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Very high CBD strains, which ones?


well i have noticed they make me tired, and i have to medicate more frequently, i might try smoking some of this high cbd stuff and then smoking a little more potent strain afterwords to see if the cbd counters my anxiety when using it with a higher thc strain


Well-known member
good info on this, kind of a clinical trial for high cbd
the tiredness doesn't sound so great, but may be better than wild paranoia
might be interesting to do a mix, a bit of normal weed and some high cbd, might be able to adjust to desired effect


New member
did you get that incredible rom from harborside, i dint try it but i want to get some..

i too have been a life long sufferer of panic attacks and anxiety attacks. I found that it has more to do with me about where my head was at and how much at peace i was with my life and my self than the herb i was smoing...but i would like to try these high cbd/n strains

nice post

You are so right, man. I started getting raging panic attacks and insomnia two years ago during a time that was very stressful for me. At first I thought I was having some sort of heart attack. My heart would race, my feet would get instantly cold, then I would start to breathe fast and have a compelling need to get out of the area. I really thought that I had a heart condition and went to see my doctor. He put me on an SSRI and sent me home. The SSRI worked a little but then I went to see a psychotherapist.

After doing talk therapy and practicing relaxation techniques I realized that I had never, ever actually achieved a state of relaxation, even when high or drunk. I became proficient at progressive relaxation with cue controlled guided imagery and have ever since been able to control the onset of any panic attack. You cannot experience anxiety when in a state of relaxation. And if you are anxious then you are not in a state of relaxation. For me, there is no medication that can stop anxiety, not SSRIs, benzos or MMJ. The answer was in my head. Before therapy I swore up and down that my brain could not possibly cause the severe symptoms I was experiencing. I was wrong.

I have also determined that alcohol is a big factor in my anxiety. I was using alcohol to relax and that just doesn't work. It makes it worse in fact. I found that during the hangover the next day my anxiety was worse than ever. Moderation in alcohol intake has been key for me. Also physical conditioning. I do aerobic exercise with minimum 20 minutes above 75% of maximum heart rate. The conditioning makes relaxation and sleep easier. Alcohol also worsens insomnia. You might sleep well drunk but the next night or two you will be up with alcohol-related insomnia.

I've also started doing a little more weed after taking many years off to raise kids. Weed is so much more effective for anxiety then alcohol. It’s not the answer but I can have a little weed with one glass of wine and the wife and I have a great night. I wish all with anxiety good luck in their treatment and don’t overlook talk therapy and relaxation as they have been very effective with me.


New member
Well, guys, I'm that 1 crazy person out of 1,000 who is working with landrace ruderalis & improved ruderalis genetics gathered from all over the world... I'm a fibromyalgia patient & activist & have other patients in my group with inflammatory-based illnesses (Hep C, Crohn's, degenerative arthritis, etc.).

Some of the ruderalis I am working with tests out at a whopping 3% CBDs... CBDs occur naturally in the plant & work as an agonist for the THC. It is the CBNs that result from degradation of the THC.

Because there are no power-hitting pain plants on the market with high THC & high CBD, I am crossing & back-crossing to create my own... Time will tell.

In the meantime, however, I intend to make tinctures, oils & budder from these solid rudi genetics in an attempt to treat/reduce the inflammatory aspects of the various illnesses of the people in my group. Most of these are under physicians' care & have regular lab tests which can document any change in liver functions or inflammation levels. So long as their "other" meds remain stable, if there is a change for the positive, it will be the CBDs doing it. When we see positive change, we can begin to taper off any pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories & NSAIDs, monitoring progress all the way.

I am also building a seed/pollen bank in anticipation of Alabama legalizing MMJ in early 2011... Beans will be available to medical patients upon request.

hey again fg....jorges diamonds has a very high cbd level too.i am getting fem seeds of this and already have clones.im hoping it helps with the mission....pa is very close to being legal for medicinal too so soon i will be ale to research this without worrying about any issues...i cant wait to provide these strains to others in need,and especially get off all my meds...drugs are hell as im sure you know...i need to go through a nice cleansing process:thank you:


New member
FG- How did I know I would find you here girlfriend!?!

LazyGringo- You have to have 50 posts to receive a PM. We all had to go through it.

FG- Ok, you have worn me down, I will grow some high CBD strains.

I have chronic severe pain, chronic severe nausea and chrons (all sorts of not so great tummy issues), and with all the indicas I smoke for pain relief I can get depressed, so I have an uuplifting sativa like golden goat for mood elevation. I need to spend more time exploring high CBD strains and see if that will help out with the whole feeling like crap the majority of the time.

I'd be interested to try the cannatonic. I think I woul dlike to try to smoke the strains first before trying to grow them, to see if they would work for my conditions, as garden space is tight these days and it seems that when I add a stain to the medical garden my husband makes me get rid of a strain. God forbid I throw out one of his fave strains though... LOL
hey kindness.i have crohns too.it gets pretty bad sometimes.im also looking into the autos.flying goat turned me on tho them too.through seedshare,not ic.ive been on ic a while but never very active.just always seem to have something going on....i hear master kush is a great strain for crohns.the abusive og kush cut out of cali is supposed to help with crohns too.ive got a buddy sending me some cuts of that and grapexromulan....so hopefully they will be able to contribute something to trying to come up with something to help my crohns.the only other ive hard ha a very high cbd level is jorges diamonds.i also have clones of these but am yet to grow them out...im thinking of taking my kandy kush and mixing that with some hbd seeds i may have coming..that and sensi star,and c-99 i think would be good mothers for an auto daddy.i say take all the high cbd strains and mix them with all the high cbd auto strains in a field.when everything is siad and done i bet the f1s would be something special....i guess youd have to plant them all out to find the best pheno,but still thats what breedings all about ya know....any way.hope all is well with your crohns,trust me i know how bad it is lol

indoorsavant.....im on seedshare if you want to pm under me under this name.


Dr. Narrowleaf
My alarm bells ring every time I hear about a commercial strain high in cbd, I really doubt the bd allele would survive any breeding for potency. What it does is lower the ceiling to such an extent you'll feel frustrated for not being able to get any higher.


Great info in this thread. I just talked to the MJ Doctor today (an actual doctor who talks to you about your probs instead of just signing the rec!) and I told him that Medical MJ for anxiety can sometimes be a crap shoot, you don't know until you try each strain at a specific dosing if it will predispose you to a panic attack. Although I agree frame of mind and situation have a great deal to do with it. It would be nice if dispensarys let us know CBD levels of the types of herb on their boards.


I remembered reading this the other day, this could be great for treating anxiety and depression, amongst other things

Oakland, CA – The availability of a new type of medical cannabis strain will be presented for the first time by Steve DeAngelo, who has been featured on CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune Magazine, and The New York Times as Executive Director of one of the nation’s top model and non-profit medical cannabis dispensaries, Harborside Health Center in Oakland, California.

DeAngelo will announce the availability of this type of non-psychoactive cannabis that has been lab tested with California strains with CBD (Cannabidol) at the 6th Annual National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics on Friday, April 16th at 12PM Noon at The Crown Plaza Hotel, 801 Greenwich Avenue, Warwick, Rhode Island.

Conference information can be found at: www.medicalcannabis.com

For three decades, DeAngelo has been an engaging speaker as he cuts through the stigma, and delivers the true facts about cannabis. His exciting and important presentation will include results of the first large scale analytical study of California’s medical cannabis supply, which revealed that one of the most medically efficacious cannabinoids—CBD—has been bred out of plants grown primarily for psychoactive effect. Only within the past year have CBD-rich cannabis varieties been identified, thanks to an analytical chemistry lab that DeAngelo helped launch.

Recent research has demonstrated that CBD is effective in slowing or reversing a number of different types of cancer; as well as other serious illnesses. In response to the shortage of CBD rich cannabis varieties, Harborside has initiated a program to identify such strains, and encourage growers to propagate them. Because CBD modulates the psycho activity of THC, some patients respond better to varieties of cannabis which couple low THC levels with high CBD levels, because they enhance medical efficacy while reducing or eliminating psycho activity. This is particularly true for cannabis-naïve patients, who have no prior experience with it, prior to receiving a recommendation from their doctor. “Ultimately, there will be greater demand for CBD-rich cannabis, than there is for cannabis that just gets you high” predicts DeAngelo. “Only a small percentage of people enjoy the psycho activity of cannabis, but almost everybody can benefit from its medical properties”.

The 6th Annual Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics is the only one of its kind in the United States for health professional to learn about the many benefits of cannabis therapeutics. Medical professionals can receive their CME (Continuing Education) credits for attending this forum through the University of California, San Francisco.

The New York Times: “Harborside Health Center, a nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary in Oakland, Calif., is looked upon as a model of how others could operate.”


I just got to try some Snow White from Nirvana.....holy shit,I had to lay down for a little while.Relieved any anxiety I had,and didn't make me hungry. Now it's my BFF.....Now go grow some more,Tom Thumb!



Anyone knows are the THC and CBD etc cannabinoids in same area of resin?

I mean if there is more THC, would it reduce amount of CBD and other cannabinoids and vice versa and all around without forgetting all "empty" area in resin walls where THC is said to be..?


Active member
CBD does not produce couchlock!

CBD does not produce couchlock!

CBD does not produce the couchlock effect!!!

the CBD gives burnout and couchlock thing is an urban myth which is causing smokers to misinterpret their experiences

also - amber trichomes are not a sign of buds with CBD

CBD is produced in plants which have the genes to produce CBD - i.e. the BD allele

very few modern drug strains have the genes for CBD --- they are most often found in hashish and charas plants, and in wild plants

unless you have smoked imported hashish, it is unlikely you have ever consumed any dope with CBD in it anyway

as for what psychoactive effects CBD has: the current understanding is that, as well as supressing anxiety, it produces a sense of clarity and mental lucidity...

in normal amounts, such as you would get from a smoke up, CBD is a THC antagonist which means it supresses many of the effects of THC, and CBD has its own psychoactive effects: clarity and alertness

the only piece of research supporting the idea that CBD is soporific - producing couchlock and burnout - was one in the 1970s where a guy was given something like 600mg of CBD... for 600mg CBD you would need to consume a lot of bud or hash... equally high doses - eg 160mg - showed that it made people sleep longer... but in the dose range you will be getting from smoking, it produces clarity and alertness... unless you are smoking enough bud to get 100mg plus of CBD during a toke!!!

2. Sedative action
In the early 1970’s, suggestive evidence of a sedative action
appeared, based on the observation that CBD reduced ambulation in
rats and, with higher doses, operant behavior in rats and pigeons.
Few years later, Monti reported sleep-inducing effects of CBD in
rats, with an increase in total sleeping time, increment of slow-wave
sleep (SWS) and decrease of SWS latency. In humans with insomnia,
high doses of CBD (160 mg) increased sleep duration compared to
placebo. Sedative effect was also observed in healthy volunteers
with high CBD dose (600 mg). This effect of CBD may be biphasic,
since in low doses (15 mg) the cannabinoid appears to have alerting
properties in healthy volunteers, as it increases wakefulness during
sleep and counteracts the residual sedative activity of 15 mg THC.
Previous reports of subjective feelings by healthy volunteers after
CBD (1 mg/Kg) showed a significant increase in “clear minded”
and “quick- witted” feelings, in contrast with THC (0.5 mg/Kg) that
induced an increase in “muzzy” feelings.
In agreement with the
two last observations, intracerebroventricular administration of CBD
in rats during the lights-on period increased wakefulness (W) and
decreased rapid eye movement sleep (REMS), probably through
increased dopamine release.

the couchlock effect from certain strains is produced by THC interacting with other cannabinoids and terpenes - certain strains when they reach later maturity produce a lot of sedative terpenes such as myristicin (found in nutmeg)

likewise the burnout effect Thule is describing is most likely to be an effect of other terpenes etc. in the feral strains, not the CBD... (and interestingly, a pure high THC strain will leave you with a much fuzzier head than a strain which has high THC and THCV, as THCV affects the metabolisation of THC, shortening the experience, and leaving you with a clearer head after you come down)

here is a link to accurate evidence-based info on CBD
Last edited:


Active member
The Lebanese form the Real Seed Company produces Cbd without a doubt in my mind.
It's a landrace from the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon. It hasn't been dutched to hell like
most plants out there. When I smoke some it put me out after about aan hour.
I don't recommend it in the morning unless it's your day off and all you want
to do is sleep. Cause, that's what you'll end up doing.

If you don't believe me try it out for yourself.


Well-known member
the couchlock effect from certain strains is produced by THC interacting with other cannabinoids and terpenes - certain strains when they reach later maturity produce a lot of sedative terpenes such as myristicin (found in nutmeg)

likewise the burnout effect Thule is describing is most likely to be an effect of other terpenes etc. in the feral strains, not the CBD... (and interestingly, a pure high THC strain will leave you with a much fuzzier head than a strain which has high THC and THCV, as THCV affects the metabolisation of THC, shortening the experience, and leaving you with a clearer head after you come down)

this is one very interesting post, the terpenes have a physiological effect?
so far, i get best results just from reading the experiences of others with a given strain
it's mighty hard to make sense of the contradictory information out there on just what the cannabinoid interactions are supposed to do
careful large scale clinical trials would be nice, maybe in the near future?


Active member

yes, many terpenes, flavonoids and other polyphenols found in cannabis are psychoactive in themselves

plus the key point is that they interact with THC and the other cannabinoids to give the different types of highs e.g.

so for example of a psychoactive terpene there is myristicin (in nutmeg) which is a strong sedative found in many strains, and a common cause of a couchlock stone

limonene is found in many citrus fruits and herbs and is also very common in "sativas" like Thai and Haze - and gives an uplifting, heady buzz in combination with THC

the best book for this kind of info is The Medicinal Uses of Cannabis and Cannabinoids ed. Guy, Whittle etc.


prozac do on depression issues...,
anxiety too?

In my case it does. I found out that indica dominant hybrids are the best (80/20). The indica is to relax you and small amounts of thc can help with anxiety. If I smoke to much sour d/c99 for example it will actually do the opposite. It really depends on your brain chemistry and what works for you. Hope this helps! :)


If I'm feeling anxiety, [which isn't very often] cannabis intensifies the bad feeling . It's bad enough that I don't even want to risk trying any other strains.


Active member
I sure hope someone can find and isolate and stabilise a reliable high CBD yielding line with a little THC in there as well. Considering all the benefits that CBD has for smokers like myself. I will be hunting for such a plant myself.

check this out. High CBD should help multiple sclerosis (MS)

Pot Compound Stimulates Neurogenesis, Study Says
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Berlin, Germany: The administration of the non-psychoactive cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) increases adult neurogenesis (the active production of new neurons) in laboratory animals, according to preclinical trial data published online in the journal Cell Communication and Signaling.

An international team of researchers from Germany, Switzerland, and Mexico assessed the effect of the chronic administration of THC and CBD on spatial learning (memory) and neruogenesis. Authors reported: "THC and CBD differed in their effects on spatial learning and adult neurogenesis. CBD did not impair learning but increased adult neurogenesis, whereas THC reduced learning without affecting adult neurogenesis."

They concluded, "The pro-neurogenic effects of CBD might explain some of the positive therapeutic features of CBD-based compounds. ... Taken together, the findings suggest diverse effects of the cannabinoid system on memory and cellular plasticity."

For more information, please contact Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director, at: [email protected]. Full text of the study, Cannabinoid receptor CB1 mediates baseline and activity-induced survival of new neurons in adult hippocampal neurogenesis," is available online at: http://www.biosignaling.com/content/8/1/12.

EDIT: They use mice in this research which I don't approve of.



Afgan Kush from wos it,s a really medical strain with high CBN and it,s give a really bodystone.Good too make ice on gives lots of trics.Also a high CBD

Pakistan Valley it,s nearly the same can just say--try it

Have a nice smoke and so on every one

CBN is not a cannabinoid made directly by the plant, rather it is a degradation product of the other plant Cannabinoids. So there is no strain high in CBN.
If you want high CBN just store any high THC variety in a hot well lit storage area for 6 months to a few years, then it will be high in CBN, but much of the THC will be gone....



So what is our best bet at the moment for getting high CBD strains?

Perhaps one should try Golden Triangle Akka (from Real)? Yunnan (from Ace Seeds)? Perhaps they have all the CBD bred out of it at the seedbank?
Parvati? (from Real) Says it's high in CBD.
Cannatonic was tested as being high CBD at Spannabis 2009.
Maybe drive around looking for some wild hemp or ruderalis?

Does Harborside sell seeds for their high CBD strain? Check this PDF for info on their project: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=6&ved=0CCkQFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.harborsidehealthcenter.com%2Fimages%2FProjectCBD.pdf&ei=a6I0TMTOJdvpnQf1nayCBA&usg=AFQjCNFvMe5eXkEooKBjdH4OPdkXTbNU4g

Interesting data there. Fruity Diesel, Ganja Ma, and Soma A+ seemed consistent in having CBD. Would this mean their seeds regularly have a BtBd mixed gene? The True Blueberry x OG Kush I guess is the new strain with minimal THC.