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VerdantGreen's quarters - 250HPS organic mod.scrog


Take A Deep Breath
Does the Maui-Wowie IBL have thai roots? Not what I'd expect when thinking of a Hawaiian IBL...on first look :D

Lovely macro shot on the DC. That new camera is treating you well.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
het capt, yeah they were vegged over xmas under LED's which always gives very short plants. tbh they werent in the best conditions, cold and wet, but seem to have shrugged it off.

blimey, mr Greengenes (who's line it is) says that the CB is very reminiscent of the old-school chocolate thai, but that it may well have a little indica in there too.

the plan is to cross it with the herijuana - two ibls at fairly opposite ends of the spectrum and the heri has everything but taste imo.
and of course Cherryjuana is a gift of a name :D im hoping to have at least a couple of heri girls (although my heri cut is acting up a it, not sure whats going on with it, almost looks like it has TMV) and 3 or 4 CB boys - then if i decide to make a line out if it there will be a few more genetic in there from the start. not as many as some peeps say you should have but better than just a single m/f cross.
if i remember MrG only had half a dozen or so plants when he started the CB line...


mad librettist

Active member
I like the DC, looks like a way better version of the mazar-i-sharif I got rid of. That stuff tasted like nail polish remover crossed with licking your lip after kissing a woman in a spot where she has recently applied perfume.

I'm thinking of implementing your strategy and buying an LED array for a vegging area. I can't read this whole thread, so any condensed wisdom you have would be much appreciated.


Weed Cannasaur
Hey SB - DC is Deep Chunk, its a pure afghan indica/hashplant line.

fonzee - yeah i guess you could say DC is ugly lol, certainly leafy - although the sugar leaf is like beautiful tobacco to smoke. i really like to smoke it and it is a great experience to grow - like the opposite of haze lol. the yield is tiny though - less than half of anything else i have ever grown. this quadrifoliate one actually looks like a good yielder for DC but still will be tiny compared to my scrogs. i even scrogged a DC cut once and still the yield was pretty small. but i like smoking it, its also said to be a great breeding strain and i have made a few crosses with it that i have yet to grow out.

The Cherry Bomb i am very excited about growing for the first time - been waiting to run this for a while now. - what with all the new cuts too i feel like ive hit the jackpot...

Reminds me of my Arjan's Haze #2. Great smoke but growing it was a bitch.
Some strains I rather buy when possible.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey seismic thanks for the kind words :tiphat:

hi mad yeah the DC is lovely, as for LED's i think they are great for veg. depending on the size of your screens you might get away with vegging into small bushes and then throwing them into flower and scrogging during stretch....

schwagg - yeah lets hope it turns out to be a good cross

hey fonzee ive had AH3 and that was fussy but a great smoke - compares pretty well to the real original haze which tom sells seeds of too.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Blueberry harvest was 70g - not the best ive had from it but still a good pull. the smoke is superb, i think the UV made a difference as it seems extra potent but always hard to tell for sure.

the yield from the whole cab (4 scrogs) this run came in at just under 10 ounces which is cool for saying none of the strains are big yielders....

i just swapped my UV tubes for red t5's - this is an experiment to reduce stretch by changing the red:far red ratio on the plants in early flower. im also trying to reduce the day/night-time temp difference. i'll get a link to a thread in the botany forum which explains it better than i can :D. the UV tubes will go back in after stretch, and they've had a blast of UV for the last week or so as well - just incase early exposure triggers some response...



Well-known member
Sounds good.

There is a lot to be said for keeping the night / day temp differential equal or even positive rather than negitive like most people do.... It really does control stretch.

Hey, I got some new genetics to full your cab up with, LOL. The Norths and ****** OG cut from seed selection.


Well-known member
Signing up to your thread mate...I'm in 250 HPS clan also.

Sound interesting experiments you are doing with the different light spectrums.


Blueberry harvest was 70g - not the best ive had from it but still a good pull. the smoke is superb, i think the UV made a difference as it seems extra potent but always hard to tell for sure.

the yield from the whole cab (4 scrogs) this run came in at just under 10 ounces which is cool for saying none of the strains are big yielders....

i just swapped my UV tubes for red t5's - this is an experiment to reduce stretch by changing the red:far red ratio on the plants in early flower. im also trying to reduce the day/night-time temp difference. i'll get a link to a thread in the botany forum which explains it better than i can :D. the UV tubes will go back in after stretch, and they've had a blast of UV for the last week or so as well - just incase early exposure triggers some response...


10 zips off a 250 and 4 plants! you definately got the green thumb! outstanding!!!


3 of 4 of my sourdawgs really blew up and really reached for the bulb.. the other 1 was a med-high stretch...


Hi VG, looking amazing, your grow diary is the bible of how to dial things down to perfection. So much to learn!

I've been meaning to ask you, do you aim for a particular number of colas per square foot? Is more the better, or too many in too tight of a space can negatively affect yield. For example, I have counted approximately 12-16 colas in each of your screens usually. Do you think having something like 34 in the same screen space would increase or decrease yield?

Thank you in advance!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey herb :tiphat: sounds great, i need to send you PM. yeah im trying to reduce the diff but i think i may have to go back to running the lights overnight to get it to anywhere near 0. stretch i the scroggers friend but like we were talking about its the internodal distance that need to be kept down to reasonable levels. which brings me onto -

wonka - yes i found one of the two sourdog girls of mine was very stretchy and as i mentioned before i think its par for the coarse with multi hybrid type seeds. many tend to get too tall and what you really have to be happy with is to get a shorter 'keeper' from your seed pack. i have only kept the short female of mine. there wasnt much difference i could tell with the smoke, perhaps slightly denser nugs though.

durka - good luck with it! remember that the more you can rotate the modules, the more ideal you can make your canopy. i can rotate mine though 180 and they still fit. being able to so it through 90 would be even better but i guess you would need a square cab for that...

D9 - good question, i think there is a point of diminishing returns really, and in a really crowded canopy it can be good to completely remove some of the weaker shoots if you have two colas trying to grow in the same space. i think 12 colas on my scrogs is about ideal but i often end up with a few more . being about 12/14" i like 3x4 grid of buds ideally. so short answer i guess 9 per square foot. having many more will get you smaller buds which may have slightly less quality. i suspect it may cost a little yield too but not that much all else being equal.

rudedog - a 250 is a nice little light but imo its still a 'proper' hps lamp. you wont outsmoke one of these is you get it rocking mate :dance013:

schwagg - yeah last time i counted a whole run (things tend to get a bit perpetual after a while) i got about 10 too. if i took my best ever module and multiplied it by 4 (like id had a whole cab full of it,) atomic northern lights, it would come in at over 14 oz - but that is just on paper and would be boring anyway ;)

things are ticking along in the cab. DCq is pretty much ready, the Cherry bombs are limbering up to be sexed, of two heri's one was male and was chucked ad i intend to work with cherry bomb males this round (if i get some) the other may be a girl but not 100% yet....



New member
Hi VerdantGreen
You ispired me to begin growing indoor, your buds are awsome.
How high(max) is your box now. Is it still 2'x2'x 3.5'?
I plant to build 2'x2'x4.5' Is it too low for scrog begginer ?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thats great to hear smoothcough - 4.5 high should be fine.ideally you need about a 6" to a foot between the screen and the closest your buds can be to the light (about 6" for a 250)
of course factors such as where you put your can filter will influence things. if its above the light hood that takes up space...
if you are using a 250 i would advise going a little wider than 2' - maybe 30" you will get better yields that way. 2x2 is fine though



New member
Thank you very much for help
I already did the frame 2' x 33˝,height will be 4.5'(I'll do it tommorow).
For filter and vent I hope I'll have just enough space that can be in the same line as light in max high.
I'll buy similar vent like you have with temp control (360m3/h) hope will not be too much air flow at minimum.
Minimun at 20% of 360m3/h is 72m3/h in calculation I need 88.89m3/h so I think this vent will be ideal.
I look forward to have at least 100 g for first time :D

Thanks again and I wish you a lot of sensimilia :D


Hi VG,

For the longest time I planned on getting the larger version of your ecotechnics diamond for a 600w hps. Mainly because I know that you have mentioned that you rate your reflector very highly and attribute your yields partly to it. I encountered this company that sells it, which claims to have done independent testing on several brand reflectors. I thought you might find their results interesting, and would love to hear your thoughts about it. I am surprised/skeptical how an air-cooled (with two 6" holes missing, and a glass piece to waste some of the light) reflector could beat yours.

Under "Performance Data"

In the same line, I wanted to ask you, what is your thought on aircooling your bulb, say in a cooltube. It may not necessarily reflect as much light as the ecotechnic, but you would be able to bring the buds a couple of inches closer to the light, where it is more intense, without burning them. Do you think it would be worth aircooling for the purpose of being able to bring the buds a couple of inches(2-3) closer to the light, even at the expense of having less light reflected? If you were to build a new set up, would you still go with the diamond, or some of the air-cooled ones as Supersun 2, or Blockbuster that seem to get such high ratings?

All the best.