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vertical areo


nope! that sucker just blew, I caught 10 gal. in 5 seconds
Looks like these changes are getting to be more and more, gonna change the sprayers to misters, so Ill need to add 1 sprayer to each plant


Wait ... since you're replacing the sprayers with misters you mean one *MISTER to each plant , right ?? I just wanna make sure I dont go out and grab the wrong part lol

Also how tall are your ceilings ? And what exactly does a dock float do ?

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well got this contraption going again, ran in to all kinds of problems , had to call drip works to find out some info, most problems were with leaks, so now i got all the leaks fixed and the little girls are up and very happy, roots busting out all over in just a couple of days, the plants have jumped 2-3" in the last 3 days.
The changes made were a mister at each plant rated @ 1GPH and I added a 20 gal. bladder tank with a 24 volt sol. that is controled by my cycle stat. I also changed the Eco plus 250 pump, it may be a high volume but wouldnt cut the mustard for the high preasure so i put a aquatec high preasure pump in, so I got rid of the power eating larger pumps and put the aquatec 1.3 amp pump in and it kicks ass running 96 misters.
The last grow my plants always looked like they were being over watered so my water schedual now is 30 sec. on and 9 min. off , as the plants get bigger Ill probably go back to 1 min on and 5 min off.
The changes were a pain but looks like it was worth the time and effort.