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Vietnam Black x Thai


LOL, I gave some to a friend today to sample @ home.

A little later:

text: Great buzz little stemy tasting but great buzz
Me: Yeah! It doesn't look like it'd do that to ya. :) lol have fun!
text: I am just sitting here staring at nothing lol

:) I laughed my ass off! Not too sure what stemy tasting is, but it sounds like he had fun. lol


ACE Seeds Breeder
ehehhehe sounds like you are having fun there inquest :) Im glad you and your friend are enjoying with early smoke tests.

Take in mind VB x Thai it's a pure tropical sativa hybrid and she needs lot of lights and a good size to produce voluminous and dense flowers, anyway her flowers are the denser among all the previously released thai hybrids.

May you can find 16 week thaish expressions but it's rare, the hybrid is Vietnam Black dominant and 12-14 weeks sounds like a more reasonable flowering time.

Thanks for the music link ;) will check them later cos now my connection is not enough good to download videos ....


Active member
man you are kicking ass! mine are just slowly vegging and vegging some more, jeez the purple splotchy one is so lovely! i hope i get something that resembles yours hehe


Well, the last one came down tonight. :) Here's a few pics of her trimmed.


I'm gonna see if she revegges as well as the others. Also, with these dense buds, I'd like to see how potent she is and what her final high is like. :D Worse case scenerio is using her to pass on dense buds into the population. I'll find a dense AND potent one sooner or later if I keep at it. ;) ..... OR.... I could hit her with a strong Malawi Fem....

I guess that's it for awhile now.... I'm sure I'll chime back in with a smoke report or two. I'll see ya guys in a couple months once I've got somethin to talk about!

Have a happy Fourth!

Mr. Fantastic

Hey inquest I didn't want to start a whole new thread. I hope you don't mind me throwing a pic of my vietnam black x meao thai on your thread. Just let me know and I will remove this post. First off all let me start by saying this is an impressive strain. I vegged it for 3 months much longer than I wanted to I just didn't have space. She blew up when I put her into flower. I have a feeling that it could easily get 10 feet tall outside. Huge sticky resinous buds that glisten. Here she is at 8 weeks grown using True Living Organics, she has only been fed a few compost teas. Dubi what is the peak time to take her inside? She is maturing much faster than the Double Thai. Any other input is greatly appreciated.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hello smokefrogg,

are you growing VietBlack Thai outdoors or indoors? Please, feel free to share pics :) we enjoy them and maybe we can help you with the grow. Pure sativas are usually a bit slow in the first days of life, but later they are the most vigorous cannabis plants, especially an almost pure sativa hybrid like VietBlack Thai.

man you are kicking ass! mine are just slowly vegging and vegging some more, jeez the purple splotchy one is so lovely! i hope i get something that resembles yours hehe


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hello inquest,

Did you produce F2 seeds from the dense colorful pheno, im sure youll find what you are looking for there ;) Greetings!

Well, the last one came down tonight. :) Here's a few pics of her trimmed.

I'm gonna see if she revegges as well as the others. Also, with these dense buds, I'd like to see how potent she is and what her final high is like. :D Worse case scenerio is using her to pass on dense buds into the population. I'll find a dense AND potent one sooner or later if I keep at it. ;) ..... OR.... I could hit her with a strong Malawi Fem....

I guess that's it for awhile now.... I'm sure I'll chime back in with a smoke report or two. I'll see ya guys in a couple months once I've got somethin to talk about!

Have a happy Fourth!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Real real nice!! :smoke: in one word .... Fantastic!!! :D

I think you are reaching the indoor potential of the strain, no doubt. I was surprised you vegged her for 3 months but it has truely worth the time, the branching is impressive and the yield huge for just 8 weeks (taking in mind is a pure sativa of course....)

I have experienced the Viet Black Thai mainly outdoors, and the maturation was surprisingly fast, around 11 weeks finishing late October-early November. I think 11-12 weeks is a good average flowering time for the strain but maybe indoors with a stable photoperiod they need a bit more time to mature, especially if they are feeling SO good like in your garden!

Thanks a lot for share the pics and your experience! Please, keep us updated!!!

Hey inquest I didn't want to start a whole new thread. I hope you don't mind me throwing a pic of my vietnam black x meao thai on your thread. Just let me know and I will remove this post. First off all let me start by saying this is an impressive strain. I vegged it for 3 months much longer than I wanted to I just didn't have space. She blew up when I put her into flower. I have a feeling that it could easily get 10 feet tall outside. Huge sticky resinous buds that glisten. Here she is at 8 weeks grown using True Living Organics, she has only been few a few compost teas. Dubi what is the peak time to take her inside? She is maturing much faster than the Double Thai. Any other input is greatly appreciated.


No problem man!

IME, 12 to 14 weeks from first appearance of flowers is when they'll finish up. Of my six ladies, 4 are good potency and 2 are pretty dang strong. I've just had a quick dried sample of my last girl (#1) and I definitely got lucky!!! She's got nice tight nugs, as nice as any high grade buds I've seen around here, and she's stronger than #4 (the previous leader). :D :D I do think she out performed the others for yield because I gave her and #6 a top dressing of bloodmeal enriched compost. Both of them killed the others as far as yield goes. Aroma on the ladies is very nice, kinda incensey/spicy and not over-powering. I didn't have any trouble with odor control. All mature highs were very comfortable, up, and pretty uniform, immature - some were a bit confusing/edgy. All of them showed color in response to cool temps. None showed any intersex traits. I have yet to clone any, but they revegged quite easily and I would assume they'd clone easily, too. They seem to be very plastic/moldable/adaptable. All in all, beautiful plants that I'm very happy I was able to add to my collection. ;)

Btw, your girl looks real nice! What size planter is she in? I hope she's as strong as my #1, if not, just pop the rest of 'em! You'll find some keepers for sure!

Happy growing!!


Hey Dubi!

Hell yeah I made F2's!! :D :D I ran an open pollenation. I figure I'll go through the F2's and pull all of the higher strength girls I can to continue the line. I just need to set up a place to sort through a few hundred girls.... :/ I was thinking of doing a "micro" grow similar to this one just with higher numbers. More like a SOG, I guess.... I was also thinking I'd use fem breeding to apply most/all of the selective pressures. Then every so often I could sneak some male genes into the population. My idea is that through fem breeding it's easier (more effecient/effective) to select for fem traits. As these traits become more common in the fem line, they will also be more common when crossed to the males (all though hidden inside of the males). Basically, I want two lines fem and regular. In the fem line I'll select for potency, aroma, quality of high, etc. While in the reg line I'll select good structured males to cross to clones of keepers from the fem line. All females from the reg line will be discarded as they may carry genes from less potent, etc. males. I figure that the amount of uniformity of the females in the regular line will let me know when to combine the lines for good.

Does this sound like a good plan? Or, is there anything I'm overlooking???

Thanks again Dubi!! :)


Active member
Hello smokefrogg,

are you growing VietBlack Thai outdoors or indoors? Please, feel free to share pics :) we enjoy them and maybe we can help you with the grow. Pure sativas are usually a bit slow in the first days of life, but later they are the most vigorous cannabis plants, especially an almost pure sativa hybrid like VietBlack Thai.

hi dubi, it's the same stuff, ace vietnam black x thai. i'm just letting them veg and veg some more, i want to take a couple cuts of each one before flowering them but they are being slow with the side branching for clones. i do need to take pics, lol, sat the sd card down a week or 2 ago and still haven't found the darn thing *doh*!

Mr. Fantastic

Thanks for dropping in dubi! These genetics are awesome! I say she will yield 6-8 ounces. She is no doubt a beauty even the photo doesn't quite do it justice to see it up close is asttonishing. Thanks for your input as well inquest and letting me drop in.She is in a 15 gallon container, not sure how many liters that is. She is under a 1000 watt metal halide. I will definitely come back with updates.


Active member
here's a small pic of one outside

it has come to my attention that i am saddening people with the way i am growing these, if anyone has constructive criticism please bring it, i'm here to learn and i know for a fact there's a whole lot more of that that i could be doing.

peace ya'all, lovely plants inquest, i'm definitely going to drop the temperatures for the indoor girls once they start to flower, hopefully get some lovely colours like what you have been showing us =)


Hey Fantastic,

How much floor space does she take up? And what size (sqft) is the total garden? I'm interested to see how she finishes up! Feel free to post here. :)


Your outdoors girl looks miles ahead of the LED chicks. Imo, it's due to your defoliation of the indoor plants and their much lower light levels. Remember each leaf makes energy for the plant to use for growth, respiration, reproduction, etc. More leaves = faster growth, more flowers, and everything else a plant does! What medium are you using, btw? I was using composted lawn clippings and past grows with some sphagnum and perilite. Not the best mix, but it was free. :) Next round they'll see some composted manure, bone and blood meal, and hopefully some EWC. Ewc availability is hit or miss 'round here....

A word of advice, make sure that your A/C doesn't blow directly on the plants. I did this in haste and wind burnt a lot of leaves in the process.

Oh, and you're treating your outdoor girl just fine. Just repeat inside! ;)

Good luck all!

Mr. Fantastic

She pretty much swallows up about 4x4 feet of floor space, she's a bit unruly! I don't mind I can't wait to sample it!


Active member
thanks inquest, the defoliation would help sometimes in the past but man i have stunted plants before by doing it way too early, it's a bad habit! that i need to chill out on

the medium is half coco half fox farms ocean forest, lol i'm working on a compost pile but that's going to be awhile, i already messed it up a few different ways so now i get to wait, ya' live ya' learn i guess =)

the ac isn't directly blowing on anything right now...but i have been wanting to rearrange, so whenever that happens i'll head your advice and keep the direct air current off the plants! thanks again inquest, haha i think i'm going to drag the indoor girls outside for a bit tonight, let them hang out in the sun for a few weeks at least, i'll get branching for clones a lot quicker that way i think


Active member
Dude you really need to get a better light and bigger containers. You also harvested what looks to be a few weeks to soon.

Peace Tafari


What's up Tafari,
Dont forget a better soil mix! ;) All these would no doubt increase my yield and possibly overgrow my available space.... :/ I definitely err'ed on the side of caution as this is my first experience with a tropical sativa. I used low amounts of nutes, root binding, diffuse lighting, and intra-canopy lighting to limit vertical growth to about 18 to 24 inches. :) Not bad for a plant with the potential to hit 10+ feet. Now I have a baseline assessment that I can tweak for later grows.
As it stands, I have plenty of smoke to last through my next run. Also, dont forget this run was about making seeds and more importantly, getting to know these plants.... so experimenting is a given.

For those more interested in yield and a consistent product I definitely would go along with: More powerful lighting. Larger planters. Training (scrogg, etc.). Higher amounts of nutes. Harvest around 12-14wks from first flowers. There's a BIG difference between 10 and 12+ wks!!

I will say that the most informative (to me, anyways) thing I learned from all this is: #'s 1 and 4 were/are the most potent amonst their siblings at any time sampled. That is to say, no plant was ever lagging behind the others early on only to overtake them at a later date, with respect to potency. If this holds true through a few more generations it will help me eliminate "wasted" time waiting for a candidate to catch up in potency..... she's either got it, or not.


Just read through your grow. Great Stuff!

It amazes me the ability to control plant size by container size and I think you have shown how well that can work.

Great you made some seeds to, good to keep genetics alive and flowing.

Enjoy your smoking:tiphat:

I will say that the most informative (to me, anyways) thing I learned from all this is: #'s 1 and 4 were/are the most potent amonst their siblings at any time sampled. That is to say, no plant was ever lagging behind the others early on only to overtake them at a later date, with respect to potency. If this holds true through a few more generations it will help me eliminate "wasted" time waiting for a candidate to catch up in potency..... she's either got it, or not.

Thought this was fascinating because as you say if you can get some measure of the different strengths of potency among plants early on it allows for better selection and also better placement in the grow room hierarchy.

Think I will have to do some tests myself on this:)


Active member
here's the 2 i got flowering at the moment, was having some mite issues, hooray for mighty wash helping to remedy that, the ladybugs and praying mantises hardly did a thing to help me, these are both at 34 days flowering...made a couple clones before i sent these to flower just in case


i feel like it's getting close to the time that i'll want to pollenate, hmmmm....*think think think*