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Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
I know excactly who do you mean St.Phatty, i remember the wife and the laudanum very well. Just yesterday I saw Open Range with Kevin Costner, in the Docs cabinet was a little bottle of Laudanum also and Chloroform.

Billy the anti Rum Picture is super!


Active member
I thought that woman character on Deadwood did a good job portraying the effects of Laudanum.

The Yuppie's wife. I think the Yuppie eventually got killed.

I know excactly who do you mean St.Phatty, i remember the wife and the laudanum very well. Just yesterday I saw Open Range with Kevin Costner, in the Docs cabinet was a little bottle of Laudanum also and Chloroform.

Billy the anti Rum Picture is super!

Really enjoyed Deadwood, had a couple episodes of her getting off the sauce too if I remember right.

Laudanum was widely used and popular around the world because it was a easy medication to mix up in the field since its just straight opium in a alcohol base. Sometimes they added cloves or other flavorings but pretty basic stuff to mix on site. All you really need is flowers...

It's also what Thomas Jefferson was making and medicating himself with in my earlier story 'Raiding the Dead Presidents':biggrin:


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Heavenly Hemp King Bust (Buddhist Deity/God sculpture):

"This sculpture has been made by superimposing layers of soaked hemp lacquer: hemp can be woven ( lower layer ) or ground to produce a paste which allows for relief ( upper layers ) . The color being provided by the pigment impregnated lacquer." Japan from the Nara period , late eighth century (created around 791ad)


You can see the intricate hemp weaving on the damaged area's of the bust.


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Customs Agent sits on confiscated bales of Marijuana found on the ship the 'Flambeau' in the Florida Keys, 1978



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'Woman customer holding a handmade, copper and glass marijuana water pipe at a shop' in Los Angeles, California 1967



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DEA Museum at The Drug Enforcement Administration headquarters in Arlington, Virginia

The War On Drugs On Display

In 1999 the DEA decided to put some tax dollars to work and open a museum all about themselves.

The public DEA Museum is housed in the lobby of the Drug Enforcement Administration headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. Admission is free for the public to learn all about the war on drugs, well kind of.


Entrance into the DEA Museum, "Who's affected by drugs? You are!"

Right when you walk in the door, the DEA let's you know who exactly are the suspects in the Drug War...

"You Are!"

Are you as confused as me as to why they included the poor dog?

Walking the museum you are confronted with familiar sites such as the friendly local head shop circa 1970's.


"An American Head Shop circa 1970's" at the DEA Museum

Along with their scary display's of legal American business's are the remnants of years of busting it's own citizens.

Pipes, clothing, guns and even a confiscated Hell's Angels motorcycle are on display as war trophy's of the Drug War...


Display of homemade bongs with a ISO II by D Gold

If you look close they even have a ISO II by D Gold chilling in the display case, I'm sure confiscated from some bummed stoner.

And what stoner collection would be complete without the homemade Mayo hookah!


Homemade bongs including the Mayo Hookah


Active member
The War on Drugs on Display continued...

Right next to a display of an ominous rusted metal door with a peep window labeled "An American Crack House circa 1980's", sits an odd addition to the displays.

A reproduction of a storefront of a State legal Medical Marijuana Dispensary...


"An American Marijuana Dispensary circa 2000's" Display at the DEA Museum

Labeled as 'SK's Herbal' "An American Marijuana Dispensary circa 2000's" the display shows a store front typical of many of the 'legal' medical marijuana dispensary's in 'Medical' States.

You are quickly reminded that these are indeed criminal enterprises serving the criminals in society according to the DEA...

As sad as it is for an American agency to attack the medical needs of its citizens to which they serve and refer to them as criminals for doing so, there is a much darker insinuation made at the museum...


9/11 display at the DEA Museum

As you walk up to some pieces of twisted metal and concrete, you realize the significance of the rubble. The display is indeed debris of the World Trade Center from the 9/11 attacks, but what are they doing in the DEA Museum?

The DEA Museum tells the public the terrorist attacks of 9/11 came from drug 'Traffickers' making this a Drug War attack...


The La Santa Muerte Skull Statue at the DEA Museum (why not slander a religious folk saint in a government building)

Of course by the exit of the museum they try to appeal one last time to your dwindling sense of logic by adding a DEA Gift Shop.

Selling everything you can think of from shirts, cups, stuffed animals and even a DEA golf bag to show the others on the course just how much of a douche you really are...


DEA Museum Gift Shop

One of the items sold in the DEA gift shop is a bumper sticker that reads "Get off the pot", funny I was thinking the same thing...


'Get off the pot' bumper sticker sold in the DEA gift shop


Active member
They made some really dumb-ass pipes back then....

Have to remember the necessity for stealth back in the heavy days of the drug war. Something that looks like a vase with shitty grapes when the top plug is pulled is much better then a beautiful piece now owned by the cops. Those little Metal mushroom necklace pipes come to mind:laughing:

That pic with the case on the wall reminded me…I need to find my hemostats.

The roach clip for the classic professionals lol

Still never met anything that hits better than a Tokemaster

Can't say that I've ever hit one, will have to keep an eye out:biggrin:

Look again, that jar says, "Kraft Imitation Mayonnaise", whatever that is.

That's the old school Whip lol Too funny, didn't even notice that:laughing:

It has nothing to do with weed, but an interesting poster of a long gone time.

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Curious what their referring to? Has a push for union vibe:biggrin:


Well-known member
Reminds me of the story Howard Marks told of smoking out of a water pipe made from a peanut butter jar in Jamaica.

Edit...also, in that same case with the hemostats is a type of pipe I remember, the brass one about 1 o’clock. Had a chamber in the middle that you’d fill with weed to saturate it with the resins from what you smoked. Always thought that stuff tasted like crap.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Noticing the Hendrix poster and photo of Janis in the above display. They always put Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin in their anti-drug propaganda back then.
"See, kids, this is what can happen."


Invertebrata Inebriata
Seeing all that 70's paraphernalia, reminds me of a class we were all required to take, circa 72-75. It was Drug and Alcohol Awareness class. They showed us pipes and papers, pills, all kinds of stuff. I really learned a lot in that class, especially from the kids sitting behind me laughing.

Anybody else take the Drug and Alcohol Awareness class?


Active member
Have to remember the necessity for stealth back in the heavy days of the drug war. Something that looks like a vase with shitty grapes when the top plug is pulled is much better then a beautiful piece now owned by the cops. Those little Metal mushroom necklace pipes come to mind:laughing:

It's like fishing lures. Some are designed to catch fish, others are just designed to catch fishermen.

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