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Vertically in cab


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Day 21 of flower

Day 21 of flower


Girls are coming along nicely. Looks like the stretch is almost over, and the buds started to form. I feed them for the second time today, and will slowly increase the dose. They are really thirsty, I have to water them every second day.

see ya




Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Propoline: Just finished reading this hole thread. I must say, truely insperational! I'm totaly rethinking my plans for my next cab now. I can tell yours was well thought out. I really like your pull out shelf. It seems to hold up to the weight just fine. Looking forward to watching this second round finish up.


Active member
wow great stuff Propoline! buds are starting come in very nicely! lots of budsites, i think you will be very happy with these results! excellent grow and keep it comin! :lurk:


Active member
vintner, glad you enjoyed the ride....I did make some planing before, so it was easier to put everything together. And I didn't need a lot tools...screwdrivers, saw, hammer, kitchen knife :muahaha: ... lots of time & some knowledge from this site. You're welcome to stay around

tngreen....welcome back, looks pretty promising ain't? Buds are getting fatter every day, its real joy watching them grow. Hope it stayes like that till end. I gave them a dose of BB grow today, the big fan leaves started to get light green colour.

saintgr8one....thanks for checking my thread out

Sammet I'm glad to see ya back, haven't seen ya around for a while. Hope everything is OK? I still didn't order the rest of BB collection, it will have to wait till autumn/winter time. After this grow I'm done for awhile. Ill have enough buds to last me through all summer.

Day 25



Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Looking good again propoline....
I had a good giggle at that game of noughts and crosses.... even though its tehnically nine pictures, I reckon that should get a photo of the month nomination....u must have been flying when that popped into ur noggin lol...
That kalichakra..i said it looks like the pheno i preferred.. and u replied it isnt very dense-yeah thats the one I liked better...there was another pheno with more traditional dense hydrid type buds...but it didnt have the same intense head thinking type high followed by nice mellow body stone... Mandal really do make some great stuff...And I really hope Mike gets better soon and can get things going as they were again.....
anyway this cab of yours is most excellent propo, A friend of mine who i showed it to is seriously considering doing one like you now-hes never grown before because he didnt think he could work anything out to be worthwhile--in the space hes got, even the amazing Newganjaboy cabinet wasnt enough to convince him lol but ur cab has made him buy Jorge Cervantes latest book while he thinks about it.
Keep up the great work there man....


Siiick propo!!! They are looking trained and thick man!!!! Sweet work lets see some dank budshots now!


Active member

Siddartha, don't be jealous :bashhead: :muahaha: , if you have a chance of growing indoors you can easily put one like this together.

Daemon tnx for dropping & nice words. I have some bad news....will explain later.... :badday:

Harry, I sure was flying when that popped in....Looks like we have got the same Kalichakra pheno. I chopped it at day 70, but there were still fresh pistils popping up, she had half hairs still clearly white. She has strong head stone, or I'm just not used to more sativa dom plants. What about smell? Mine was very earthy through all flower, only around week 5 there was a little sweet flush for a week or so. I didn't dry it too well to :fsu: so it still has strong earthy flavor & smell, which makes her unsmokable inside...nothing bad with that, summer is closing in, and there will be plenty sunny days to smoke her up. Hope Mike gets better soon, he sure has some nice genes to spread around. Ill be glad if anyone gets some good ideas from my cab.... it looks like I already got some heads to think. Let me now how your friend decided....

hey cali.... I'm afraid that there wont be any dank buds in my cab this time...check below what happened

stke congrats on your harvest.....Ill drop by later

thanks exploziv, I sure would be happy if I had that luck you are talking about....


well my friends....things didn't work out for me this time. I live in a rented place, and I had some troubles with my landlord. Nothing scary, but i had to move out of his place on a short term. He decided to sell that place, and was coming in with his agent. I had to decide quickly what to do, so I took all the ladies out to my guerrilla spot to finish. I just didn't have the heart to throw them away, so from now well be watching them grow under the sun.

Here are couple pic just before moving them out on day 28

Heres their new home for next few weeks till they are done ( you can see what my friend thinks about my ex landlord :muahaha: )

The girls are a little droopy atm, but i hope they will finish like they should....I will still get some buds from them, but its sad to look them shocked like that in the middle of flowering

See ya guys


:wave: :wave:
Last edited:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Sorry to hear that you had to vacate and move your grow Propoline. How tall were they when you moved them? How much longer you got?


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Yea, sorry to hear about your sudden relocation. It looked so pretty too.... :( sniff...


Active member
Thanks for support guys,

maybe I panicked a little bit, but better safe than sorry. They were transported previous Tuesday at 11pm, and were siting in bags (only soil) till Saturday when they were transplanted into ground. I broke a few, some were even broken twice, so i had to immobilize them a bit. I noticed some purpling on some of them, we had temps around 7°C (45F) at nights and sunny days till Sunday, but now we had 4 rainy days.
Vintner they should be done around June 8, so only 2 1/2 weeks till harvest. They were between 40-50 cm (15.7-19.7inch) + pots. Real pita for moving them around.
Don't worry Sammet, you haven't seen the last of it. You can expect this little thing running back after summer. I already have a new place, just have to get a little bit more homelike, and see what kind of landlord I've got.

Propoline :wave:


Just what a great cab Propoline, now this thread got me REAL interested in vertical growing.

You've got some nice army of plants and interesting strains.
You seem to have good organizing skills too, making them play X's and O's & all kinds of stuff :D (love the group shots)

It's a pitty that you're having some problems. Hope to have the cab up and running in the future asap.


Propoline said:
Thanks for support guys,

maybe I panicked a little bit, but better safe than sorry. They were transported previous Tuesday at 11pm, and were siting in bags (only soil) till Saturday when they were transplanted into ground. I broke a few, some were even broken twice, so i had to immobilize them a bit. I noticed some purpling on some of them, we had temps around 7°C (45F) at nights and sunny days till Sunday, but now we had 4 rainy days.
Vintner they should be done around June 8, so only 2 1/2 weeks till harvest. They were between 40-50 cm (15.7-19.7inch) + pots. Real pita for moving them around.
Don't worry Sammet, you haven't seen the last of it. You can expect this little thing running back after summer. I already have a new place, just have to get a little bit more homelike, and see what kind of landlord I've got.

Propoline :wave:
Props to Prop!you Are right though,better safe than sorry!as far as stems breakin,sounds like you just supercropped em my friend.Good Luck w/ the new place and the grow! If they do go into re-veg it'll jst be better...but lots later.An-tic-i-pa-tion.... :laughing:
the tic-tac-toe was great!!

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