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Viceland's Weediqutte visits Michigan: Search & Seizure


Well-known member
the only people who should fear are those who know they are running too much and are waiting to get caught...

as for driving, dont be stupid. leave the shit at home or be solid snake.

FYI We've had some success in the CoA this past week that overturned that improper transport bullshit:

People v Latz


Dissenting Opinion:


Well-known member



Active member
You, of all people, have absolutely zero business accusing anybody else having their head buried. Seriously....

You are just 100% flat out wrong & spreading false information on here, along with needless fear mongering. The good people of the Mitten on this site deserve better than that from you or anybody else.

You lack the ability to realize is that your position is also the position of LEO. You are being a tool for LEO.
LEO wanted access to the all the patients & caregivers personal data so they could " know who was legal and who was not" when going to obtain warrants. LEO claimed "it was necessary to protect the safety of patients from LEO raids" etc.
Fortunately for all of us, the courts told them to stuff that total BS.
The rest has already been said. Live in fear if you want, it is your right. But others need to realize that you are 100% wrong and they do not need to live in fear.

Merry Christmas to all !:tiphat:


Well-known member
We'll let the good members here at ICMag read your comments and decide for themselves whom is spreading false information and hurting our community, or whom is a fear-mongering coward as you like to put it. Most realize what it takes to criticize the courts and LEO as a legal reform activist/advocate as they grow their meds online and talk about it. They also know how just following the rules and shutting our mouths works out comrade ...

If any other member has a legitimate question about my comments, or yours for that matter, I'd be glad to discuss them ...

"If Brown was a patient, he should have had that displayed on door to growroom or next to the plants with multiple copies so it was apparent he was legal under the law."

Has anyone here been raided or know someone who has been raided and had these magical signs displayed? Maybe those folks interviewed for this video/thread?