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Vertical NGB 150HPS


Yeah same thing i was thinking, after so much stress even if the plants that were revived i don't know if i even want to keep em. I think the less stressed rock wool clone will suffice as a mother though. I plan to toss the other 2 plants that were in the bubble cloner i am curious if they will root. I still had mites on the rockwool plant and i think the vaccum did the trick no webs for 2 days.

Once old enough i am spraying my mother but for now vacuum works.
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Ok so back from the dead here are some shots of my plants:

These are shots of plants in the bubble cloner (now eaten by mites) to say they
are back from the dead is giving them a little too much credit however that root
can be seen poking from the right plant. I decided to givem all i got...

Neem Oil i picked up at the store today, in addition to preparing neem solution
for dipping i am going to remove all webbing, run them gently under water, drop
temps in the closet, and during the cleanup phase i fumigated the entire closet.

Here is a before neem after neem shot of my rockwool seedling, Ol'faithful
still no signs of roots poking however this plant is much healthier.


Still no sign of the mites but no sign of vertical growth, just more roots. Up until
today I have been using straight water but I added some liquid karma.


Back In Business

Back In Business

Ok so after a loooooooong struggle with some Jedi cuttings and a brief run in
with mites I have started over. This time i got my cuts from a better source
for cuttings but as a precationary measure i have neem'ed up my new babies:

Shiva Skunk
Flowering: 6-8 Weeks
Genetics: Northern Lights #5 X Skunk #1

Flowering: 8-9 Weeks
Genetics: Bubblegum

Both are low in height and i plan to try flowering these from a young age. The
rest of the gameplan is to flower both and pick a winner to keep as a mother.
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Hey just a quick update on the clones and lookin for advice it seems on is OK
while the others' leaves have begun to turn a spotty light brown that is almost

On the left as you can see my sugar shiva is holding up well but on the right
the bubblegum is having issues.


Coping with Neem Burn...

Coping with Neem Burn...

Day08 Veg ShivaSkunk(left) and Bubblegum(right)

Ok these babies took a bath along with getting a nice flush of the roots in
retaliation the neem burn. i attempted to dilute the the current dose on my
leaves to end this once and for all by rising the entire plant in water.

In addition to the flush I removed excess rockwool (I felt my roots needed
more air) and prepared a fresh batch of mid-size vegetating formula.

Best Pics i can get of the tops of my two plants which seem to be curling...
Hopefully the flush (which was really dirty) helps out.


Hey Samm since you ask:

So here is a picture of my Shiva Skunk, the better of the two clones. Now 11
days into their new home these plants slowly grow in mid-size vegatative nutes.
My experience (very limited experience) tells me these leaves are curling and to
check the ph. But the ph steady, the only variable i can come up with is that
I recently began to filter my city tap water and mix my nutes whereas before
i would buy distilled water at the store. Any suggestions??

Either way I have to give it a shot and I plan to buy some water, mix up a fresh
batch, and hope for the best.
Dang man.. those are huge cuttings. Try taking smaller cuttings with just one or two nodes and you could try clipping the tips of the fan leaves. But, overall, I think you would have more success with smaller cuttings. When you are transporting them, just put them in a ziplock with a wee bit of water and blow hot humid air into the bag and seal 'em up until you are ready to put them in your cloner.

Good luck mate!


PurplePotion, yeah the clones are a little tall because i bought them from a
club and didnt really have a choice. I planed to grow this out, clone again
(with closer nodes) so they can fit in my micro growspace.

Just swapped nutes, yet again, this time with distilled goodness, ph was already
good after mixing the nutes in so i left it alone but will check over the course of
the next few days. The plant appears healthy, minus the curling leaves which
grow in dark green still but look like crap. Roots are white and keep on


Ok well almost 2 weeks and this clone still sucks... not much luck lately

Ok well i added liquid karma today just to see if it wouldnt make a difference.
I have also bent the plant down with wire, to see how it responds.
This plant continues to grow as if it were sprouting healthy leaves, but its not.
Roots continue to grow (liquid karma gives them that slightly browning look) and
the top of the plant continues to stretch upward but i cannot get my leaves
to flatten out. Is this plant a lost cause?


Day 19

Day 19

Ok so my bubblegum clone didnt pull through, after the neem damage it seems
my filtering system failed me and i went back to distilled water, now on 6 days

These are a couple shots of the other plant, sugar shiva. Its the charlie brown
christmas tree, theres no question about that, however its looking much better
than last week and its new growth looks to be of the norm, so its seems as if
normal vegatation will take effect and this thing is about to start sprouting
bunch of vegetation... but was the stress of the past few weeks enough to mess
with the sex of the plant?


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hmmm it's hard to tell Jim - Stress increases your chances of hermies but there are lots of other factors too.


hahahha I love the "What is that?" post, this is my baby we are talking about
here and thats the same thing i say everyday when i look at her.

So what the infirmary has established mroe than likely happened was not just
that the ph was off but that it was constantly changing, which it does on its
own after a while anyways... but how it managed to to get these leaves is
still a mystery.

I have no new clone so im gonna wait it out, but the first time i get a chance
I will probaby buy new vegetation, however i think this plant would be good
to clone in about 2 weeks with the way its beginning to recover, but god knows
whether this plant is male or female...


Light at the end of the Tunnel...

Light at the end of the Tunnel...

Shiva Skunk... now 3 weeks:

Couples pics showing the damage and then some of the new growth, still quite
a ways before I know the sex, but its always fun to just watch the plant grow
either way after 3 months off. :joint: