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Vick on dogfighting in GQ: ‘People act like it’s some crazy thing they never heard of

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ROTFLMAO, and this from the guy calling others 'internet tough guys',

I'd actually love a chance to meet you in the real but I learned long ago that internet fighting is like internet sex, ultimately all you do is beat yourself.

btw, it's you that has been the most confrontational and insulting in this thread, maybe you should consider how that makes YOU look.

Just sayin', lol.

So sorry, but assholes don't get a pass from me :wave:

U mad? :moon:


Active member
im not gonna get into a pissing match w/ ppl trying to defend the fuckin piece of shit.....

....what some ppl don't seem to get is that what vick did was exploit the most loyal animals on earth by using that loyalty against them....that's called severe fuckin' cruelty

...and the sad thing is that those dogs he tortured still loved that piece of shit


3rd-Eye Jedi
not to sound like a 80's tolerance commercial but one person making a race "bad" is prejudice on the part of the person making that observation

and thats cause i didnt like the 80s

say all the shit you want but unless you were a 70's heady you wont know the true pain of the 80's


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or

man perceptions are wack

the culture he is talking about is very black and very ghetto and yeah its a mother fucking world apart from many others

substitute slanging crack for dog fighting because in that culture both are socially acceptable

I'm no vic fan but unless the man still fights or promotes dog fighting i don't understand the need to condemn him

funny how a bunch of fucking white dudes can bitch and moan about a black dude killing dogs but you never hear an uproar when a black star talks about killing people or marginalizing women.

in fact if it was one of those threads im sure he would be held in a different light entirely

food for thought since many of you are gonad say some stupid shit like you "know the ghetto" but it is painfully obvious from your comments, you do not

funny how analogous the lack of compassion he had for the dogs is found here for him

i guess if you put it out there it will perpetuate

if your pissed off about a world without compassion, put a little out there and see what the cause and effect is, don't hide it away and perpetuate hate and judgement cause its just keeping that vibe alive


rick shaw

You know,didn't they say 'It's not a big deal' about slavery,child labor and arranged marriage.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
I cant believe they let Ben Roethlisberger get married.

Oh wait we lost the tape. He didnt do it. Both times....

Sorry off topic we are talking about dogs.


Active member
Didn't have a chance to read the whole thing, but..

I am a huge animal lover and in no way shape or form support any type of animal fighting, but that being said, how many people on here grew up in the hood around a culture of dog fighting? I'm guessing not very many :)

All of you that are saying you know exactly what you would do if you were in Vick's situation can't possibly say that with confidence unless you grew up in the same circumstances..


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
The double standards in this thread amaze me Micheal Vick spent time in prison and was suspended by the nfl. Ben roethlisberger rapes two women gets a little nfl suspension and nobody wants to bury him, but yes, let's fuck the black man over because he hurt animals.

the race card bro? say it ain't so.......

the u.s. govt didn't go after a black man, they went after a rich NFL quarterback that had no business being in the dogfight business they would have done the same to a white NFL QB if the opportunity presented itself.

Commissioner Goddell could have suspended Tank Johnson during the playoffs & the Superbowl for getting busted on December 14th violating his probation for more illegal guns but he didn't. if everything were about race don't you think Goddell would have suspended him? I expected him to do so to be quite frank.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Oh yea, poor Mike Vick, let's all feel bad for they guy; he was so ghetto, he had to put food on his fams table by organizing dog fights, just like NWA rapped in "straight outta Compton". If only he had a sports career and a multi-million dollar football deal, he could have avoided all the bad press. Cause seriously you guys, he wasn't doing it just cause he's a terrible dude and has a taste for this old skool cruelty. And all the bad tongues about him.. Well, they are just racists and don't know better.

Check it out, i heard this on the streets, after Angelina Jolie retires as the UNCHR goodwill ambassador, they got Mike Vick picked to follow her, cause he's superduper awesome! Such a kool kat, wouldn't harm a fly.


not to sound like a 80's tolerance commercial but one person making a race "bad" is prejudice on the part of the person making that observation

and thats cause i didnt like the 80s

say all the shit you want but unless you were a 70's heady you wont know the true pain of the 80's

that's not what I was trying to do, you are misrepresenting my post

there are harsh racial stereotypes very present today, I would rather fight against them and prove them wrong then feed into

I understand that black people have it really rough sometimes because of their skin color
and I understand we all make mistakes...

Nah he doesn't..
Judge a man or his people by their actions not by what color they are, it's not healthy to think like that, friend.

I know it's not healthy to think like that, we live in an unhealthy society.
This kind of thinking is not uncommon.

I don't personally judge him by his color, but a lot of people would make the link. It is harming black image.

you guys can act like heroes and try to make me seem like a bad guy or you can get real

I know for a fact that one person's actions shouldn't define the image of a whole race...

keep your eyes open, it has been said numerous times on this forum "we don't need another fuckhead like that, to give us potsmokers a bad image" things to that effect

truth is it gives people ammunition
but sure... people in the know will say.. well.. we cant judge an entire nation because of one person

I really don't think this man's actions should define black people

it's like the whole thug life thing, the street culture
another thing I don't think help's image

I said it.
I don't support it, but I am aware of it.
Our actions have sometimes consequences much bigger then we expected (if we expected any at all)

you know that all this stems from
I said it above... I understand that it's hard sometimes for black people

I would just like them to rise above believe it or not

I see 2 options

one would be not to look at a whole race based on a single individual's actions

another would be, to be aware and put effort to uphold a good image..

a little bit of both would be a good combination imo
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