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Veterinarians' Hospital

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Thanks Mojo, i will let you know what they are in a few days

A couple more shots I like from today
Pollen Chuck




awesome picture update Dog... looking so so tasty and OH SO FROSTY!

1: your ECSD cross?...
2: freeze?
3: PC?
4: your ECSD cross?...

and even if im horribly wrong... i think 1 and 4 are the same strain. *shrug*

That PC makes me feel funny, Its almost intoxicating just looking at it!
I don't have a clue what the little ones are but i know they'll be in good hands.
Can't wait to watch em grow up! JS

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey bros thanks for everyone stopping in
1 and 3 are both freeze, 2 is the pc, and 4 is the ecsd xstrawd cross
Picked a few more nanners off the pc, nothing bad, but I am willing to sacrifice the rest of them for this girl, great plant, primo frost, great smell.
The rest are doin good, the little ones are at their first stage of bud development, they should start stretching anytime now.

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Snow Grower ~OGA~
:biglaugh: Can always tell when you have a little time off

Great shots bro :yes: All plants are looking productive and sexy. A fine job done by you :canabis:

Let's watch the early flowerer's stretch into more beauty :lurk:

Rep applied :yes:



SO FIRE man... GReat Job buddy..

Plants are so frosty and nice man! keep it up my man and take lots of pics ;)

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey dudes

Thanks man, glad you like it, it is very photogenic, thanks for stoppin in and the rep

HIgh Low
Hey dude, i always have plans on hash making but I never really get enough trim to do anything worthwhile, basically this plant wont give off much trim, it is mainly all buds

Thanks man, and thanks for the rep bro
Big Timer
Thanks man, stop by anytime bro

TML and BR
LOL yeah not hard to see when I am off work, but she is pretty frosty though, a keeper for sure

Anyways guys, stil have yet to go see Iron Man, so keep checking back will let you know what I think, but I will be at moms tomorrow, so I have lots of stuff to get done today

Thanks for stoppin in dudes
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Registered Medical Patient
Hey Doggy...lookin great man!! Sorry about my absence lately around here, but you know how it is!!!workin my ass off, but at least I got lots of primo smoke to get me through!!! Your girls look great , esp the PC...I cant wait till I can pop those beans again and get back in the game...Not too far off now....Peace Dog

- Z

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

Yo bros
Hey Z
Welcome back man, yup looking good, check it out above
Hella Fella
Thanks for stopping in
About 4 weeks or so, I was hoping to chop her mid June, but we will see what the trics say
Hey bro, crazy crazy frost on that PC




Canada is definately reppin hard... Nice work.. :rasta:
Dr Dog said:

Yo bros
Hey Z
Welcome back man, yup looking good, check it out above
Hella Fella
Thanks for stopping in
About 4 weeks or so, I was hoping to chop her mid June, but we will see what the trics say
Hey bro, crazy crazy frost on that PC

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