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Vintage Colombian

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Nothing exciting to report here, got a nice sample (10gm) of some no name buds. It’s not really “Crippy”, more like strong seedless export type. Very strong and good in some ways like relaxing. But that’s it, one good hit and I’m nailed to the couch playing a game on the tablet. Then eat like a horse before taking another hit. No creativity at all, real strong body effect that makes me super lazy. It’s been somewhat sunny the past few mornings and for some reason my kids go to school (a new school) from 6:30AM till 11:30AM. So anyway it’s about 10 good blocks from my house to the school so me or the wife walks them and goes to get them. Well yesterday the wife says she’s going to get the kids at 11:30 after school. So I think I have a few hours off in the morning to take a hit or two and at about 9:30 I do. Then I start playing a game and next thing I know it’s a little after 11. Thinking the wife was going for the kids I take another big hit of weed. Then she call me to get the kids, right when I was just starting to get off from the second hit. It’s no big deal, I’ve walked all over this city many times. But I just didn’t feel like it, I just wanted to eat and get back on the game. I headed out at 11:15 with plenty of time to get there, the day was beautiful bright and sunny. It was a little breezy but the direct sun light was hot, I could feel it burning the top of my head as I walked along. I started feeling weak from the weed and just being in the sun. So stopped in some shade feeling kind of light headed, this weed really having a strong effect. I sat down for a minute and lite a cig when the bum comes up and asking for money. I’m right in front of a bakery so I buy the guy a bread and some kumis and head toward the school feeling better. I get to the school and there’s crowd of people massed at the doors waiting for their kids. Paranoia rears its ugly head at the thought of trying to find my kids in this sea of pushy parents. I press on but I feel like everyone knows I’m fried, like their all looking at me. Then I see my little daughter (2nd grade) but there’s a wall of people blocking her from me. She disappears into the human wall trying to get to me. Just short of freaking out I finally see her a pull her out to me with a thousand excuse me’s. Still had to find my older son who was coming out of another door surrounded with more anxious parents. Holding my daughters hand I wade though the people to the other door looking for my son. Then I feel someone put their arms around my waist and it’s my son smiling and happy. We fight our way out of the school and I took them (and me) for an Ice cream when I finally started coming down a bit. I came to the conclusion that this weed is good, even great but not for going out. It’s only good for indoor non social activities.


LOL Ha ha that sounds like a good grass for a couch potato high. You sound like me some time's after getting too high then I get parinoid and don't want to go out the house cause THERE WATCHING ME!!
Haha. That story made me smile inside. Its a very known feeling, uncomfortable with meeting people who are not high on the same weed. And i can only imagine how that feeling would be in that situation. Thanks for sharing.

Also, im now crawing mango with salt & lime. Never thought to add that before, but that poster works.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I really like eating mangos, the green ones with salt and lime are sold on every corner here. There's also a very small variety of mangos call "mango azucar" and these are the sweetest most delicious mango there is. And to me the mango does indeed make the cannabis effect better/more intense. I like to eat a bucket full of mangos then smoke up!


Professor Organic Psychology
I read somewhere that Mangos were imported to the Americas. The man should have been given some kind of peace prize. The favored fruit of Central to South America


Horticultural enthusiast
ICMag Donor
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this is one of the oaxaca x punto rojo i was talking about, it's definitely worth it to check out cannabiogens offer of punto rojo and mangobiche

Thank you Red Rider for this inspirational thread-

An even bigger thank you to Charlie Garcia for helping me get my hands on Punto Rojo and Mangobiche!

Also a shout out to Sideshow-Bob for spurring me to buy these genetics.

I hope I can create some hybrids that are comparable to your Oaxaca x Punto Rojo.
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red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The Punto Rojo that I've come in contact with (and I haven't seen it here for years) is not to be confused with red bud or red Colombian. The effect is much cleaner and profound with a different taste and look. The best I had was green with red hairs and smelled like heaven. Not a sweet smell and not earthy or musty. Really good stuff, almost perfect to me. I want to keep Colombian strains pure but I always dream of mixing the Rojo with and electric Thai and take it to a new level.


Active member
What I’m searching for is not a particular strain or type of cannabis so much as a variety of perfected effects. I enjoy many types of cannabis now, but none are perfect, there’s always something I can dislike in the effect. Like good potency but short duration (I don’t care what strain it is or how much I consume, I only get so high for so long) or too much euphoria that distracts clarity. Then there’s some cannabis that gives me a really nice effect then hammers my head like a baseball bat with a headache or just makes me feel bad. Or low potency stuff that seemed like somebody made the mistake of growing. In a nutshell, what I’m looking for in various degrees is. Good colors, strong pleasant smell and taste, strong to medium potency and full duration with a clean finish. I’m not looking for more potency or power, weed that is too potent no matter how good puts me to sleep. And really I like smoking more than one hit at a time, I enjoy smoking more and getting higher not lumping all the THC in one hit. Also I’m looking more for complexity in the effect, more thought provoking that is focused and motivational allowing me to put thoughts to action. But then I want another type that is super potent with devastating euphoria that can knock the hair off a dog. Of course I seem to want it all.

This explains nicely why i have no interest in concentrates and smoke very little hash. When you start smoking headies only, everything else starts to muddy up what you can achieve with a proper sativa. I can get way higher smoking bongs of herb than is possible smoking dry sift from the same herb. The ceiling on dabs is to limited.

Love the thread man!


Horticultural enthusiast
ICMag Donor
I'm going to be hybridizing with various short flowering period sativas and indicas to try and bring the flowering time down and increase yields.


This explains nicely why i have no interest in concentrates and smoke very little hash. When you start smoking headies only, everything else starts to muddy up what you can achieve with a proper sativa. I can get way higher smoking bongs of herb than is possible smoking dry sift from the same herb. The ceiling on dabs is to limited.

Love the thread man!

I hardly know what to say.
You say you can get way higher smoking bongs of herb then dry sift of the same resin?
Then you are one of the very few that claim this to be true.
It is the resin that gets you high, THC + the terpenes, not all the plant material from the flowers and leaves, they are not better then smoking pure dry sift, how could it be?
I can guarantee that smoking 99.9% resin heads of any variety will be better then just smoking the herb of the same clone.
Think about it, is un-manicured herb better then manicured? Or shake better then the buds of the same clone? It is the same that resin is better then bud in a bong.
Un-manicured buds are 10-15% THC, manicured buds up to 20-25% THC, while 99.9% dry sift resin heads can be in the low 80% THC, as well as higher in terpenes as a % of the smoke.
If the pure resin is to strong just smoke less.....
But I can assure you adding plant material like found in buds will not help get you higher.
When you say "everything else starts to muddy up what you can achieve with a proper sativa." What exactly do you mean?
That and by Sativa, you are referring to NLD?
I respect your choice to smoke anything you like, but please don't try and tell resin smokers that herb gets you higher then resin from the same clone, I have never seen it, ever.....
Herb is the messenger,
Resin is the message!
To be honest, to me herb is just raw material, to make dry sift.


Active member
I knew if anyone would chime in you would Sam!
Granted i cannot make dry sift as nice as yours but mine aint that bad.
I can however hit as many bongs as neccesary to get where i need to be with herb. I would much rather smoke multiple bongs of it and get to a place that i burn out before getting to with the dry sift. I can just consume more this way than smoking a concentrated form therefore i get considerably higher. This is probably not true of average smokers who dont have my tolerance.
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Active member
I should add i grow Sativa dominant strains and am seeking a grounding stimulating head high and not a trancedental one. Concentrate make me leave the earth to much but the same bud keeps me grounded and in touch with here. The muddiness i speak of is referring to anything that directs the herbs power away from the head. When i am in amsterdam i love Barneys Acapulco Gold and it is has high thc and very low cbd so maybe that is what i like.
Just my experience and humble opinion, everyone should try for themselves.
I hope i made sense. Not trying to jack this great thread!
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Active member
Good day to all, great thread !
Have any of you tried Gage Green's Colombian Gold or Colombian Black ? Just wondered, I would love to get some Colombian Gold like back in the day.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Good day to all, great thread !
Have any of you tried Gage Green's Colombian Gold or Colombian Black ? Just wondered, I would love to get some Colombian Gold like back in the day.

Speaking for myself I get my Colombian seed in Colombia, where I grow it. I was reading the WOS description for Santa Marta Gold and I can't speak about the genetics but the description is total BS and might even piss off some Colombians.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor


I knew if anyone would chime in you would Sam!
Granted i cannot make dry sift as nice as yours but mine aint that bad.
I can however hit as many bongs as neccesary to get where i need to be with herb. I would much rather smoke multiple bongs of it and get to a place that i burn out before getting to with the dry sift. I can just consume more this way than smoking a concentrated form therefore i get considerably higher. This is probably not true of average smokers who dont have my tolerance.

I rarely get a chance to smoke hashish, so when I do it's a real treat. Although I don't care for super potent flowers, I really loved the dry sift I made from Punto Rojo years ago. The taste and effect was amplified and seemed cleaner than just the bud. And my dry sift was not very well sifted, like farmers hash I guess. I have to agree with Sam although we all have different tastes. I think dry sifted is the best expression of the plant.


I knew if anyone would chime in you would Sam!
Granted i cannot make dry sift as nice as yours but mine aint that bad.

To be honest it is the THC and terpene content as well as the purity of the resin. Pure resin heads are better then 50% resin heads mixed with 50% leaf and flower debris, or just 25% resin heads mixed with 75% plant materials, like found in Cannabis plants.

I can however hit as many bongs as neccesary to get where i need to be with herb. I would much rather smoke multiple bongs of it and get to a place that i burn out before getting to with the dry sift. I can just consume more this way than smoking a concentrated form therefore i get considerably higher. This is probably not true of average smokers who dont have my tolerance.

You get to a place where you burn out? Not sure exactly what you mean? Does that mean you can't get higher? Please explain.
As for smoking way more multiple bongs of herb, it is not the herb that is getting you high, it is the resin on the herb that gets you high. If you really want to get considerably higher don't waste lung space with smoke from burning leaves and flowers, just smoke resin. Do you really think that smoking more weight of non active materials is the way to get higher? I can't speak of your tolerance, but I do know Cannabis and resin.


Professor Organic Psychology
A lot of weed nowadays has a ceiling, so whether you smoke resin or buds you are only going to get so high.

Some people just like to smoke and smoke (I am not one of them). I know people that will smoke constantly whether it is schwag, kind or hash. I don't think they are even getting high anymore... just smoking to smoke


Well-known member
Too me, titration is the key to the best high, but it starts with good weed. Small amounts of very potent good quality weed is what I love. Hash is very nice though. I have tried dry sift, but not off a killer good bud. If I love the bud... it is magical, I don't really want to mess with it. That kind of bud is all too rare for me these days.


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