not a strawman, because that's key to your disagreement of libertarianism, or you believe that we shoupd create laws which coerse people by force, due to the minority of humans who are bound to be "social predators."


Active member
Then what is your point? If it isn't that human nature cannot be trusted, then why are "social predators" a problem at all? Either it's not a strawman, because that's key to your disagreement of libertarianism, or you believe that we shoupd create laws which coerse people by force, due to the minority of humans who are bound to be "social predators."

Deliberately obtuse. Individual human nature cannot be trusted because a small % of the human race cares only for themselves. They lack conscience. That's not true for the vast majority of people. That's the basis for democracy.

Government is inevitable & obviously necessary. That's why it's universal. They even have govt in Somalia, even if we don't understand it. It's particularly necessary at higher levels of social organization. The law is the framework within which people can be relatively free & safe from both the malice & the stupidity of others. At its best, it compensates for extreme economic power differentials as well. In that, it is imperfect, meaning that it will not create an environment where nobody feels oppressed. The law can be quite wrong-headed as it is wrt drugs yet still be advantageous to nearly everybody in many, many other regards.

Corrupt as it may be, government is the only thing standing between us and plutocratic corporatism. It's the only place we have a voice, where we have standing with our votes. If we can't bend it to the will of the people, then other wealthy & powerful people will bend it to theirs.

Who do you think arrives at the pinnacle of power in the corporate world, anyway? They're often members of that very small minority I mentioned earlier. They've promulgated and funded emotional feel good libertarian ideology for decades because it serves their purposes rather than those of middle class adherents at all.

You're begging to be a bug on the windshield of financialized international corporatism entirely.


Active member
I sincerely disagree. The government is the only thing FORCING this plutocratic corporatism upon you. We no longer live in an age where information is easily manipulated by those in power, okay we are, but we are moving increasingly quickly away from such a situation.


Active member
I sincerely disagree. The government is the only thing FORCING this plutocratic corporatism upon you. We no longer live in an age where information is easily manipulated by those in power, okay we are, but we are moving increasingly quickly away from such a situation.

Your rights to freedom of speech are under extreme fire (off site protest areas)

The media is being told what they can and cannot report (as we speak)

Then there is the non-violent protesters getting tazered,microwaved,pepper sprayed and more!

This is truth (I challenge to anyone to prove this is not happening right now)


Active member
The information is available for anyone with a computer and an internet connection.


You may try to debunk the twin towers all ya want!

All I have to say is The Pentagon is one of the most protected places in the world, this can not be argued period!

With a camera on every street corner.
How could anyone ever believe there is not one picture of the plane hitting the pentagon????

Do the research.....stay informed with the real truth,AT ALL COST!


Active member
Deliberately obtuse. 3Individual human nature cannot be trusted because a small % of the human race cares only for themselves. They lack conscience. That's not true for the vast majority of people. That's the basis for democracy.

Government is inevitable & obviously necessary. That's why it's universal. They even have govt in Somalia, even if we don't understand it. It's particularly necessary at higher levels of social organization. The law is the framework within which people can be relatively free & safe from both the malice & the stupidity of others. At its best, it compensates for extreme economic power differentials as well. In that, it is imperfect, meaning that it will not create an environment where nobody feels oppressed. The law can be quite wrong-headed as it is wrt drugs yet still be advantageous to nearly everybody in many, many other regards.

Corrupt as it may be, government is the only thing standing between us and plutocratic corporatism. It's the only place we have a voice, where we have standing with our votes. If we can't bend it to the will of the people, then other wealthy & powerful people will bend it to theirs.

Who do you think arrives at the pinnacle of power in the corporate world, anyway? They're often members of that very small minority I mentioned earlier. They've promulgated and funded emotional feel good libertarian ideology for decades because it serves their purposes rather than those of middle class adherents at all.

You're begging to be a bug on the windshield of financialized international corporatism entirely.

I guess you just want to ignore the obvious, that democracy ( mob rule) and government (force) is not a tool for the poor to use to overthrow the rich.Its a tool for the rich to oppress anyone for the right price hence our current situation.
How ignorant can you be.


Its not inevitable that government exist we have to evolve, every government has failed and killed millions/billions of people in the process.

You do realize that taxation and regulation create economic disparities not protect you from them. Well it causes a lot more than there would be otherwise. There are always going to be poor people no matter what, and like I said freemarket principals does not prevent people from providing care for them.

There is no corporation or plutocracy without a government to provide them with protection by force and coercion. No bailouts no corporate personhood or limited liability.

Please stop with the romanticized drivel. You know the difference between right and wrong. Force is wrong and voluntary interaction is right.



Active member
government is the only thing standing between us and plutocratic corporatism. It's the only place we have a voice, where we have standing with our votes.

Government enables plutocratic corporatism.
The corporations offer the bribes, the government accepts them.
How does our vote change any of that, seeing as how both corrupt parties are bought and paid for?
Only the super rich can run for/win elections.
This is NOT a democracy, and voting for the lesser of two evils is not voting at all. We have no choice. The government is the problem, not the solution.
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