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Viet Black x Thai??,,,:),,,,what am i in for??


charlie garcia

thx for all info, as Dubi says much appreciated
I liked such reference about music, we love music too and liked to play :) some pure sativas really make you feel so deeply sensitive to perceive and play music. Remember there was an old said that haze was best for musicians

Englishrick, lot of sativa crosses in ACE have a very nice social characteristics. Think friends have reported several ones. Its a quality we like a lot among the euphoria for daytime smoking and one of the reasons why we have used plenty of sativas with the time. Heavier effects may turn into not so social, maybe too strong. Some Hazes and Panamas have a strong psicodelic side often, Golden Tiger can be very potent too sometimes bit desvasting. Basically all are easy to grow and with firm sex

Thai F1s are variated so you can choose easely different sativa aspects and effects in last
editions, anyway Dubi always explains much better :D

enjoy amigos